Karzai; war made him angry at US
What a spoiled little brat, Hamid Karzai has become. He did an interview on his way out the door, according to Stars & Stripes in which he complained that the US doesn’t seem to value Afghan civilians;
To Karzai, the war was not waged with his country’s interests in mind.
“Afghans died in a war that’s not ours,’ he said in the interview, his first in two years with a U.S. newspaper.
In Karzai’s mind, al-Qaeda is “more a myth than a reality” and the majority of the United States’ prisoners here were innocent. He’s certain that the war was “for the U.S. security and for the Western interest.”
How is the war not “theirs”? Karzai is the elected leader thanks to American sacrifice. Are those al Qaeda suicide bombers in the local markets a “myth”, too?
From Reuters;
Civilian casualties in Afghanistan dissipated his country’s “common cause” with the United States, Karzai told the newspaper.
But civilian casualties cemented his “common cause” with the Taliban, apparently. Ingrate.
Category: Terror War
I guess the asshole forgets that it was the US that A) Saved his life from being taken by the Taliban and AQ, and B) Put him in the position he is in today. If it were not for the US, he would likely have met the same fate of his predecessor and had an “explosive interview” of another kind.
he needs to go away.
(Yes I am replying to myself…)
Honestly though, our own “CiC” is as much to blame for this as is Kharzai. Obama has talked to him I think once in the past 2 years. Obama has zero interest in what happens in Afghanistan, whether that be today or two years down the road. he never has given a shit in my opinion, unless something happened that would make a good photo op.
So of course Kharzai was going to hedge his bets, just as more and more Afghan Politicians, Army and Police officials are now doing there. They know we are abandoning them to the Taliban again.
So, going into Afghanistan in 2001 was something we should have turned down?
Oh, I forgot – that was NATO, not the USA, after the Taliban had completely wrecked Afghanistan’s economy and their ‘money’ was so worthless that people had cardboard boxes full of it and used it for fires.
So, why were we there all this time? And how long with this useless administration go on siphoning US tax money to that pissant, whiny sleaze Karzai?
Little bald headed chicken fucker….
That about says it all!
When he is starring in his own beheading video, about 20 minutes after the last U.S. troops leave, I hope the lighting is perfect and the camera angle is just right.
He’ll be living in exile with his ill gotten gains long before the last US aircraft leaves.
In the article, Karzai lays the blame not on the American people but on our government. I’ll be the first to admit that I would like to see all but three seats in the Spureme Court emptied of their occupants, and I would keep about 20 or so members of Congress. And, needless to say, I want obama and all of his appointees and supportive career bureaucrats gone. BUT, fuck Karzai and his opinion of OUR government.
Fuck this guy. Period.
US kill Afghan civilians? I wonder how many civilians that the Taliban kill every year.
Or how many little girls they shoot in the head for wanting an education….
Can’t say I’m all that surprised. The Thieu government in South Vietnam started badmouthing the US the last year or two before we pulled out of Vietnam.
When the patron starts packing to go home, the rulers of client states often begin distancing themselves from their former patron. Sometimes it’s a play for popular support, and sometimes it’s self-preservation.
We don’t have to like it – and I sure as hell don’t. But it shouldn’t be a surprise.
Ah Thieu, theirs a blast from the past. I was there for his last election. What a joke, Thieu received just over 97 percent of the popular vote. I remember writing to my local paper saying God isn’t that popular.
As for Karzai, he’s just he’s just hedging his bets. When we leave he’ll be right behind us. With a big transport to carry all is ill gotten gains.
He’s hedging his bets. He knows that his protectors have one foot out the door. If he wants to save his head (literally) he has to make nice with the Taliban.
That being said, screw ’em. Let’s just schedule an annual random “Mad minute” in Afghanistan and hit the door. I give him 6 weeks.
Screw Karzai. Feel sorry for those who really wanted change, though … however many, or few, they be.
Fact of the matter is that had it not been for our SPECOPS guys in the early days of the campaign Karzai would probably have been JDAM fodder. I recall reading where his ass was nearly blown away by one of our bombs due to a mistake with the TAC’s info. That incident caused several of our own to die but Karzai survived.
I would gladly go back and trade him for those we lost, in a New York minute….
IIRC that was ODA 574 and the incident occurred after they had personally brought him out of exile in Pakistan, used US $ to network him with the northern alliance and ultimately put him in power. Ironic, he’s spent so much time as of late lashing out against SF in particular, yet without them he would have had no soapbox to spew his bullsh*t.
I say Hamid Karzai is an ingrate, unappreciative ass hole.
If my neighbor comes and asks me to help paint his fence and then complained and said I don’t like how your are helping me, I would drop the paint brush…in the dirt and…go home. No more complicated than that. Fuck him. You asked for my help then bitch about how I go about helping you in YOUR need and problem. Bullshit.
I feel the same about Afghanistan and Karzai, fuck him and let’s get our people home TODAY. We have given enough blood, limbs and lives to that shit hole and like all such shit holes around the world they never appreciate the help you give them. In this case, because they truly don’t want democratic self determination. They are Muslims and would rather live under Sharia law. So let them.
“al-Qaeda is “more a myth than a reality”
Well now, here comes the really big fuck him. Then let him, after we are gone, welcome the AQ and Taliban with open arms. I only hope when it all falls apart we do not give him asylum in the US. Smells like Vietnam all over again.
I say “Hey Hamid, the feeling is mutual.”
We should have never stayed in the first place. After the Taliban was put down in the first few weeks, we should have left saying to the Afghans “It’s all yours. But if we see anything pointed in our direction again we’ll be back to glass the place over.”
Bald headed goat, sheep, and mule molester. I hope that once we’re pulled out, he gets his “Conference” with the Taliban. Karzai’s Daddy and Saddam Hussein have one thing in common, they both should have pulled out early!!
Some news from that front:
Note that it’s a NATO strike.