Harry “Say Anything” Reid

| October 2, 2008

To get the Beltway Bailout through the Senate, Harry Reid had to threaten that a major insurance company was on the verge of collapse, according to ABC News;

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., pressed for passage, with the alarming news that one of the country’s premier insurance companies was about to go bankrupt if the crisis was not quickly resolved.

“We don’t have a lot of leeway on time,” Reid told reporters in the Capitol. “One of the individuals in the caucus today talked about a major insurance company — a major insurance company — one with a name that everyone knows that’s on the verge of going bankrupt. That’s what this is all about.”

Moments later his staff was backpedaling;

…later in the day Reid spokesman Jim Manley said the senator was speaking broadly and not referring to anything specific.

“Senator Reid is not personally aware of any particular company being on the verge of bankruptcy,” Manley wrote in an e-mail to ABCNews.com. “Rather, his comments were meant to refer to the conditions in the financial sector generally. He regrets any confusion his comments may have caused.”

Broadly? “One with a name that everyone knows” is broadly? It sure sounds like he had a specific company in mind…the senile old POS.

Now, insurers are taking a hit in the market on the rumor, according to AP;

Shares of insurers mostly fell Thursday amid overall market uneasiness about the economy and whether the financial bailout package will be able to help the economy avoid a recession. The remarks also came a day after Senate majority leader Harry Reid said a major insurer is on the verge of going bankrupt….

So that’s the kind of leadership Americans want in our government? Folks who’ll say anything to get the votes they need…either at the polls on in our legislature? Time to send Dingy Harry to the nursing home.

Category: Politics

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richard wheeler

Jonn Maybe Harry can room with John “We are on the verge of the greatest financial disaster of my lifetime” McCain(1O/1 Senate floor).Make sure you got cots for Cheney and Bush.


Wheeler, do you not see a difference here? Really?


[…] think yet again… did anyone note This Ain’t Hell  pointing out thet Dingy Harry had to lie to push the bailout […]


As an average citizen, this honestly to me is a lie. He lied. Plain and simple. Not “everybody listen to me bec. it’s bad” — but he said he knew of a specific company, in a specific industry, that specifically was on the verge of bankruptcy. So how does he get to dance away from that statement?


IF it’s as bad as they claim why, then are people still able to get loans for mortgages who QUALIFY?? On Rush and elsewhere, people are writing and calling in about how much money they are borrowing. The politicians are lying and I now believe it is a set-up. I tried the bright side. Mass hysteria and panic is a waste.


Democrats are 99 44/100% responsible for the financial market meltdown and now Dingy Harry crashes the insurance industry.
Bill Clinton blamed the Democrats for blocking reform of the mortgage giants, via Patriot Room:

Going very much against the media meme that the current financial crisis is all George W. Bush and the Republicans’ fault, Bill Clinton on Thursday told ABC’s Chris Cuomo that Democrats for years have been “resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”

True. President Bush warned about reforming Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae 17 times this year alone. John McCain’s reform bill was blocked by dems in 2005. Thank you, Bill Clinton!

Where are the three men (demo rats) who bled Freddie and Fannie:

FRANKLIN RAINES? Raines works for the Obama Campaign as Chief Economic Advisor

TIM HOWARD? Howard is also a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama

JIM JOHNSON? Johnson hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama’s Vice Presidential Search Committee

IF OBAMA PLANS ON CLEANING UP THE MESS – HIS ADVISORS HAVE THE EXPERTISE – THEY MADE THE MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Would you trust the men who tore Wall Street down to build the New Wall Street ?

So go ahead and blame Bush and Chaney and in the process prove you are ready for the ‘not nursing’ home but the home for the mentally ill. Are all democrats really this stupid? The one’s who comment on several blogs truly are.