Joe Biden ordered the US military to assist Israel with shooting down Iranian missiles

| October 3, 2024

In Iran’s recent missile attack against Israel, the latter was not the only country that responded. Joe Biden announced that he directed the US military to help the Israeli military shoot these missiles down. Biden emphasized that the United States is fully supportive of Israel. Kamala Harris stated that she supported Biden’s orders, and she also condemned Iran’s attack against Israel.

From ABC News:

President Joe Biden said Tuesday he directed the U.S. military to help Israel shoot down Iranian missiles — an attack, Biden said, that appears to have been “defeated and ineffective.”

“This is testament to Israeli military capability and the U.S. military,” Biden said in his first on-camera remarks on the issue. “It’s also a testament to intensive planning between the United States and Israel to anticipate and defend against the brazen attack we expected.”

“Make no mistake, the United States is fully, fully, fully supportive of Israel,” Biden added.

Vice President Kamala Harris, in her own remarks, said she “fully supported” Biden’s order to help shoot down the Iranian missiles and that her support for Israel was “unwavering.”

“I condemn this attack unequivocally,” Harris said. “I’m clear-eyed. Iran is a destabilizing, dangerous force in the Middle East, and today’s attack on Israel only further demonstrates that fact.”

Officials called Tuesday’s events a “significant escalation” from Iran in retaliation for the killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah last week.

Iran launched about 200 ballistic missiles at various targets inside Israel, the Pentagon’s Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters. Two U.S. Navy destroyers located in the eastern Mediterranean — the USS Bulkeley and USS Cole — fired “approximately a dozen” missile interceptors at the incoming barrage, Ryder said.

Additional Reading:

Parkinson, J., Flaherty, A., Pecorin, A., & Haslett, C. (2024, October 1). Biden directed US military to help Israel shoot down Iranian missiles. ABC News. Link.

Category: International Affairs, Iran, Israel, Joe BIden, Kamala Harris, Navy

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Bullshit. Harris said no troops are in combat zones. Pics or it never happened.


I’d say something about a blind squirrel, but election day is coming and the narrative for the (D)emon-rats is under the outhouse.

Old tanker

Unfortunately, there are a ton of dem voters right there too.

Skivvy Stacker

He probably thought he was helping Iran shoot down incoming Indian missiles from Russia.


Israeli reservist who survived music festival on Oct. 7th confronts terrorist attack by Hamas during Iran missile strike… in shorts and flip-flops with personal weapon:

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
USMC Steve

I suspect that Israel’s antigun policies contributed greatly to that slaughter. I was surprised upon researching to find that less than 2 percent of their population had guns, and private ownership is strictly and stringently controlled. Something like one pistol and not more than 50 rounds for it. Imagine if even 10 percent of those Israelis had concealed carry and were armed when that slaughter happened? I suspect a different outcome on it. And you would think if anyone understood the value of an armed populace, they would.


I think they are thinking more along the lines of if 10% of the Palestinians living in Israel were armed what a mess that would be.

Of course since 2016 it has been ordered that members of the military and reserves keep their weapon with them at all times. They can secure it home in a safe or carry it. Those are the only two options and many opt to carry it, even when working their day job like waitressing at a bar.

I’d advise to not grab her ass and tip well.

Essentially 1/3 of the country is in the military so I’m not sure how much better armed they could be.

Last edited 4 months ago by 5JC
USMC Steve

Quite a bit since no one had any weapons at the site of the slaughter. Nor apparently was anyone armed at that SigInt/border monitoring sight they overran and destroyed.


50 rounds?
That would last a minute or two during an all out attack.
You’d think they would encourage civilians to be armed. Every household should have a shotgun or two at the very least.
The HAMASS powergliders would have been sitting ducks with volleys of 00 Buck coming at them.

USMC Steve

So do we ignore her past antisemitic and anti israel remarks, do we ignore the fact that her party, the socialist democrat party, is the party of bigotry and antisemitism, or accept her latest version of her truth as valid?

Forest Bondurant

Thought you might appreciate this (if you haven’t seen it already)

Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas. – American Thinker

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Frau harris needs the votes so hence the agrreement with Herr biden to help out Israel.

Forest Bondurant

She’s a pathetic scrunt. Makes me sickm

A Proud Infidel®™

Saying that Kamala harries is pathetic is like saying that water is wet, fire is hot and SHIT STINKS!


Shorely be dam am glad that the Bad Orange Man wasn’t selected in 2020. We may have found ourselves in a shooting war by now.


Plus we probably would have thrown away another couple of hundred billion on forever wars and depleted our weapon stocks and SPR. Thank God that never happened.


Regarding the USS Cole, I’ve seen her prior commander (who lost 9 or 10 sailors to a suicide boat attack) on television interviews. I’ve never seen him asked the following question- what were the rules of engagement that day, and have they been changed? I’d like to know- my grandson is talking about joining the navy, but I have doubts.


His roomie could be a cross dressing drag queen who met the DEI hire quota. My vote is trade school as a commercial electrician or HVAC tech. Good money.


A&P licenses pay very well on the private/corporate side. The pay on the public side isn’t too shabby either.

Recently had to hire a plumber for a job I used to be able to do, but standing on my head while contorted into a pretzel to access a tub/shower plumbing in a small closet is not my idea of a good time anymore. Don’t count that trade out.

USMC Steve

Better question is why did they do a port call in a terrorist supporting country hostile even then to the US?


Task and Purpose was stroking themselves over a supposed “extra atmoshereic” intercept by a SM-2/3/6.

The bloodlust, MIC and Israel c*ck-gobbling over Iran’s “failure” has been a thing of beauty.

No one is ‘winning this thing unless you’re a CEO at Defense Inc.