Navy Recruiting Win!

| October 3, 2024

Navy bounces back, surpasses recruiting goals for Fiscal Year 2024

By Diana Stancy

The Navy surpassed its recruiting goals for fiscal year 2024 after failing to hit its accession targets for the first time ever last year.

The Navy has lagged behind the other services in attracting new recruits, and at one point projected it would miss its recruiting targets by roughly 6,700 for fiscal 2024, which ended Monday.

But the service reported this week that it brought in a total of 40,978 new recruits in FY24 – up from its goal of 40,600 new sailors.

The feat comes with a caveat, as a crush of last-minute enlistments meant the Navy couldn’t get about 5,000 of its new recruits into basic training by the end of fiscal 2024.

“I’m excited that even though we can’t get everybody that we’ve signed up right now through boot camp by the end of this month, we now have a delayed entry pool for the beginning of next year, which will really prime the pump,” Chief of Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti told The Associated Press in an interview last week.

The Navy attributes this year’s success to “data-driven decision-making,” cutting down the time to process medical waivers and “expanding opportunities.”

Military Times

Expanding opportunities for those who failed to complete High School or bother to earn a GED, more opportunities for “Cat 4” recruits- those scoring in the lower 30th percentile on the Armed Forces Qual Test- and increasing enlistment age to 41. With recruits like these it’s small wonder Big Navy very nearly got the numbers it needed. The 5K hard-chargers excluded this year but counted anyway? They will surely arrive at the local MEPS as agreed or Admiral Franchetti will be so disappointed.

Category: Big Navy, The Stupid is Strong

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“cutting down the time to process medical waivers and ‘expanding opportunities.'”

Translation: Filling the ranks with the physically or mentally unfit who cannot be accepted without waiving requirements.

Sounds like a great solution to me. I’m sure there will be no negative consequences from it.


Certainly not with great leadership.


funny story, the skipper in the picture firing the M4 was relieved


I think that was the point!


I was thinking he did it sure, people do dumb things. But then the pic ended up on social media, from his unit. That tells me everything I need to know about how they felt about him.

AT1 ret

yea the current starlink chiefs are a shining example of “acceptable requirements”


let’s check back in about 2 years and run the numbers on those who didn’t ship, and those that didn’t finish their initial enlistment.

Hack Stone

Does it still count if you spent your last 6 months of active duty in the brig?


The brig is dead time, unless you are being what the Army calls “chaptered.”


Sh*tty economy and lowered standards works wonders!


yep, came here for this…

Dennis - not chevy

‘remember back in, when was it, 1978ish; the accounting folks were concerned about the high double digit number of first term enlistee’s getting out before their enlistments were up. It seemed a number of the discharged owed money to the Gov’t for being in the hole on leave taken vs leave accrued. I’m watching for it to happen again.


Must have been a Navy thing…Army said you got no leave, you TAKE no leave.

Dennis - not chevy

USAF. It was on the leave and earning statement – something about total amount of leave that would be accrued during the current enlistment vs the amount accrued and used – something like that. Some folks looked at it like an advance in pay, yea I’ll take it and pay it back tomorrow. It’s like a guy I knew who was granted 5 days leave in basic training to go to his father’s funeral. When he got back to Lackland he was 2.5 days in the hole for leave.


My OSUT company finished our 11B training right before Christmas exodus, so we all went home and then came back for our 11M training, then when we graduated, there was no leave as we were all in the hole. At least we graduated on a Thursday and didn’t fly until Sunday. The Drills cut us free until Sunday morning. I was shocked everyone showed up.

Hack Stone

Had a guy at 1st ELMACO who went into a negative leave balance. Maybe 10 days in the hole. He figured he just had to do an additional 10 days of active duty. Nope! You have to earn those 10 days, so the guy had to do another 4 months.

Then there was the asshole at 2 ELMACO (what’s the deal with ELMACO dirtbags?) who spent a week and change staying at a Bread & Breakfast known as the Onslow County Jail. He was quite surprised that when you are in the custody of civilian authority (IHCA), you don’t earn any leave.


I love how comments here will trigger random memories from 30(!) years ago for me.
1993 at Ft Carson, had a guy PCS into our company from Korea. Back then the Army loved to PCS people to Korea with enough time to do the year, but not enough time to rotate back. They even got me. This guy made the remaining TIS cut off to rotate back by a few days. He was going to have something like a neg 5 day leave balance at ETS. I was told the Army was just going to charge him for those days and take it from his final pay check.

AT1 ret

The Navy attributes this year’s success to “data-driven decision-making,” cutting down the time to process medical waivers and “expanding opportunities.”

Don’t forget threating them with needing to work weekends

USMC Steve

So the Sea Services win big for FY2024.

AW1 Rod

Retards and fuckups.


Brandon’s Buffoons.


Cat IV enlistees to the rescue!

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

McNamara’s Morons.


Good for Big Navy! At least they won one thing this year. Methinks they won’t be getting a win the second weekend in December! (ducks a thrown flight helmet as he beats feet lmoa) Bwaahahahahahaha!

Prior Service (Ret)

Worried about quality? Sure, but I’m also glad to hear one service is making mission.

I’m happy for my sister service. Despite politics, political animals, and the failures of the current administration, I’m confident that most CPOs will do what good CPOs have always done and make good Sailors out of most of these recruits. Good luck, goat locker!


Hey, remember Koko the gorilla who could communicate with people via American Sign Language (ASL)? Well, her scientists signed her the ASVAB (not timed, mind you, she’s a gorilla) to get a complete answer set they could score for intellectual curiosity. She got an 87 GT on it. That and 5A+2B bonus in some short MOSes (plus teach her about money and how to live in the barracks) she could be a Cat IV enlistee and (being a grown adult and responsibly taught her daughter how to sign too) probably behave better than many.

Prior Service (Ret)

I’m floored that someone would downvote that I’m happy the navy made their recruiting mission and hope they do well with the recruits they’ve taken in but whatever. To each his own.


So someone the same age as me, may be a new recruit in Great Mistakes, two years after I’ve retired.

Not necessarily all together against raising the age restrictions. Just find it somewhat humorous.


I went through A-School in the 80’s with a guy that was 32, and we called him Methuselah. When I got to my ship, he was the same age as my first Chief.
What would posses someone to enlist at 41? I can see coming in as an officer like a dentist, lawyer, or chaplain. But a no-rank E1? You’re going to be older than some the recruits parents, and certainly most of the RDC’s.


It boils down to the food, and waivers for being able to float like a bobber. Good food will attract the connoisseur of table delights. Does the navy really need any skinny sailors?