Expect oil prices to rise

| October 3, 2024

I may be wrong here, and God knows I’ve been wrong before (ask my wife, she has a litany) but I suspect we are about to see oil prices rise. Again. Why?

Everyone’s first knee-jerk reaction is to blame Washington, PINO (boy, isn’t THAT title appropriate since the Kamala Koup!) Joe. Well, he may have cancelled a lot of drill leases back when he took office, but in actual fact, Joe affects oil prices ‘way less than you think.  As does any president. Price changes occur during their presidency, and we like to bless or blame the incumbent… but the sad truth is that most of the time, they don’t do jack.

What does affect prices? Well, most of the time, it is simple. Fear.

Not whether someone made a big strike in Bumfuckistan, not climate change, not whether Big Oil and Bigger Oil decide to spin off a Lateral Oil…but fear. The REAL people who govern your prices are the traders and analysts who watch the industry and world  news, and when they see something which might affect pricing: they raise their projected prices. They see a missile launched in New Zealand, they worry, so they hedge their buying, which kicks up demand a little – and anyone who ever took Basic Econ knows, when demand goes up, so does pricing. The analyst sees even a fragmentary doubt of a potential hitch in what they have been saying could affect supply – they hedge their bets and prices go up. They may come back down, but for the nonce – any news causes a price rise. Even if Israel and Iran sign a peace treaty and exchange hookers…expect prices to go up. Because analysts will worry that somehow this will lead to a supply issue, or worse, make their predictions look off. Prices will rise on any instability, just due to fear.

It’s ironic – they worry that their supply may be affected which causes them to say “I don’t care if it’s a little higher” and the market says “well, if someone is willing to pay more, we’ll charge more” and away we go to slightly tighter supplies due to higher demand – and higher prices. They CAUSE the instability…but we pay because we have no choice.

The oil companies? They are in the enviable position of being able to raise prices seemingly at will with no consequences, aren’t they?  I love their justifying higher profits as “we still only make the same margins” – yeah, but when your margins are higher than most countries’ GDP? Really? –   Politicians posture, consumers complain…but no one actually does the one thing which would rein any of these folks in – buying less. (I have a regular, separate  rant about how in the ’80s, when margins were tight and fuel economy was important, car companies noted a) truck sales drew far higher margins than car sales b) started asking “How do we make trucks sexy and attractive to folks who wouldn’t buy one. Ah, SUVs…” Now you can’t even BUY a normal car from many companies. )  But we keep buying trucks we don’t use as trucks, giant SUVs “because they are safer” – yeah, but if every other car on the road wasn’t a 6000 pound truck that equation would be moot – well, they have us by the short and curlies, don’t they?

Israel strikes Hezbollah because Hezbollah attacked Israel because Israel retaliated…it’s a hot circular mess and uncomfortably close to oil fields which feed the world. So analysts get scared…and despite importing less than we export (it’s twue, it’s twue – export about 3.5 million barrels per day versus importing 2.4 million a day per Forbes Forbes) it’s that foreign fear that will bounce our oil prices. Again. And, we will buy it. What was it Walt Kelly said in “Pogo”?

But don’t blame Joe, or Trump, or give them credit – because most of the time they have nothing to do with it.

Okay, rant over.

Category: Op-Ed, Society

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George V

Not sure I’d agree that presidents do not affect oil prices. I’ve read a number of articles that indicate the wells on public land and offshore that are producing now were permitted during the Trump administration. These are fracked wells which have a production life of just a few years. The Biden administration has pretty much shut down permitting so when the wells now producing run dry there will be fewer new wells to replace them and they must come from private land onshore.

In addition, a recent article on the website Legal Insurrection described a lawsuit by the Texas AG against the administration for declaring a particular lizard endangered. This lizard lives in the Permian basin where most Texas oil is produced and the endangered status will affect production. The lawsuit states the analysis used in the endangerment finding is inaccurate and arbitrary. Why would the administration seek to declare this lizard endangered? Hmmmmm…

USMC Steve

The probable reason is that the socialist democrats see a certain kinship with that lizard.


It is the seed of their ruler.


Heating oil and firewood gonna hurt this winter.


Hurricane response ain’t thrillin’ folk either… the assistance could be improved:
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Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

There are a number of ways the executive can alter oil prices.

First you have to understand that the oil market is largely inelastic and this is true on both ends of minimum and maximum market. As we saw during COVID when contracts went negative, oil companies were literally paying people to take the oil. This is because there isn’t anywhere to put it (well we could have put it in the SPR but fuck Nan Pelosi is so damn stupid) if people don’t buy it

One of the biggest way is with leases. This has no immediate effect but the effect within a year is stunning. If Biden hadn’t shut off contracts in 2022 we would be looking at an increase of about 10% of US production today or about 2% of world oil supply. Because the market is so inelastic this would have most likely have forced prices down about 10% world wide, instead of the huge 2023 run up we saw.

Something else that is huge is getting involved in a geopolitical conflict with a major oil producing nation. Then try to manipulate the market as part of that strategy. We have now successfully done or are trying to do that with three of the top ten producers (Russia, China, Iran). The Saud and other large producer Arab nations have made no secret of their distaste and contempt for Biden.

Next is either to release or purchase from the SPR. This is what Biden was trying after dick stepping the pipeline, cutting leases and the war with Russia created most of the problems we have today. However this didn’t do much because he limp wristed it. Done properly it can restore confidence in the market, done improperly it sends a message you are desperate. Yesterday they announced a purchase of 4mb which is about 0.5% of the amount of the SPR. Small buy backs indicate they don’t know what will happen and want to trigger the market this close to the election.


and [Don’t] want to trigger

RGR 4-78

but fuck Nan Pelosi”



I could be wrong, but I think 5JC actually wrote “butt fuck Nan Pelosi” but he was a victim of autocorrect. It’s a real motherforklift.


Wouldn’t even wish that on commissary.


Any time you think you have a bad day just remember that sanfran nan has an ob/gyn doctor.


Oh great, now I can’t eat dinner.


I feel sorry for the woman who comes in after Nan and has to tell the doctor that smell was in there when when she walked in.

Slow Joe

I have a picture with Nancy Pelosi in Ireland. I was coming back from my last deployment to Iraq, and she was returning from Ukraine. My wife almost asked me for a divorce, for taking pictures with limousine communists.

RGR 4-78

You truly are a hero for taking one for the team. 🙂


Or should he be reprimanded for not taking her out (not on a date) when he had the chance.

Hindsight is always 20/20.


Good summary.

Oil had been heading down a little due to front running recession/downturn which is leading to price volatility now.

The problem we’re going to run into soon is high oil prices benefit groups that hate each other and also would do better fiscally if oil prices were high.

Snake eating its own ass, or something


The strategic petroleum reserve refilled yet?


Nope, at the current rate it should take 103 years.


Well someone was listening in their economics classes… unlike a certain Woman of Congress from New York!

Oil companies may be making the same margins on the oil they sell, but lots more of it can be diverted to pay of investments, exploration, and research. And by raising the price they earn more from their margins with no extra cost to them. There are ways for the Executive branch to effect those fears… mostly through influence campaigns and reassuring the public. But since we don’t see old Joe or the Ho’ on the telee telling us to put on a sweater instead of adjust the thermostat, they must be leaving it up to their more subtle partners that talk to us every day and tell us what a wonderful job the current administration is doing!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

God Knows, so a little light comment with all the stuff going on. How about Renee Hinton and the Philly Capris singing God Only Knows 1954 on the Gotham Label. Met her years ago at a UGHA Meeting in North Bergen NJ


“Hey Mister, Here’s your mule!” Festus Hagin…grins

Whatcha worried about oil prices for? Electric cars and solar panels don’t need no steenkin’ oil. Don’t need no farmers neither…They can buy their food at the K Roger like everyone else does.

The price of everything is tied to the price of oil. Odd how the price of things don’t go down when the price of oil goes down.


Sounds good?

RGR 4-78

Nothing screams second class citizen, like being treated like one by our ruling elites.


I would stop all outlays of funds to everyone except Israel. And that’s because there fighting our demons. It would not bother me to have China or Russia give out money to these turd world countries. Let them feel the bleed for awhile. Why do we give money to people that don’t like us anyhow?

Slow Joe

David, I think I have to disagree. Nothing instills more fear than a President who would reduce production and thus supply. Everyone knew Biden’s policies were going to reduce oil production.


I think Biden is going to try and say it’s not the price of oil causing this situation. It’s the longshoreman’s strike, that’s why prices are high and food is short in supply. Not because he killed leases and the keystone pipeline. The longshoreman don’t know there the dupes who will be blamed for the current situation. Biden could stop this now by invoking the Taft Harley Act. Democrat philosophy: Never let a bad situation not be used for political gain. Take the pressure off Harris the Ho. Figure out a way to blame orange man.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

How about the head of the longshormans union with 2 yachts and million dollar homes.


Don’t worry. He bit the hand that fed him. The unrestricted lawfare will now turn on him and his motley crew faster than you can say “Eric Adams”.