Pew: Most military veterans support Donald Trump over Kamala Harris

| October 1, 2024 | 18 Comments

Pew Research Center found that military veterans consistently support Republicans by a wide margin over Democrats. For this recent survey, Pew listed both those who served on active duty as well as those who served in the reserve. More veterans have a favorable view of JD Vance than they do of Tim Walz.

From Pew Research Center:

Military veterans have long tended to affiliate with the Republican Party and support Republican candidates, and that remains the case today.

About six-in-ten registered voters who say they have served in the U.S. military or military reserves (61%) support former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, while 37% back Vice President Kamala Harris, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early September.

Veterans’ vote preferences are on par with past elections. In 2020, 60% of veteran validated voters cast their ballot for Trump, while 39% backed President Joe Biden. And in 2016, veterans voted for Trump over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by a similar margin (61% to 35%).

The vice presidential candidates on both tickets — Republican Sen. JD Vance and Democratic Gov. Tim Walz — have served in the armed forces. Vance was in the U.S. Marines and Walz was in the National Guard.

According to the Census Bureau, about 6% of American adults have served in the military, a substantially smaller share than a few decades ago. In 1980, about 18% of U.S. adults were veterans.

Additional Reading:

Copeland, J. (2024, September 30). Military veterans remain a Republican group, backing Trump over Harris by wide margin. Pew Research Center. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Veterans in the news

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I like Vance far better than Trump and imagine most vets like him too. I can’t imagine any vet going along with CSM AWOL unless they are shit bag and that’s where she will shopping for votes anyway.


Well, he does fit your description, but the seagull will be voting for him and the Ho.. So sadly there are those to whom the oath they swore means nothing.

Hack Stone

Well, there are few trolls on a Marine Corps Facebook page who are backing the Harris-Walz ticket, but when you click on their Facebook profiles, not a lot of posts that would instill confidence that they are real people.

Slightly off topic, Hack doubts that we’ll get a New Fiscal Year Holiday Open Thread to drop, so he will take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy fiscal year, and as long as you have a fresh pile of money, it is not too early to place your order for our Y3K software.


Just in… Israeli ground forces move into Lebanon:

Hack Stone

Hack Stone pities the 2nd Lieutenant in Hezbollah Headquarters who was put in charge of coordinating the Change of Command Ceremony. Every twenty minutes he has to call Kinkos to change the names on the program, and get in touch with the baker before he puts the new commanders name on the cake. And to top it all off, when he sends out a group text to let the participants about the updated schedule, it starts all over again.

USMC Steve

We should have let them shoot the shit outta the place back in the early 1980’s instead of interfering.


With Iran sidelined and poopy pants unable to do anything about it till after the election the Israelis picked the perfect fortuitous to eliminate the thorn in their backside.


Seems BiBi is over their shit, and plans to ensure there’s not a repeat of Oct 7th..

Good on him!


Really? Vets favor a candidate that doesn’t want the country overrun by foreign invaders verse the candidate that opened the borders to over 400,000 known criminals?


Yeah, I was looking around for my shocked face over this news too, HT3. And yet again…that shelf is a barren as my field.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Where is Baisille Rathbone and Tom Conway when we need them

Hack Stone

Meanwhile in the Western Carolinas, survivors of the storm can take solace in knowing that when FEMA does eventually show up, it will be made up of diverse group of marginalized people. Look how FEMA was able to restore the communities of Maui and East Palestine.


I did a little online research into the “Veterans for Harris-Walz” organization after seeing their signs. I’d love to see the DD 214 of anyone involved with them. Appears to be the usual progressive platitudes, all bluster and no solutions. Vets for Harris seems to be mostly centered with this group:


Most curious about this “Special Forces Medic”. Here is his milk carton shot.

Last edited 29 minutes ago by 5JC

There are ‘grassroots’ groups where folks get together from common interest, and more recently bought-and-paid-for ‘Astroturf’ groups created by folks like Bloomberg. Think “Everytown Against” etc.


Not to mention…
comment image


Veterans lean Right? Whodathunkit.

You mean to say that those who swore an oath and signed the dotted line on that blank check for the Constitution support the Rights and Protections of the Constitution?

In other breaking news, water is wet.

Side note – I heard a … weird take on the Vance v Walz upcoming debate. According to a couple talking heads on Fox (radio, in my car so I didn’t “see” which ones), Vance comes off as unlikable. He’s too cerebral or something. But Walz is folksy and talks in a charmingly homespun kind of way. So, according to them – and I didn’t hear any pushback from the others on that broadcast – Vance will alienate voters because he will come off as an educated intellectual elitist in comparison. If Vance is not careful, he may even come off as a bully if he presses Timmy too much on Timmy’s struggles with truthiness, his record, or his hoped-for boss’s (read, handlers) agenda.

It staggers me. The guy who grew up dirt poor achieved more than his Appalachian kin could ever dream is the elitist? Oh, that’s right, he is an avowed family man and believes in Conservative ideals. Yep, he’s going to appear offensive to the average voter … because the “average” voter is uneducated and struggles with words more than two syllables in length.

And this was on a supposedly conservative network. This reminder of how little the true elitists think of the “average” American voter staggers me. I want Trump/Vance to win in a landslide and to have the narrative be, once again, how out of touch the “elitists” are with the vast majority of “average” Americans.