Firearms Sales to State and Local Governments – an Update

| March 10, 2013

Regular readers of TAH likely have heard that a number of firearms firms have stopped sales to state and local governments that restrict the 2nd Amendment.  Enough firms have declared their intent to do so that the practice has been dubbed the “Firearms Equality Movement”.

Wilson Combat, a maker of custom pistols, did that on February 28, 2013.  Their statement announcing this policy read, in part:

“Wilson Combat will no longer provide any products or services to any State Government imposing legislation that infringes on the second amendment rights of its law abiding citizens. This includes any Law Enforcement Department, Law Enforcement Officers, or any State Government Entity or Employee of such an entity. This also applies to any local municipality imposing such infringements.

. . .

Wilson Combat will in NO way support the government of these states or their anti-gun agenda that only limits the rights of law-abiding citizens. Wilson Combat will continue to supply any product and/or service they can legally sell in these states to all non-government affiliated citizens.”

Wilson Combat went on specifically to identify several major jurisdictions with which they will no longer do business:  California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and The City of Chicago, Illinois.

Wilson Combat doing this is relatively minor.  However, the fact that the number of firearms firms making similar declarations  reportedly more than tripled in the period between 22 Feb and 9 March – from 34 to 118 – may well be significant.  Today, the number is 120.

The full list of companies refusing to do business with some/all government entities in the US that restrict 2nd Amendment rights may be found here (the site requires scripts to be enabled).

No, the “biggies” aren’t on the list yet.  But if they start losing enough business to the smaller guys . . . .

Category: Guns

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Great! Now I have a list of states to move out of or stay away from, starting with these: California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and Illinois.

I promised myself I’ll move away from this bankrupt, idiotic, Chicago-oriented state as soon as I can.


Ex-PH2, I’m trying to get a DLI spot for early next year. Worth it in the long term for my career (both in and out of the military) but not looking forward to 18 months or so in the People’s Republic. Definitely going to be a culture shock coming from Bragg.


Here’s a link to gun law guides in all states. This guy updates them regularly. He has a travel guide for crossing state lines with your weapons in your company.


@2 Philly, you can go west and hike for hours in the Appalachians and get away from the mind-pudding idiots in Maryland. Or you can just find Jonn’s house in WV and take some cigars to him. That would probably make him happy.

B Woodman

Too bad. I did SO want to return to Tax-hole-chusetts for a HS reunion (class of 71, “69+2 cents tax”). Eventually. Hell, I haven’t been able to make one yet. At this rate, I guess I never will. Ah, well, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.

2/17 Air Cav

Voting with one’s feet is a marvelous way to express onself. It can be difficult to do, depending on one’s circumstances but as a mobile voter, I can say that it does provide a great degree of joy.


Well until the folks at Springfield, Glock, Colt ect start doing this it doesn’t really add up to much. Granted its a good start but hey at least Barreta is threatening to move.

Common Sense

@6 – I’ve been saying I want to move to Wyoming, but my family has been in Colorado since 1872, I’ve very emotionally invested here, so it makes it hard. My husband and I also have fairly stable employment that I don’t want to disrupt. We may have to wait until retirement despite what’s been happening here. Maybe we’ll luck out and the struggle over gun control is waking people up and we can vote these weasels out next time around.


I just noticed with joy, that one of my vendors, who has not fanfared the event so I won’t name them, has all their firearms marked, “Cannot be shipped to California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and Illinois.” This is aimed at the governments, because they are a police wholesaler. They don’t sell to the public.

And good job Wilson. If I hadn’t just stocked up on Wilson magazines, I’d buy a bunch. They make about the best 1911 magazines out there.

CI Roller Dude

I can’t think of any CA state agency that could afford a Wilson…..


What is truly disappointing is that the major American-based manufacturers aren’t declaring themselves a part of this movement. If Ruger doesn’t take a stance on this, I’ve bought my last weapon from them. I own three and it will never go beyond that if Ruger fails us now.

I’m also disappointed in Bud’s Online Gun Shop, where I’ve purchased several weapons in the last few years, for not taking a stance.

Open message to Bud’s: No balls no buys.


Bravo Company cancelled a contract for AR-15s with the Milwaukee PD after what their chief said before the senate.

A Proud Infidel

Remington has given notice to the State of NY that their exploring the potential of relocating and taking their jobs and tax money with them, ditto with Beretta in MD, I hope they lead a charge!


LWRC is also planning on leaving MD, although why they left Virginia for that god forsaken shit hole I will never know.


One of the Big Ones is going to have to step up, or it’s only a gesture. What do the law enforcement units usually carry? S&W, H&K, Glock? When one of them does this — that’s when it’ll hurt.