Code Pink: Long live the intifada

| March 10, 2013

From Breitbart, a video of that pro-peace group, Code Pinkists calling for yet another intifada on the streets of DC last week;

Breitbart reminds us;

The Palestinians initiated their first uprising, or “intifada,” against Israel from 1987 to 1993. It was marked by violence from the beginning; however, at the time, Palestinians had limited access to heavy artillery and resorted to using rocks, Molotov cocktails, and guns to target Israelis. By the time it concluded, over 170 Israelis had been killed.

The second intifada lasted from 2000 to 2005 and noted a significant escalation in violence thanks in great part to the Oslo Accords–an agreement meant to bring “peace” but that ultimately brought Palestinians easier access to dangerous weapons. During this uprising, Palestinians used guns, bombs, and suicide vests to target Israelis, killing over 1,000.

I think the young lady leading the chants is due for a rabies shot.

Category: Code Pink, Terror War

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Wait a minute. I thought Pinkies were pacifists. What did I miss?

Just an Old Dog

If they are pacifists why aren’t they waving a flag with a peace symbol. Real pacifists don’t take sides.


Well, PH, it’s not so much that they are inconsistent as that they are simply spoiled idiots. You notice that each time they get together it is about what they want? Every time, the same chant, “What do we want?” followed by some infantile demand. Then, “When do we want it?” “Now!”

Could anything possibly be more childish?

Unfortunately, 40 or 50 years of our ignoring them, as you would any spoiled rotten child, has only emboldened them. It is time to smash them like the bugs that they are.


Ex-PH2: They aren’t “pacifists” as much as they are “anti-American.” If we had a Palestinian-style terrorist problem here, they would be cheering them on and denouncing us for fighting back.

2/17 Air Cav

Forget about what she wants. What she needs (and STAT) is a low-cal diet and some exercise. By the way, what’s an ’empty father?’

2/17 Air Cav

“Could anything possibly be more childish?” Sure. There’s….Wait. I got it. Nope, that’s maybe a distant second. How about….No, that’s not really close. Um. Ah.
No, nothing, OWB.


Employ PITT manuever.



OK, I figured it out.

Hire a doctor to sew their mouths shut. And have them spayed. And get rabies shots for them.

They would scare the hair off a cat.


And cut the cord on that microphone.

B Woodman

Code Punk wants intifada. How. .. . oxymoronic.
I wonder how long it would take them to sing a different tune if they were to live under the same sharia “law” they want to impose on everyone else.
No rugmunching, no openly going anywhere they please (without a male relative escort–if they even have any), no being able to drive, or vote, or protest, covered head to toes in public. Paying dhimmi if not a Muslim.


Time to take it to the mat with these beeotches. There’s free speech, and there’s listening to ass tards verbally shatting on themselves. Would love to see a good old fashioned street scrum with these flusterclucks.


Rabies shot??? More like euthanasia

Hack Stone

I guess in this instance they are not willing to give Pete a chance.

2/17 Air Cav

@13. And they only want ice. They keep saying, “Whadda we want? Just ice!”


what a tiny group of morons! lord help em down here in S.Texas if they attempt that shit! she would wear that bullhorn as a diaphragm


Well, they got as many responses here as they get people at their “demonstrations”. Or is it menstruations? Nah, they’d have to have female hormones for that.


@ 16,,,lmao! good answer


Drop a collecting net on them and haul them off to a taxidermist.

A Proud Infidel

SHOOT ‘EM before they mate and lay eggs!!


Code Pink. These are the cunts that met our returning wounded troops at Walter Reed with “Maimed for a Lie!” signs.

If I ever wind up having nothing left to live for…


Does anyone besides me want to fill a 5-gallon bucket with greasy, grungy water from cleaning a kitchen top to bottom, and dump it right on these dirtballs?

Just askin’.


Take it out before it lays eggs!


Save the eggs for the next DNC breakfast meeting!