Fecal Four – Day Three

| August 15, 2012

Two Day Totals:

SHARKEY: 59.4%
OLIVER: 40.6%

MAILAHN: 48.4%

As a reminder, each day you will be able to vote. The weekly VOTE total (not average of the percent) will win. The math is easier for me that way. So, vote 5 times, and on Friday I will add them all up.

5 Jonathan “The Cock Inhaler” Sharkey v.
15 Timothy “Durango + Delta = Douchebag” Oliver

2 Jake “I rethunk whether I was in Astan” Diliberto v.
2 Ron “Gunny Driveway” Mailahn

Bios haven’t changed, so if you need them, click here.

Woke up this morning, what did I see
A big black cloud hanging over me
I switched on the radio and nearly dropped dead
The news was so bad that I fell out of bed
Sharkey and Diliberto were ahead?

Yup, now go vote:

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Category: Politics

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What, no “Lola” lyrics quote in honor of “Ronad” and his ex-GF? Or maybe for “Mr. Durango Duh!” and his “wife”? (smile)

Yat Yas 1833

Let’s just admit the obvious, mailman is the biggest ‘wannabe’ ‘poser’ scumbag, thief, liar, POS, this side of Jupiter. Declare “it” the winner so we can start working on next years brackets. Seems to me we have some early entrants.


Yat Yas 1833: I’ll agree he’s the biggest “wannabee” left in the tourney. But he’s owned up to the fact that he’s a fraud.

Dildo-man is still sticking to his phony story, and making $$$ from same. And he’s convinced the MSM he’s legit and should actually be afforded airtime to spout his lies and other ignorant bullshit.

“Dildo-man: since circa 2005, so phony you simply can’t call him a prick.”

And remember: The Dildo-Man Can!


Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, after serious consideration, I will agree! I have a serious “hard on” for Mailman because he so insulted my Marine Corps. Being “Old Corps”, where we got hit, were deprived of meals and sleep, etc and this sumbich wants to claim MY title???

Yeah, Dildo-berto won’t give it up. He’s 100% busted yet keeps lying. I’m sure there’s some kind of psychosis there which must warrant some special consideration.

Nah…Mailman FTW!!!

Old Tanker

The Cock and Driveway in a cagematch to the death!!!


Yat Yat 1833, You want to suspend the Democratic proccess and declare a winner? Governor Perdue is that you? lol

Yat Yas 1833

@ 7 Twist, LOL. Nah I ain’t suspending the democRATic process, I just wanna make sure the lowest scumbag gets the derision they deserve. IF it’s mailman, I’ll be extremely happy!


If Diliberto goes all the way, maybe you could get Larry King to present the award.


kp: that idea sounds like a Wiener to me . . . . (smile)


I will stand tall on the bow of the SS Driveway, even if it sinks into the ocean of stolen valor douchebaggery.


And just a few more dollars stolen from a girl’s softball league will put Gunny Driveway over the top!

Or buy him a new ballgag. Something like that.


TSO: yep, this one’s tighter than a bull’s bunghole during fly season . . . .


@15 TSO, I have been caught red-handed. I sincerely promise you will not have a problem again.


Gunny Driveway in a come from behind victory!


@5 — YatYas, it’s called being a compulsive liar.

It does not apply to fishing stories, hunting stories, or whether or not your scored on your date last week.


#5, Diliberto also besmirches the USMC…more effectively because he actually was a Marine of sorts. Just not the “truthful” sorts…

Yat Yas 1833

I miss wittgenf€ck!!! He was so easy to vote for!

Green Thumb

I would like to meet Diliberto and punch him in the face.

Green Thumb

Also, I know this might be the wrong sub-forum to ask, but has anyone heard about any activity on that turd “Snake Eyes” Jordan?


Interesting. There was a tie until several folks promised to vote multiple times. Coincidence? 😉

Joe Williams

Remember,the mailman also was fired from his Fireman’s job. He ran up a $900.00 phone bill on the stration phone for phone sex. Joe