Democrats deserve Biden

| August 15, 2012

Joe Biden is an idiot;

In the same state that was outraged that a Senatorial candidate said “macaca” during the campaign, they don’t seem all that outraged about their vice president telling them that the Republicans are going to put “y’all” back in chains. How often does Biden, former Senator from Delaware, use “y’all” in a sentence? Well, how often does he use it when he’s not sucking up to an audience?

Well, not all black Virginians are quite so forgiving as the audience in the video. The Virginia Black Conservatives write their response;

“With black unemployment at its highest levels in recent history-thanks in part to the policies of the Obama/Biden administration, one would think it politically wise to steer clear of an argument that posits their administration as helpful to black Americans,” said Coby W. Dillard, founder of VBC. “The Romney/Ryan ticket presents an opportunity for both parties to have an intelligent conversation on the entitlement state and its negative impact on Americans of all races. True to form, however, the Obama/Biden administration prefers to engage in “attack and blame” politics than to present any meaningful solutions that will get Americans working, rein in our excessive spending, and renew the promise of equal opportunity for future generations.”

Our buddy, Coby Dillard, a Navy veteran, has it exactly right. Biden was invoking scary imagery of pre-Civil War days to frighten voters, but then that’s all the Democrats have is fear. It’s reminiscent of the imagined fears of George W Bush repealing the 13th Amendment as if it was even constitutionally possible for a president to rescind an amendment.

It’s amazing to me that Democrats would even pull the lever for an idiot like Biden given his record of verbal indiscretions. An admitted plagiarizer, a bold and unapologetic racist, a braggart, and a bumbling moron. But he has a (D) after his name, so that makes his idiocy all tolerable.

Category: 2012 election, Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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And crickets from the race pimps. Interesting, though hardly surprising.


Whatever deck the race card comes out of must sure be stacked.


Technically, it was the Democrats who promoted and practiced slavery. Granted, they were the conservatives of the time and the Republicans were the progressives, but I think it would have been quite funny if someone had called him out on this rather idiotic blunder

Old Tanker

This guy is a complete idiot. Honestly, they made the last election all about whether or not Sarah Palin would be able to be the President if something happened to McCain…This guy isn’t fit to be a friggen dog catcher…


Biden sounds like a dropout from Televangelist school.


I have to say that I am really looking forward to the VP Debate. Smirky may have blown Palin out of the water, but Ryan is going to do the same to him…


I can see Paul Ryan giving a succinct, relevant answer to a question posed by the moderator, followed by the camera panning to Biden, blank expression, staring at Ryan sideways with about 10 seconds of silence, then saying “You’re not Barack”. Anyone who’s seen Anchorman knows exactly what I’m talking about.


Speaking only for myself I am perfectly happy to put someone in chains.

You know, if she’s into that.

PowerPoint Ranger

@6, he most certainly did not blow Palin out of the water.

Old Tanker


I have serious doubts Biden could blow bubbles out of the water…he’s like a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest that can’t figure out why he keeps falling down…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m still amazed that the polls indicate a statistical dead heat across the boards. I am unclear as to how anyone thinks four more years of this type of leadership benefits the nation.

Making a statement like he makes in this speech indicates the level of contempt he has for minority voters, that if they elect a Republican they will be unable to support themselves without the benefit of their Democratic entitlements. I must have missed the part in Romney’s speeches where he points out how he intends to drive minorities off welfare leaving only white folks to use AFDC and Medicaid benefits. If the folks who actually need those benefits would read a little more and trust Democrats a little less, they would quickly discover that the benefits are unsustainable under the current Democratically proposed budgeting. As debt grows to equal or surpass the GDP of the nation under the “leadership” of Democrats the nation will fail to meet obligations to every citizen.

The Democrats have no solution for this other than “Hoping for Change”. At least Paul Ryan has a plan that over the next 38 years will place our debt back to a sustainable 10% of GDP. It’s not a complete plan, and it’s certainly not perfect. That’s okay though, as Von Clausewitz pointed out no plan survives first contact with the enemy. We need to pull up our big boy/big girl pants and start doing the heavy lifting to rebuild the economy based on a model we and our children and our grandchildren can live with and afford. The Democrats lack this vision, they know it thus they will pander to race baiting speech and class warfare to obfuscate the issues. Here’s hoping the nation sees through the bullsh1t quickly and corrects the mistakes made in 2008.


Hell, y’all just don’t see the big picture here.

Everyone in the entertainment industry understands the concept of “outrageous comic relief”. Perhaps that’s the role Biden’s been assigned.

Veritas Omnia Vincit


That would be an easier sell if the stupid son of a b1tch was funny….instead of being an idiotic, arrogant, pr1ck.


I’m still amazed that the polls indicate a statistical dead heat across the boards.

Consider that nearly a third of the entire population is on government assistance of some flavor, then factor in the general malaise of the citizens (crushing debt, diminished worth, stagnant wages, etc.) and you have a burgeoning class of “gimmie gimmie” people who don’t want to hear that a good chunk of their problems are self-inflicted and not the fault of the rich white guy running for president.


Also consider that the internals of these polls have gone from likely voters, to registered voters, to adults, and the sampling has shifted ever leftward in order to somehow create the impression of a close race.

Face it–if it were a blowout, nobody would give a shit, and what would the MSM have to report THEN?

Basically, the only reason RCP has it anywhere near a tie is because they take ALL the polls and mash them together, whether accurate or not.

The oversampling of Democrats and the methodology of these polls of late only shows further proof of the lengths to which the MSM and Obama sycophants will go to keep pretending that people want four more years of the SCOAMF.


@15 (NHSparky) I’m actually surprised that you think the polls have shifted left to create the illusion of a close race – meaning, if I interpret you correctly, that you think Romney/Ryan will win by a considerable amount?

I tend to favor over RCP because they do a much more thorough statistical analysis rather than simply averaging of polls, and currently, the Obama team seems to have a fairly decent advantage. A lot may change with the Ryan pick-up and the convention in a few weeks, but if the GOP loses Florida their chances don’t look good. Simply put, the Democrats have a lot more paths to victory at this point, with present polling, than the Republicans.

In other words, given the mathematics of the electoral college, I find the media narrative has shifted to present Romney and Ryan as closer to equal than they really are, but again out of self-motivation for something to report on.


@11- Why are they showing a ‘statistical’ dead-heat?

Because if you survey more of one view than another, that’s the way it ends up. Typically, they survey 3-4% more Dems than Repubs, therefore, those are more likely to give a response toward PBO. ONE poll recently gave an ELEVEN POINT survey advantage to Dems. That was the one used last week to show that PBO had a ‘bump’ to take the heat off of what Romney ads were doing.

If they were to poll 50/50, we would not be having this discussion…


LC–according to Rasmussen (no conservative he) Obama is at -19 (Strong Approve minus Strong Disapprove) and Romney leads 47-43. Throw in leaners and Romney leads by still more.

Look at a lot of the internals of the polls showing Obama leading–oversampling of Democrats by as much as 11-12 points, phone surveys during the workday on weekdays, and surveying adults versus likely voters.


@ NHSparky: I don’t doubt that they show that, but their methodology has some peculiarities, and while I don’t believe they intentionally skew conservative, the net effect is a slight bias in that direction. (Or, at least this was the case a while ago.)

That said, even if the 47/43 split stands, the question isn’t popular vote, but rather electoral college numbers – a category in which Obama has a distinct advantage at the moment. Using RCP’s electoral map and just giving out the toss-ups, if Obama wins Florida he’s already at 266, toss in Ohio and he’s won. Same if he loses Ohio but wins Wisconsin and Nevada. Or lots of other scenarios. The Romney team has a much more difficult path, I think.

Romney’s camp has got a lot of money and a lot of time – I think the next few weeks, as the conventions come up and the ad blitzes increase, I expect the polls will begin to solidify. But I really think the GOP has an uphill climb at this point.


I wondered who was doing the booing when that video clip was run on the news yesterday. The audience was not in view, but now that I know who was there, I will repeat what I have told my sister since 2008: Joe Biden is capable of saying some of the dumbest, tackiest things you can dream up. She used to live up the street from his and defends him to the hilt. I might mention she also tells me she keeps having ‘senior moments’, and I tell her to take B vitamins and stop whining.

I can go downtown to the train station and run an independent statistical survey on who will maybe vote for whom (maybe), with nothing more than a clipboard, paper, and a mechanical pencil.