Tuesdays with Claymore

| August 15, 2012

From Jonn: I apologize. I typed this up on Monday and then forgot to publish it yesterday.

Eliminating history: Reagan worse than Hitler

Cut and run

Wishful thinking; Ryan drops out before convention

Getting Randy Pt I:

Getting Randy Pt II:

Getting Randy Pt III: Who is Ayn anyway?

Hell Britannia

Orlando cancelled = Romney failure?

Smelly trust fund hippies are better than pissed off working taxpayers

…well, except for the breasts.

I have to admit, I helped kill this POS tax. You’re welcome.

Do they get it? 9 reasons to wonder.


Apparently “good” Catholics support abortion and same sex marriage…in contradiction to what the Vatican says, but hey, what do I know.

Romney’s campaign….stupid. Wonder what Joe Biden is doing these days?

Well at least they didn’t blame Bush…directly.

Sins of the grandfather.

“Stealing” the election…so we’re back on that horseshit again?

If you’re tired of being called a communist for your political views, maybe you should look into that?


The “bomb belt” vocational class was a tip-off.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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You had me worried. I thought maybe you had finally lost your mind after wading through the sewer that is DU.


Couple of new ones this morning that have a military twist:

Specops groups take Obama to task over his OBL bragging: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10021135177

How do you “swiftboat” someone who’s sole military experience involves a 15 minute lesson on how to properly salute the troops he commands? http://www.democraticunderground.com/10021134558


Just got done reading the article over on yahoo claymore. No wonder commenters over there are known as “yahoos”. Completely insane. I’m guessing derpocratic underwear has similar posts.


Yep. They sure do, only much worse.

Yat Yas 1833

Why do I feel like I need a shower after reading all that DU garbage?!


The sad thing is they actually believe their own bullshit. I hope for our Country’s sake that they are just some fringe group of nutjobs in the Democratic Party.


I read through one post over there regarding homeschooling, a topic near and dear to my heart. From the assembled “intelligence”, the consensus appears to be that if you’re a conservative and you homeschool your kids, you’re more than likely a racist, bigoted, anti-science, anti-government, religious nutjob who is trying to indoctrinate your kids…however, if you’re a liberal who homeschools, you’re probably a Harvard educated intellectual who’s children are gifted/disabled/bullied and you’re instilling in them all of the proper values for being a contributing member of society. You’ll also be happy to know that right-wing homeschooling parents don’t care about socializing their children…I’d tell that to my son, but between taking a physics and game programming classes (with 200 other homeschoolers), marching band practice (yes, we have a 50 member homeschool marching band who plays for a local Christian school’s football team), and a competition robotics team on Thursdays (with 15 other kids), he doesn’t have time to not socialize. DUmbasses.


My wife must have missed the indoctrination memo when she was homeschooling our twins.

Country Singer

The smelly trust fund hippies post embodies leftist thought in a single phrase: “vote against their own best interests”. They simply cannot grasp that there are people who vote based on what’s best for the country overall as opposed to what’s best for themselves personally…this despite all the braggadocio from the left about how their way is so much better for the country/world/universe. At the end of the day to them, it’s still all about what’s in it for them personally. What really blows my mind is the cognitive dissonance normally involved. An old Navy buddy of mine, now retired and teaching (and union member, of course) used the “voting against your own best interests” mantra with me recently. I pointed out that that was what he was doing by supporting the guy that was going to raise TriCare premiums…


“Reagan worse than Hitler”, eh? I wonder how the DU denizens would take to someone pointing out that their saints Joe Stalin and Mao Zedong were far more prolific mass murderers than Hitler – or all Western European colonialism combined, for that matter?


Veritas Omnia Vincit

@7 Because they can’t comprehend the idea that those who disagree with them might actually have a valid point with a potentially beneficial outcome they have to create scenarios that fit into their narrow minded view of the world, it’s why Elizabeth Warren can be listed as the first professor of color at Harvard in 1995 even though she’s whiter than my Irish wife. Harvard folks don’t lie, they only tell “stories” that aren’t actually true.

If you weren’t such a rabble rousing right wing home schooling fanatic you’d know that….(tongue firmly in cheek).

God bless you for wading through that crap, I’ve signed up over there but I suspect my first post will get me kicked…


I’ve often wondered just how well off these idiots would fare in a world where they got exactly what they’ve wished for. For the most part, I think the majority of them would have died in the inevitable purges that would occur while others would “prosper” by selling their souls to their overlords…in other words, being the instrument of destruction for their comrades just to stay alive.


God bless you for wading through that crap, I’ve signed up over there but I suspect my first post will get me kicked…

They track things like IP addresses for source, so if you start posting things that send off a red alert, they will look at where you’re posting from and tombstone you pronto. They also don’t mind deleting posts that the collective deems “offensive”. If you’re there to lurk, keep the posts mostly low key and only disagree with the horde when it’s safe to do so (ie; there’s a preponderance of long-time DUmbasses also arguing a point of view you support). Just a few tips from Uncle Claymore. 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Thanks for the heads up I will proceed with caution.


I tried. I really did. But I just can’t do it anymore.

I can’t click those links. They’ve broken me.

I want to clense the earth with fire now, or perhaps even worse, give them exactly what they want.