Ladies and Gentlemen, your Sour Sixteen

| July 27, 2012

(1) Poe def. Popovic 72/28
(4) Brockbrader def. Arora 55/45
(3) Clumpner def. Merrero 67/33
(2) Mailahn def. Guttermuth 64/36

Off to San Antonio with Blackfive. Later Peeps.

Category: Politics

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Gunny Driveway FTW!!

Yat Yas 1833

C’mon dullA$$ wittgenf*ck you lying coward! You can do it you a$$hat, make your public shame complete.

P-P-P-Poe, we haven’t forgotten you! You too have a chance to be the champ. If you win maybe you can find another tv show to go on and tell the how a gr-gr-gr-grenade went off in your mouth and now you can’t remember what happened and st-st-st-stutter.

Mailman, you’re still in the running, you waste of human flesh. If you post some more retarded pictures of you in “uniform” or of your ‘orca’ sized girlfriend in bondage you still pull it out.


My prediction for the Fecal Four: Mailman, Dildo-berto (undeserved IMO), Wittlessfeld, and either FFM or Tillson (I love FFM as the sleeper here – wouldn’t be surprised if he makes it to the finals). But Sharkey and Poe are probably gonna give the winner a hard fight in their regions.


Witless v. Sharkchoker is indeed quite a matchup….when it comes to wacky comments here, they both have impressive records. (Vlad was crazier by a whisker, but he gave up so fast – Witless went the distance.) But in the stolen valor line, seems to me the Long Ranger blows him away. Per the recap post –


Alberich: considering solely stolen valor, IMO Creekmur takes the cake in the entire field. Bogus claims: 2 NX, 3 DSM, 2 SS, BSM, PH, SEAL Master Chief, 20 year career (1984-2004), multiple combat deployments; medical retirement. Reality: served in peacetime Army (never Navy) for 5 years 7 from Jul 1984 to Feb 1990; GCM, ASR, and Jump Wings; never saw combat; discharged as an PFC (E3). (He did serve for about 9 months with 75th Ranger Bn as a telecom center operator, but never went to Ranger school and got the tab.)

However, I don’t think Creekmur will end up in the Fecal Four. Many others simply have more “charisma” and are generally more flamboyant asshats.


I like Creekmur as well Hondo. This guy went as far to lie to himself by decorating his house in memorabilia.


Didn’t say I liked Creekmur, Kilo – only that for pure Stolen Valor he seems to be the class of the field. But I don’t think he makes it past “Goth-boy” Wilson. And if he manages to squeeze by Goth-boy, I just don’t see him taking out Dildo-berto. For some reason most folks just seem more impressed with those two low-level but flashy asshat tools.


Hondo, I was only comparing Witless to Vlad, not to the whole field – I grant ye, there are some real champs up against him. Though I think it’s important to look at not only what they claim, but what they do with it.

Witty should get some extra points for getting photographed kneeling in his stolen finery beside the Vietnam Memorial. Can you picture “cock inhaler” kneeling…err, on his knees before…umm, forget I said anything.


i think poe, maihlen and diliberto are gonna have a three way orgy in the end

Green Thumb

Poe is a turd.


I can’t believe Guttermuth lost to Driveway.

I’m going to go cry in my pepsi and weep.


GT, they’re all turds. I gotta go with Tillson, just cuz that pic of him is the height of gheyness. But Gunny Driveway could be the sleeper.


We’re gettin’ to the really HARD choices, now! 😉

Yat Yas 1833

@13 PintoNag, gotta agree. For the first couple of rounds the a$$hattery was easy to call. NOW, you’re talking about a select group of a$$hatters First Class whom can each make a legitimate claim.


@13- That’s no lie. This is the worst of the worst, straight up The Wrong Stuff-type crap.

Gettfucked is going to have a difficult time with this one, though I am still hoping for a Sniper photoshop job with the archangel Gettfucked used for Jonn.


@ Hondo, didn’t mean like as in personally, I meant as his chances in the competition.


Wittgenfeld as others see him:

Wittgenfeld as he sees himself:

Apologies to Michelangelo.


Ah crap, I thought I could insert an image link.

One more try. Wittgenfeld as others see him:

Wittgenfeld as he sees himself:

Apologies to Michelangelo.


Well, neither method worked. No idea how to proceed. Sorry guys. I thought it was kinda funny, too. Darn.


Kilo: I was using “like” in the same context. I frankly don’t think Creekmur will make the Fecal Four – although in terms of sheer baldfaced Stolen Valor claims, IMO he’s probably the the most deserving.


Whathefuck vs. Cock Inhaler. Damn. Tough choice. One is pure comic gold, and the other is Teh Crazee.

I’m leaning toward the Cock Inhaler, mostly because I think Whathefuck needs psychiatric help, and there’s a part of me that pities him.


I guess Giduck missed the cutoff? Some of these people are turds, but he’s the only one suing active and former BTDTs as well as anyone associated with a website that criticized his shovel throwing antics.

And costing them tens of thousands of dollars to defend themselves against him.

Maybe next year I guess.


#18 CSE – just paste the link itself without trying to link it to any text…(as I did at the end of comment #4).


#21 – One is pure comic gold, and the other is Teh Crazee.

How true. What makes it harder is that the one is also Teh Crazee, and the other is also pure comic gold…

The part of you who feels sorry for witless, I take it isn’t the part that reminded him of a key distinction in #28 here…

Green Thumb

Oliver hides his awards. Tillson wears them on his chest.

Plus he his ‘titties at his back’…


Just Plain Jason

I don’t know if the link will appear or not but I think we need to chip in and buy Dallas “I have a molestache, the flying assclown, didn’t you know I kick more ass than anyone” Wittengfiendouche one of these.

Green Thumb

The confirmed ballsacks’ Creekmur and Truitt have the tatoos, though. That is taking “posing” to the next level…


Alberich – yeah, two different parts. There’s a part of me that thinks if maybe he actually got some help, he would be better. I know… I’m probably dreaming. I’m a bit schizo when it comes to this guy.

Green Thumb

Everybody wants to be a SEAL. No CAG, no Ranger, no CC, no PJ, no Force Recon, no whatever the CG has…



@23 Alberich: OK, one last try. After I looked at the other posts, I realize my mistake.

Here’s how everyone sees Wittgenfeld:

Here’s how Wittgenfeld thinks he looks:

One last time, apologies to Michelangelo. Yes, the ghey reference is completely intentional.


#30, perfect! However, I was a little apprehensive when I saw the word “farm” in the url’s…


LOl, I had nothing to do with the URL! A fortunate coincidence.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 21 & 28 Nikki. I can claim no more than a cursory “head shrinking” education while becoming an EMT-P and doing some reading on the subject. If memory serves, the longer a person continues to harbor false memories or delusional beliefs, the harder it will be for the patient to see reality. I think dullA$$ has reached and passed that point. Screw him!


This upcoming match up is the one that those having Brockbrader in the brackets know will be tough. This blog did an excellent job and was instrumental in discrediting Poe. However, I don’t see the opportunity to vote for a pedophile who claims to have been trained by aliens and used his mind to control Tomahawks coming along very often.