Lulu Campbell thwarts robbers

| April 27, 2012

This is the story of Lulu Robinson Campbell, a 57-year-old grandmother who says she always carries a gun, which is lucky for her, not so much for the two Macon men who tried to rob her the other night when she was dropping off her grandson after a night at her gas station.

“(Spencer) shouted, ‘Give me the f—— money and open the f—— door!’ ” Campbell said. “I said, ‘Oh my God, somebody is going to rob me.’ I said, ‘Baby, you’re going to kill me anyway, so I don’t have to open it!’ ”

Campbell said she reached for her .38-caliber revolver just as Spencer allegedly fired at her. She felt Spencer’s bullet whiz by her chest as she fired back. Her shot hit Spencer in the chest.

“I hurt my back (pushing the seat back to avoid the shot),” she said. “I saw the guy in front of me, and I said, ‘Oh my God, there are two of them.’ I said I’m going to take one of them with me. That’s what was in my head.”

At that point, according to Campbell and the police report, Shivers allegedly started shooting at her. As she ducked, she said she fired wildly in front of the truck, forcing the second gunman to flee. Campbell said she didn’t consciously realize that she fired at Shivers until police later told her she did.

“They told me I was aiming the wrong way, that I was shooting upwards,” she said.

She wounded one of the assailants. Apparently she doesn’t always miss what she shoots;

Some 35 years ago, she shot her husband and his mistress after catching them together.

However, no charges were filed against her.

“After that, my husband said ‘I wish I didn’t teach you how to shoot!’ ” she said.

I hope Lulu has a long and healthy life, and that criminals in Macon have learned something.

Category: Guns

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Old Tanker

and that criminals in Macon have learned something….

Yah, like “Don’t fuck with Lulu”


Her last name is Campbell, not Robinson.

Great story. Tough lady.


Get some Lulu.

Laughing Wolf

Sadly, the street where this happened is where I lived for a good bit of my childhood. Good on ya Lulu!


Well done, Lulu. And we should all cut her a break on missing the 2nd guy – 2 on 1 ain’t good odds, but she pulled it off (and walked away) anyway!


You go, girl! Lulu – best weapon that neighborhood has.

Well done, indeed.


Hondo, she’s gotten three out of four…I wouldn’t mess with her! 🙂


Macon’s own “Pistol Packing Mama”…

Well done, Lulu!


That woman might be my greatest hero.