TSO Embedded in A’stan

| April 27, 2012

Just an administrative note. Since we’re all on pins and needles for those reports from TSO while he’s doing the Old School milblog thing embedded in Afghanistan, I’ve made it a little easier for you to catch up on his posts. I’ve made a category “TSO Embedded in A’stan” so you can keep up everyday…not that I’m going to promise that he’ll post everyday. But he emailed this morning that they’re going to make sure that he has time to post.

By the way, in case you’re interested, I added some pictures he sent today to the posts that he wrote yesterday. Yep, MPs shouldn’t drive MRAPs without supervision.

Category: TSO Embedded in A'stan

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Parachute Cutie

Thanks for adding the category for us. Can’t wait to read his next post.


Thanks for thinking of that, Jonn. That will make it easier to keep track of his posts.





Valerie Conley

I have not laughed that hard in a long time as when I read about Doc jumping in TSO’s lap because he was afraid of turtles! And then the Turtle Stare Down Game — it was hilarious! Thanks TSO and keep on being safe!!