Link changes

| April 27, 2012

Not that it makes much difference, but I have made some changes to the links in the right sidebar today. Apparently, the folks at Neptunus Lex took down that blog today, so I unlinked them, but I’ve replaced them with The Lexicans, where those folks all migrated. They’re down in the “Good Blogs That DOn’t Link Here” category (hint, hint).

By the way, in terms of a tip for those of you who are starting your own blogs, that was probably one of my best ideas while I was growing up out here. That list used to be longer than the list of people who linked here, but eventually most of them wanted to move up. You’d be surprised if I told you the names of bloggers who emailed me for a link exchange.

The other change is that our buddy Don Surber announced today that he’s done blogging after seven years. He’ll be missed, mostly by us West Virginians and those carpet baggers among us who depended on him to keep us straight on the who’s who here. I told him on Facebook the other day that I quit blogging six or seven times everyday – like I quit smoking. He messaged back that he was adamant about it. He says he’ll still be writing at the Charleston Daily Mail, so there’s that.

Before he finished, Don left some advice for prospective journalists. I only wish they’d follow his guidance.

Thanks to 509th Bob who has been clicking out of our blog roll for his reading pleasure for years letting folks know we’re out here. 509th Bob, who I’ve met a few times in the real world, emailed us about the blog roll changes today.

Category: Bloggers

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Added you to the Lexicans.