The Palin false outrage continues

| September 3, 2008

Of course, all of the anti-Palin maniacal false outrage continues, despite Barack Obama’s call for it to cease yesterday. And of course, it’s to make Governor Palin withdraw using the model of the Harriet Meirs crucifixtion. The Wall Street Journal catalogues some of the “inside the beltway” criticism;

– Eleanor Clift, the McLaughlin Group: “If the media reaction is anything, it’s been literally laughter in many places across newsrooms.”

– Sally Quinn, Newsweek: “It is a political gimmick . . . I find it insulting to women, to the Republican party, and to the country.”

– E.J. Dionne, Washington Post: “Palin is, if anything, less qualified for the vice presidency (and the presidency) than [Harriet] Miers was for the court. But there is one big difference: Palin passes all the right-wing litmus tests.”

– Maureen Dowd, New York Times: “They have a tradition of nominating fun, bantamweight cheerleaders from the West.”

– Ruth Marcus, Washington Post: “But as a parent in the media, I also know that the Palins assumed this risk. Anyone who watched coverage of the Bush twins’ barroom exploits knew that the avert-your-eyes stance toward candidates’ children has its limits.”

– Charlie Cook, Beltway pundit, on PBS’s “Charlie Rose”: “I had a friend that had a young person tell them that they had three interviews to get a job as a server at Ruby Tuesday! So this is like putting a whole — for someone that hasn’t played on a national — Geraldine Ferraro had more — Dan Quayle had undergone more scrutiny, had played on a bigger stage than this. This is putting an enormous risk on someone he didn’t know. And he has to just pray that it works!”

WSJ goes on to explain why the “insiders” are so quick to attack the Alaska governor;

They want a VP to be a kind of parliamentary choice, someone they have already vetted, someone who’s made them laugh with insider jokes at the Gridiron dinner. The Beltway class whines constantly about how it wants fresh voices in politics, but we guess this means a first-term Democratic Senator rather than a first-term Republican Governor from some godforsaken U.S. state few of them have ever been to.

We are instructed that Mrs. Palin isn’t qualified, because she lacks Washington experience. But until recently that was said to be a virtue in Mr. Obama, who is at the top of his ticket. Meanwhile, there’s hardly a peep of media notice that the Obama campaign is preposterously trying to remake Joe Biden into a poor scrapper from Scranton when he’s been in the Senate for 36 years. They all know Joe. But when Mr. McCain picks an authentic middle-class mother who is also a Governor, we are told she’s not up to the job.

Bithead at Bits Blog discovers an Obama link to the dirt-digging;

I questioned the timing of the way things ramped up on the Palin thing in Alaska, a couple days ago. Turns out, I was right, again… the guy supposedly investigating her is Hollis French, who is listed on the Obama website as an Obama supporter.

Michelle Malkin compares Us Magazines covers;

Don Surber wonders what happened to the principled media that ignored the John Edwards scandal when it was printed in the National Enquirer – while Jammie Wearing Fool notices that suddenly the National Enquirer is being treated like a reliable source in the Palin dust-up.

Michelle Malkin also catches the Washington Post in a bald-faced lie that Governor Palin slashed funds for dealing with teen pregnancy in their rush to paint Republicans as hypocrits.

Gateway Pundit writes that anti-family advocate Barney Franks (whose lover ran a gay brothel from Franks’ DC apartment) says that families are fair game for political sewer dwelling mud-slinging.

From Aunt Agatha at Bloodthirsty Liberal;

She can’t do anything right:

The political world was thrown into chaos Tuesday night as a possible devastating scandal involving Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and one of her children emerged. The New York Times is set to report in five front page articles on Wednesday morning that Piper, the Palin’s 6-year-old daughter, has been a very naughty girl, raising questions about Gov. Palin’s governing abilities. Among other shocking details, the Times is revealing that Piper once stayed up past bedtime and refused to eat her vegetables. Bernice Satanica, the head of Humorless Alliance for Grrls! (HAG), responded to the revelations by asking, “If she can’t get her 6-year-old to eat broccoli, can we really trust her to negotiate with Ahmadinejad?

From Stop the ACLU, Obama’s newest scare-mongering ad;

Obama’s new radio ad, airing widely in at least seven swing states, tells voters McCain “will make abortion illegal.” It’s airing as McCain courts female voters with the addition of the staunchly anti-abortion governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, to his ticket.

Binah at Solomonia wonders what it means for all of us.

…. But not for Bristol Palin, obviously eager to jump into adulthood a little too early 🙂 An object lesson for the way we infantilize, not only adults, but late teens on the verge of adulthood. What they need is, not infantilization, but as much responsibility as they can handle, along with a little adult supervision. Without adult responsibility handed to them, the pluckier and more risk-tolerant will seek it out themselves, whether they know what they’re getting into or not.

It looks like it’s all turning our way. There’s no way women are going to tolerate all of this blather and attacks on a mother and her children. Only those barren hags on the Left can “get with” this crap – not the decent American women I know (none of whom live inside the Beltway, by the way). The only people with whom this resonates are the clueless morons in Bethesda and Georgetown who don’t understand how the real world works.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Media, Politics, Society

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Just look at the difference in those two magazine covers — that alone tells the story. Talk about your subliminal messages. Even the fact of the two of them, and then there is their wedding picture — and what do we see on the other cover?

And, please, Michelle Obama, a down to earth mother who shops at Target? First off, everybody shops at Target, so what? That makes her down to earth? Well, then I’m the MOST down to earth person in the world, bec. I run in Target like some people run in 7-Eleven.


[…] More at the Sundries Shack, Jammie Wearing Fool, Hennessey’s View, Gunservatively, Volnation, Ace of Spades, I Took the Red Pill, Spolitics, Rude News, Webloggin, This Ain’t Hell […]


It looks like it’s all turning our way. There’s no way women are going to tolerate all of this blather and attacks on a mother and her children.

This is going to back-fire on the lefties and their cohorts in the MSM. They are showing their duplicity and coming off as lying hypocrites. Again, as I mentioned in a post on another thread, the lefties know that they’re toast going up against a McCain/Palin ticket and are acting horribly towards her. Mark my words, this will all come right back at them!


[…] This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » The Palin false outrage continues […]


Clift and Quinn are critical? All I need to know.


[…] History of Palin Derangement Syndrome Palin Derangement Syndrome (PDS) (also known as Palin False Outrage) is a newly emerging paranoid personality disorder that is becoming epidemic across the United […]


You’ve Awakened a Sleeping Giant… UPDATED…

those holier than thou soapbox dwellers decrying the pregnancy of a 17 year old while blythely supporting a woman’s right to have her partially born child’s brains sucked out for convenience sake….


This is the exact reason I stopped watching the Main Streams, CNN, and MSNBC. Their blatant lies and distortion of the truth just doesn’t resonate with the middle class. As I watch these elitist sons-of-bitches sit and act like they even know how that family operates is beyond me it gulls me to no end. I want to jump through the screen and start donkey kicking every liberal on the stage.
It is like watching Mike Tyson do a math problem. It is like watching Paris Hilton tie her shoes. It is like watching Bill Clinton walking around blind folded in a tuna factory. It is mass confusion!
In the words of BH Obama: “They are bitter and clinging to their MSM and abortion.”

Marcus Washington

You mentioned the facts just as I do, and as I documented in my video. I have to admit my ‘crying’ with pain was tremendous but the story of the abuse from the police and why they did what they did goes a tad deeper. Please refer to my youtube

Marcus Washington


Airforce_5_O Says: “It is like watching Bill Clinton walking around blind folded in a tuna factory.” That is the best description of the Lame Stream Media since they quit presenting the actual news and started being the news.

Matilda Lao

Wonderful blog! I only found you the other day but I like reading this post. Bookmarked.