RSSJohn McCain/Sarah Palin

Palin Predicts President’s Putz-Poor Policy

| March 1, 2014 | 20 Comments
Palin Predicts President’s Putz-Poor Policy

What with Russian forces seizing all major control points in the Crimean Peninsula today, numerous sources are pointing to the prediction of Sarah Palin back in the 2008 campaign that just such a scenario was possible under a weak president like Barack Obama. Here’s the way she called it: “After the Russian Army invaded the […]

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“I can see Russia from my house”

| March 1, 2014 | 32 Comments
“I can see Russia from my house”

It looks like the Russians own the Crimea now, according to the New York Times. Who could have predicted it? Well, Sarah Palin for one. From CNN; In 2008, when she was the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin questioned in a speech whether then-Sen. Barack Obama would have the foreign policy credentials to handle a […]

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McCain mumbles something about popular culture

| December 20, 2012 | 25 Comments
McCain mumbles something about popular culture

Because that’s the only thing going in the world today, John McCain and some other Senators wrote a letter to the producer of “Oh Dark Thirty” in regards to their portrayal of the torturing of al-Qaida’s No. 3 leader, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Apparently, they think the poplar opinion that bin Laden’s location was tortured out […]

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Dealing with buyer’s remorse

| September 16, 2011 | 41 Comments
Dealing with buyer’s remorse

I had a conversation yesterday with an old friend with whom I hadn’t spoke for years. After the niceties, she began bashing Obama for doing nothing successfully. I said, “Wait! I bet you voted for him didn’t you?” She said that she pleads the fifth amendment, but then that she had “believed in him”. I […]

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The Palin email frenzy

| June 11, 2011 | 25 Comments
The Palin email frenzy

The Media Palin-hunting-expedition were fed 24,000 pages of email yesterday in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from several media outlets. So the journalistic numbnuts descended on Alaska yesterday. The Washington Post has farmed out their research to their readership to plow through the emails for dirt on the former governor. Thus far, […]

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Falling in the same old trap

| April 7, 2011 | 7 Comments
Falling in the same old trap

Republicans tend to pick their presidential candidates from two categories. The first being whoever’s turn it is (example: Bob Dole), the second being whoever Republicans think Democrats will vote for, too (example: John McCain). I knew in 1993 that Bob Dole would be the candidate in 1996…because the GOP convinced us that it was his […]

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Palin frightens Left

| February 11, 2010 | 63 Comments
Palin frightens Left

This morning, the Washington Post provides two opposing opinions of Sarah Palin. The first is a news story about a poll, a Washington Post/ABC poll in regards to support for Palin among Americans; Although Palin is a tea party favorite, her potential as a presidential hopeful takes a severe hit in the survey. Fifty-five percent […]

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Falling into the media’s trap

| November 17, 2009 | 32 Comments
Falling into the media’s trap

CBS News has published a new poll that declares Sarah Palin radioactive for Republicans. According to them, only 1 in 4 Americans view Sarah Palin favorably; Just 23 percent of those surveyed in a new CBS News poll have a favorable view of the former Alaska governor. That matches her favorable rating in July, when […]

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