Fred Thompson Rocked
I believe that was the best convention speech I ever heard.
I’ll try to post the video later. Save it and show it to your children. Yeah, it’s that important.
Jonn added video;
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Category: Politics
I agree. He was outstanding!
Fred’s speech was truly incredible and inspiring!!!
Great speech! Wow! And Leiberman’s wasn’t too shabby either.
I posted it to my blog too. I thought it was a tremendous speech but I am a Fred-head, so I may be a bit biased! 🙂
[…] Hell, Fred sounded a lot more enthusiastic in this speech than he did on his own campaign. He’s a great speaker. Maybe in 2012, or 2016? Or a role in the McCain Administration? I’m a fan. Update: Video of the speech over at This Ain’t Hell. […]
If he had shown half the fire in his run for President then he did last night I think he could be the man excepting the nomination Thur.
Great Speech.