Democrats and women
I guess the activities of the Democrat sound machine should wake up most women to what Democrats really think of them. Heck, the sound machine of the last six months should have told them something. They’re political pawns in the game of the rich white dudes that run the party.
As soon as Sarah Palin was named as the Vice Presidential candidate of the Republican Party, she was referred to as a “pawn” in John McCain’s quest for power. She was attacked for being a mother, she was attacked for “choosing” to keep her Downs syndrome-afflicted child, she was accused of the wildest conspiracies ever, even her family was attacked for twenty-year-old DWI cases and for having a bit of belly fat.
She couldn’t have been choosen for non-gender-related reasons, I suppose. Even though I thought she was an excellent choice as far back as April based solely on her politics – I mean after all that’s why we choose politicians, isn’t it?
Alan Colmes blamed Palin for her child’s afliction, and this morning, I read Washington Post’s resident partisan hack Eugene Robinson‘s bit this morning indicating that Palin’s daughter should be forced to have an abortion (I had to screen capture it because they’ve moved it around so much, it’s hard to link to it);
I think Robinson does all of his research exclusively on HuffPo and Daily Kos. I’ve never seen him depart from the party line on any issue. I suppose that makes him think he’s smart – but actually, he’s just a useful pawn. It also makes me think he’s the affirmative action columnist for the Post, seein’s how his only talent appears to be cutting and pasting from the moonbats.
I’d like to know how Robinson knows that keeping the baby isn’t the “choice” of Bristol. But, then the Democrats have disposable principles and they don’t understand people who live out the principles they stand behind instead of just passing out advice for everyone else to follow – like Democrats.
Ruth Marcus, in the Washington Post, excuses the media’s overblown coverage of the 17-year-old mother-to-be;
And it will be that much more difficult in the media glare. “We ask the media to respect our daughter and (the father) Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates,” the Palins said in their statement.
As a parent, I sympathize. But as a parent in the media, I also know that the Palins assumed this risk. Anyone who watched coverage of the Bush twins’ barroom exploits knew that the avert-your-eyes stance toward candidates’ children has its limits.
It’s naive to imagine, in the anything-goes Internet era, that Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy would go unremarked upon. It’s also mistaken, I think, to expect it. Like it or not, Bristol Palin’s pregnancy is intertwined with an important public policy debate about which the two parties differ and on which Sarah Palin has been outspoken.
I wonder if she was any more forgiving of the media during the Clinton years.
I remember reading all of the venomous comments that continue to this day about Hillary Clinton from the Obamaniacs.
Now, I’m not a woman, obviously, but I’m pretty sure if I were and I were to be a Democrat, I’d think long and hard about belonging to a political party that so willingly attacks any candidate based solely on their biological composition and uses the camoflage of a word like “choice” to dictate to candidates of a particular biological composition the future of their families. A party that hides behind a misnomer like “choice” to advocate for the cavalier termination of lives because of aesthetics and political convenience.
When a woman makes a “choice” that doesn’t fit the narrative of Democrats, she’s shamed into thinking she’s done something wrong. Just like Hillary who decided to fight the campaign out to it’s conclusion was shamed for it. All for the rich white guys of the Democrat Party clinging to their sad little empires built on the backs of minorities and women.
Heh! Someone just sent me an email warning me that Sarah Palin is a “redneck” whose husband works in the oil fields and races snowmobiles and she hunts beasts in Alaska. I guess because I live in the Metro DC area, this should scare me about our future VP/President. Actually, I envy them. Smoke that.
Added: Contrast what the Washington Post said about moms in politics before Sarah Palin became the VP candidate at Michelle Malkin.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Liberals suck, Media, Politics
Perhaps someone should inform Robinson just how many unmarried black women are mothers, and raise their kids alone with the help of Gov’t dollars. The more kids they have the more dollars they get. I know one that has 5 kids all by different fathers, and none of the fathers help in any way.
I’m not and never have been a big McCain fan, but with the addition of Palin and B Hussein Obama he definitely is gonna get my vote.
Robinson and the rest of the lefties want Sarah Palin out of the picture because they know they’re toast with her as the VP on John McCain’s ticket.
This from a Free Republic thread:
MrB posts:
“Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. “Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family,” the parents said.
“I don’t want my daughters punished with a baby.”
The contrast between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama is so stark. Bristol is choosing life for her baby. What does Obama advocate?
The American people will certainly take notice of the stark contrasts between the resoluteness of the McCain/Palin ticket versus the duplicity and moral relativism of the Obama/Biden ticket.
McCain/Palin will bury Obama/Biden!
Rochester Veteran has come into my house, through my computer, and looked into my mind. His comment is nearly verbatim to what I was going to write. But I would have added: Jonn- would you expect someone who is running scared to react any differently than the libs are acting?
This team has offsets that counterpunch any downsells that the libs can present. McCain too old- Palin isn’t,,,,,,,, Now, only we conservatives can give this election away. It is in our court.
nuf sed
Men, men, men — men talking about pregnancy, men talking about abortion, men talking about choice — hmmmm, hang on a second. Just like you may not know what it’s like to be black, you sure as hell don’t know what it’s like to be pregnant. (NO — that guy on Oprah does NOT count.)
While you have every right to talk about anything and everything and, I’ll admit, you did have something to do with this pregnancy somewhere along the line — no, you don’t know what it is really like.
So, Mr. Robinson — gee, I’m trying to think how to word this politely — STFU. (How’s that?)
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What drives Demrats crazy is that we are able to see beyond gender and ethnicity in this presidential race. I vote because of the priniciples and where the candidates stand on issues that matter to me and my country.
From a comment I made on my site about Obama:
“The giddy fans and admirers who will cast their ballots for him are a segment of society comprised of an appalling cast of characters. Cult-like worshipers who fill the pews at Trinity United Church of Christ who will vote for him just because of his skin color, as well as unrequited socialists and communists, and muslim fanatics salivating for a “change they can believe in”.
Unfortunately, there’s more in the Congress and Senate just like him.”
As for McCain, I’m very dissatisfied with his weak stance on border security and illegal aliens. Sarah Palin more than makes up for that. She’s a smart, tough, independent, take-no-bullshit kind of gal. She will make a great Vice President. Besides, I can hardly wait to see her tear Biden to shreds in the debates.
Didn’t we hear/read, just a couple of months ago, from B. Hussein hisself, that families are “off-limits” in this campaign? Yeah, yeah, I had to nudge myself; he meant the liberal candidates families, not everyone. What was I thinking?
nuf sed
The wailing of the women in the elitist attitude is very comical at times. They claim to want women empowered yet with the nomination of Gov. Palin sent them into a lock step hissy fit. They scream to support women but only if they are a Democrat. The move was brilliant on several fronts.
It gave McCain a good solid base in the conservative vote. It excites the regular Midwest and stay home voter. It brings youth to the ticket. It exposes the hypocrisy of the left as we watch them come unglued and pointing to everyday things that happen to everyday people in Middle America as a weakness.
I just love it!
Honest to goodness, that’s the headline on Fox News right now. Please, people — can’t you see through this man? Talk about a fragile ego and an empty suit. And now he’s so afraid of her that this is his answer????
The Obama ‘Experience’. Democratic nominee argues that running a political campaign makes him more qualified to manage than Republican VP nominee Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin
So Barry is running his campaign? All the more reason he shouldn’t be president.
(RV stepping out of Frankly Opinionated’s mind) 🙂
As I’ve remarked about time and again, the First Amendment is what’s exposing the hypocrisy of the left because it allows them to run their mouths, something they have a desperate need to fulfill!
Think about it, moveon’s “General Petraeus Betray Us” got the attention of us regular folks. moveon stuck their feet in their mouths with that one and the sweetheart deal that the New York Slimes gave them on the ad further exposed how far in bed the MSM is with the lefties.
Give ’em enough rope and the lefties will hang themselves with it!
Anybody else thinking of the outraged left when that reporter accused the Clinton clan of “pimping” Chelsea ?? It WAS a little tasteless but boy, he’s lucky that he was not castrated for it. The hypocrisy in the different reactions would be STUNNING if you didn’t already know what to expect.
RV said “Bristol is choosing life for her baby.” Not just that but she and her parents are choosing life WITH her baby as well.
Some of the lefties are gonna claim that they have so much money and it will be SO easy much easier for them to make it that they cannot know what it would be like, blah, blah, freakin’ blah. But from her Mom’s and Dad’s apparent character and morality, we can be sure that even if she worked at Dunkin’ Donuts the love and support would still be there.
Is it fair that John Edwards put his cancern ridden wife through the pain of an election and have an affair at the same time. GOSH! If you dems don’t care what you do – then WHY do you care what happens to the others? So we no longer care what you say, because it is all bull shit!