Yet another Reason to Despise the UN

| September 2, 2008

Buried in an article primarily about poppy production in Afghanistan by the International Herald are the “findings” of a recent UN investigation.

The United Nations said Tuesday that it had found “convincing evidence” that U.S. coalition troops and Afghan forces killed some 90 civilians, including 60 children, in airstrikes in western Afghanistan.

The UN said it based its findings solely on the testimony of villagers and meetings with Afghan officials, and did not provide photos or evidence that its investigators saw any graves.

U.S.-led coalition troops, supporting Afghan commandos during the raid, said they believe that 25 militants, including a Taliban commander, and five civilians were killed during the raid Friday in the village of Azizabad, in Herat Province. The coalition commander in the country has ordered an investigation.

So, just what the hell is the UN’s idea of “convincing evidence”? Apparently pure hearsay; no photos, no graves, just testimony.

Some have criticized this blind validation based on the testimony of people who may be either intimidated or even in collusion with the Taliban. That is entirely possible but there is likely a better explanation for the actions of both the Village Officials and the UN investigators.

The Village officials could likely be motivated by the historical standard of money.

Accidents happen and on a battlefield accidents can be really bad. Locals in most battle areas are more than willing to accept money to help assuage their grief; and more grief is met by more money.

The UN simply wants America to be hated. It really is that simple.

Category: Politics

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509th Bob

About 30 years ago, while I was stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia (the U.S. state, for retards like Richard Wheeler), I used to drive past a sign slightly south of Waycross, calling for the “U.S. out of the U.N.” I laughed. I thought it was idiotic rhetoric from a bygone era.

Later, unfortunately, I decided that the “idiotic rhetoric” was FAR TOO ACCURATE.


COB6 posted:

Some have criticized this blind validation based on the testimony of people who may be either intimidated or even in collusion with the Taliban.

It’s more than likely it was the globalist, socialist members of the UN itself that came to this conclusion. Let’s not forget that the UN had become dominated by leftists and they’re sleeping with each other to perpetuate lies about those of us who promote freedom and self-determination.

I’d like to see the US run the UN out on a rail…


Baby blue berets in my neighbourhood? Not a good idea.