Overnight in Minnesota

| September 2, 2008

My inbox is filling up with pictures and articles from yesterday’s protests. Isn’t that a sweet-ass picture above? Nothing like a bunch of tiny-brained imbeciles laying face down on the pavement in flex cuffs to start your day, is there?

Twin Cites.com is reporting over three hundred arrests yesterday;

Events ranged from attacks on police to peaceful civil disobedience as 150 National Guard soldiers were called in to assist law enforcement.

In the early evening, about 30 people were arrested at a confrontation on Shepard Road for felony assault on a peace officer and another approximately 75 people were arrested on suspicion of felony riot, said St. Paul Police Cmdr. Doug Holtz.

Officers encountered an “organized group” of people who had shields and gas masks and were throwing rocks, bottles and bags of feces at officers, Holtz said. Police shot bean bags at the group, Holtz said.

I guess law enforcement decided to use the GUE principal (Go Ugly Early).

Twin Cities.com also reports that some journalists are among the arrestees;

Associated Press photographer Matt Rourke and Democracy Now! TV and radio show host Amy Goodman were among those arrested Monday at an anti-war march coinciding with the first day of the Republican National Convention.

Rourke was swept up as police moved in on a group of protesters in downtown St. Paul, the scene of scattered violence and vandalism by protesters, some of whom described themselves as anarchists.

Goodman was arrested as she tried to prevent two colleagues from being arrested, a producer for her show said.

David Ake, an AP assistant chief of bureau in Washington, said he was concerned by the arrest of Rourke, a Philadelphia-based photographer.

“Covering news is a constitutionally protected activity, and covering a riot is part of that coverage,” Ake said. “Photographers should not be detained for covering breaking news.”

Here’s a video of Goodman’s arrest;

Whine about the Constitution all you want, but journalists aren’t protected from disobeying the police. I’ve been in several cases that are similar and I’ve always been sure to say “Yes, sir”, “Sorry, officer” and “Anything you want, officer”. If journalists impede law enforcement, they shoudl join the crowd face down on the pavement.

Here’s some more photos Rurik sent me;

You can keep scrolling, but remember, once you look at this picture, you can’t “un-see” it;

Kate sends along this link (from Politico) about an 83-year-old delegate being attacked by anarchists;

Heath Fahle… said the delegation of more than 100 got off their chartered buses near the Xcel Energy Center. As they walked on the sidewalk, a group of masked protestors chanting anti-war slogans appeared in front of them.

They linked arms, attempting to create a human barricade. As police on horseback arrived, Fahle and other members of the group tried to push through.

Most of them escaped unscathed, but the protesters splattered the last group of delegates with the liquid.

“Two got doused, and several more got sprayed with it,” said Fahle. Former Rep. Rob Simmons was hit on the face with the liquid.

Delegate Rob Simmons was outraged. “We were attacked by a mob,” he said. “We were subjected to violent and anarchist behavior by a bunch of thugs.”

Fahle said two people were spat upon: Lila Healy, the mother of Connecticut party chairman Chris Healy; and 83-year-old Fred Biebel.

Beibel was reportedly shoved, and his credentials were torn off. One protester grabbed the purse of the state party finance director, who tussled with the protester to save it.

So that’s what freedom looks like in this group’s vision of America. I’d say 300 arrests aren’t nearly enough. From a post I wrote yesterday;

As demonstrators passed by a fenced-in area near the Xcel, 10 helmeted riot police holding long wooden batons stood at attention on the other side.

“What country do we live in?” said Patrick Swinehart, 20, a protester from Plymouth. “I’ve never seen anything like this. It looks a hell of a lot like a police state.”

And like I said yesterday, you clowns created it, live with it. Freedom doesn’t include the right to act like two-year-olds.

On the upside, Washington Post reports that Donna Brazile was hit with pepper spray on her way into the Excel Center yesterday, so I guess every cloud has a silver lining.

Category: Politics

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mychal e.g...

you lost me with this one. RNC has gotten ridiculous. whatever these ‘protesters’ did in nothing compared to the last 8 eight years of Bush. i bid you all adieu.

Jonn wrote: That’s pretty naive. You’d better hurry off to class now.

Marooned in Marin

“whatever these ‘protesters’ did in nothing compared to the last 8 eight years of Bush.”

Let’s see, property damage, holding cub scouts hostage, spraying a substance on people and injuring an 80 year old delegate? I don’t remember George Bush doing any of that. Why don’t you go get a life, little mychal.

Marooned in Marin

Jonn: I almost lost my breakfast after that one photo!


The “protestors” only attacked the elderly members of the delegation for the most part they avoided the others until LTCOL. Simmons and group went on defense. At that point the “protestors” tried to form a barricade and sprayed the delegates in the face with a liquid containing bleach. you can find LTCOL. Simmons recap of the incident at http://www.theday.com


The anarchists are nasty and organized and it’s obvious what their mission is, that of destroying the political process. Blocking the path of delegates from attending the convention is thuggery! Throwing feces and spraying urine on people is sick sh!t. I hope the Police go medieval on them. They’re easy to spot as they dress in black and wear bandana’s over their faces, just as criminals did in the old West.

Frankly Opinionated

Is anyone surprised that it is the democrat/liberals who are throwing urine and feces? That shows their lack of class. Just like their attempts to slander the name of the Palin family. I have no respect for any politician who is democrat, nor for anyone who could support/defend the acts of the protestors. Don’t know if it is biblical or just sage:
“By their acts, shall they be known.”
And I know them as “shitslingers”.
Mychal, Richard Williams, and Army Sergeant support this mentality, don’t they?
nuf sed

LT Nixon

That top picture reminds me of Dazed and Confused for some reason…when they are hazing the freshmen. “Like Ducks on the Pond”.


mychal e.g.,

Carter was an abject failure; domestically and especially with foreign policy. Clinton was more preoccupied with Monika’s blow jobs than fighting terrorism, much to the appreciation of al Qaeda. But, the ‘last eight years of Bush’ got your diaper in a bunch?

Fuck you, ya little imbecile. Now you trot on along to school, okay?


Assholes. You see, last time I was at the GOE, I almost got arrested myself. Some hippie with face covered of course by his black bandana, didn’t like my sign…”Duty, Honor, Country” and 3 ribbons-Red,Gold, Blue. And he got in my face and yelled,”fukk you, fukk your service and fukk this Country!” My friend held the back of my shirt cause I was hoppin that crowd control fence to rip the bandana of his shit-for- brained face. Alas, I cooled off, but was so sickened at the mentality of these people it made me want to swear off events. Thank God, I am still at it. They do not get to be unopposed assholes as long as I am alive.

Thus Spake Ortner

Lest anyone not note this, Rob Simmons, whose name probably doesn’t resonate, could kick the shit out of everyone of the anarchists without breaking into a Chuck Norris Sweat. Simmons is former Infantry and MI (Wrote the book on open source intel stuff) and then served in SE Asia as a CIA Operator. Dude is tough. I’ve had the pleasure of spending some time with Rob, and I’m actually shock he didn’t jump out and garote anyone with his tie.


Why do they have to have bandanas to cover their face? If you’re so proud to be there protesting, why are you hiding your face? So people dressed all in black and chanting and scaring people are talking about a police state? Puh-leeze!

Frankly Opinionated

Kath, my take also. Always said that if the KKK was so damned bad, why did they cover their faces with a sheet. CB radio idiots hide behind their microphone, and lib bloggers, for the most part, sign “anonymous”. Don’t say much for the cause, does it? And, again- slingin’ feces and urine??????????
I wouldn’t even handle it, but since they know how to pick up a turd by the clean end, it was no problem to them.
I have never been more proud to be a conservative than with this election cycle, even more than when RWR was the C-in-C. Democrat politicians and supporters alike are showing the rest of us just how lacking in class they really are.
nuf sed


A whiff of grapeshot, that’s what they need!

509th Bob


A “whiff”? Not a whiff, a full side at most-effective-range of grapeshot!

And police snipers to cover things like bridges, where the little turds are engaging in the attempted murder of motorists. This is NOT a First Amendment protected action, by anyone’s definition (unless, of course, it’s the ACLU). Precisely WHY these little turds are NOT engaging in “action” no more protected than the immediate aftermath of the Civil War by the Ku Klux Klan is truly beyond me. They should be treated with absolutely no more care or coddling than the Klan.

Several states (especially those “red-neck” Southern States) have “mask” statutes. Obviously, Minnesota desperately NEEDS to adopt such a statute. Allowances may be made for Winter months, but NOT for this. Other states, throughout the Union, NEED to adopt such statutes. Anybody with concealing masks, in the absence of a justifiable weather issue, should be “fair game” for a bullet, without “review” by some bunch of liberal losers. With technology being what it is these days, there should be more than sufficient evidence to support lawfully-justifiable killings of criminals.

I am NOT Richard Wheeler (who is probably is one of those people who probably SHOULD be shot), and I endorse this viewpoint.

By the way, I’ve been lurking, awaiting for Richard Wheeler to display his latest Mommy-Issues. You know, she MADE him quit crapping and peeing on the floor. She MADE him wear diapers! She trained him to quit LIKING the greasiness of his feces as it squished between his butt-cheeks. She MADE him learn (presumably) to use a toilet. Such HORROR, to be deprived of his general inclinations! Who knows? She MAY have even FORCED him to get a JOB!

Unfortunately, she didn’t apparently prevent him from living in her basement. Obviously, she was a “liberal.” Unwilling, and incapable, of enforcing “values” upon her special little “preciousness.”

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

I LOVE that first picture!!! 😀

Nothing like the sight of a bunch of freaks face down in the dirt wearing the latest fashion in freak bracelets 😀


The whole article and comments are really sad.

Behind A Mask

Can you really be so stupid? Mask laws in relation to protests are strictly unconstitutional.
