Now, if only we can link her to Haliburton
If you’re tired of jumping from website to website to track down your favorite and most plausible vitriol to spew at your next Sarah Palin exorcism, you have to go to Protein Wisdom where Jeff Goldstein has catalogued all of the top rumors generated by these supposed intellectuals and scholars. They can’t even coordinate their imbecilic stories because some contradict others.
Baldilocks says it’s how we know McCain made the right choice;
All Moonbattery is screeching in protest and in…something else.
Can you smell that? I can. There’s not enough Right Guard in the world to hide it.
Big Dog writes;
It is important to repeat anything and raise FALSE concern. In other words, keep telling lies over and over until people believe them. To them it is important to shape the message even if the message is false. These are the same people who foam at the mouth every time someone mentions Obama and Muslim in the same sentence. When people called Obama a Muslim or showed him in Muslim garb (some of which were sent by the Clinton campaign) the same people did not call this modern political warfare. Instead, they called it a smear campaign.
From Morrissey;
If this is what the opposition comes down to, McCain made the wisest possible choice, and in the process exposed the opposition in a way that could never have been possible with any other running mate.
From Irish Cicero at Liberty Peak Lodge;
Authenticity is the One-Word Threat to the Obama-Biden Ticket
So what they concerned about over at the Washington Post? Well, won’t Ann Coulter ever stop calling the Democrat nominee B. Hussein Obama?
EJ Dionne is doing what he does best…telling Republicans how we should think about our party’s choices;
By all rights, there should be a revolt at this week’s (now-delayed) Republican convention against John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate — for the same reasons so many Republicans opposed President Bush’s selection of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court.
You can watch that political deep thinker Jon Stewart try to dissuade women from voting for the McCain/Palin ticket by making fun of them.
I’m with Baldilocks. We know she’s a safe bet because the only stuff they can dredge up on her is from their own imaginations, and we know she can help McCain win because they’re working so hard at being dolts.
Category: Bloggers, John McCain/Sarah Palin, Liberals suck, Politics
I’ve started using caps when typing Senator John SIDNEY McCain’s name, just to be fair and balanced.