
Article suggests lessons to be learned from Ukraine conflict

| June 13, 2023 | 54 Comments
Article suggests lessons to be learned from Ukraine conflict

My oldest friend sent me a link to an MSN article in which the authors pontificate on the lessons we should take note of from the Ukraine conflict. It’s  not a quickie, so I’ll summarize: Mass matters. Attrition warfare is not dead. This mode of warfare emerges when neither side can achieve a clear asymmetric […]

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We love our sheep, we Dogs of War.

| April 6, 2023 | 64 Comments
We love our sheep, we Dogs of War.

A few weeks back I was talking with a young man who thought there was never a need to fight let alone go to war.  A slightly frame with soft and fragile hands. I quoted Orwell’s “People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their […]

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Axis of Idiots

| March 23, 2023 | 15 Comments
Axis of Idiots

I was asked to do an interview about Marines in Beirut recently for a new documentary.   Questions kept coming up about who was to blame for the events of October 23, 1983.  They seemed taken aback by me not blaming the Reagan Administration.  It’s not like they were faultless, but why didn’t I feel any […]

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Military dog retired and reunited with handler

| July 19, 2022 | 10 Comments
Military dog retired and reunited with handler

A feelz-good heart-throbber of a military dog who was injured on duty – he accidentally swallowed a bee and had to be rushed to the base vet to be resuscitated. The article is a bit murky – supposedly the pup was blinded, but recovered sufficiently to finish his tour and be reunited with the lady […]

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Speech Police

| June 11, 2020 | 17 Comments
Speech Police

Apparently, WordPress got its undies in a bunch over Western Rifle Shooters Association and unpersonned their blog. They have, therefore, moved to a new venue, and are rebooting. I have not followed this blog, ergo, I am unaware of what pissed off the hoity-toities at WordPress. And WordPress is afraid of its own shadows, […]

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UPDATE: Maggie DeSanti – Media Darling or Stolen Valor Con Artist?

| October 28, 2019 | 165 Comments
UPDATE:  Maggie DeSanti – Media Darling or Stolen Valor Con Artist?

We thought that it was time for an update on significant events surrounding Margaret C. DeSanti. We wrote about Margaret in 2014 here: Then, the recent 2019 follow-up with Margaret here: FoxNews carried the story here: FoxNews did not respond to emails asking for a correction. Background Research There was a lot […]

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When They Came For Kavanaugh’s Kid

| October 3, 2018 | 67 Comments
When They Came For Kavanaugh’s Kid

The following was published by The American Conservative From editorial cartoonist Chris Britt. How can a man do this to another man’s child? How can editors allow this to pass? What corrupt and wicked hearts they have. UPDATE: For some reason, this image is being passed around to some people as if I approved of its […]

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Justice to convene meeting on whether social media companies are ‘intentionally stifling’ free speech.

| September 6, 2018 | 23 Comments
Justice to convene meeting on whether social media companies are ‘intentionally stifling’ free speech.

In a statement issued right after executives from Facebook and Twitter finished testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Department of Justice (DOJ) also suggested that the platforms were running afoul of antitrust laws. “The Attorney General has convened a meeting with a number of state attorneys general this month to discuss a growing concern […]

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