Vets Today & IVAW

| June 28, 2010

You guys all remember super-douche Gordon Duff and his merry band of peckerheads at Veterans Today, right? Well, I always figured that they would love the commies and socialists at IVAW and wondered why Vets Today generally avoided a relationship – after all, Gordon Duff wasn’t afraid to marry his publication to Mossad plots against Moscow and other crackpot shit.

Well, finally one of the less senior wackos (not less wacko, just less senior than Duff) on the staff, Robert Hanafin dragged them out of the non-gay closet today. After complaining that his job is so difficult at Veterans Today (it’s tough trying to link Dick Cheney to zombie sightings, ya know), Hanifin tells us that he discriminates in lending VSO-type aid to veterans who don’t think like he thinks;

Thus, I must maintain a policy of only providing assistance and advice to Veterans and Military Families who question their wars, have no one else to turn to for advice, and are discriminated against by the mainstream VSOs for their ability to THINK.

Veterans Today frankly has no Veterans Service Officers on staff anyway, nor do we possess the political clout of mainstream VSOs who are too close to Congress and politicians for comfort. Thus, I’ve made a conscientious decision to refer any Vet or family member unable to question the war(s) onto a mainstream VSO. They should be able to satisfy your needs without discrimination, since you strongly support continuing the wars.

Then he tells us that we should all go to the IVAW convention in Austin;

So, a website called “Veterans Today” complains that they’re considered crackpots by nearly every recognized VSO, and then immediately announces their intention to have a political litmus test for the veterans who might seek their help. Of course, their refusal to help certain types of veterans is probably doing those veterans a huge favor. And then highlights the IVAW convention – an organization jam-packed with and lead by non-Iraq War veterans.

Who’s the real phony here?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Casey J Porter

That’s pretty low. We will not help you unless you think like us? Well, that’s huge chunk of the anti-war movement. Most anti-war orgs function like that.


Gee whiz, I don’t remember my VSO asking me my opinion on the war. He spent his time doing useful things, like actually assisting veterans. But of course, Vets Today wouldn’t know anything about that.

More anti-veteran rhetoric showing the true colors of these fucktards.


And they wonder why even a significant number on the left consider them irrelevant.


I work for a VSO, and have offered to help tons of IVAW get the benefits they deserve. Hanafin is just plain wrong.

Casey J Porter

From another thread: I’m going to post something now that I have not gone public with. I sat down some time ago with Seth Menzel, another board member, at his request. What followed was something I’ve always found odd… He went on telling me about IVAW in ways that could compromise the Organization. Telling me about financial fraud, his own disregard for the … See Morepoints of unity, how IVAW was nothing more than a means to an end, and general corruption at the hands of board members. I will do something also that I do not easily confess too; I felt like I got punched in the chest. I’m not sure how many fights the rest of you have been in, but the first time you get the wind knocked out of you remember it. I felt something I’ve felt before: used. I know IVAW used me, but I stand behind my films for what they convey, and I never did it for IVAW. But his callous disregard for what others believed in, and the risks they were taking in standing up while on Active Duty, was well, I felt like I was sitting across form that Battalion Commander who we all know laughs at the Soldiers in private. Only, I got to get an inside peak. I did however stay for as long as I could. It’s only when he had consumed a pretty good amount of alcohol did he start to compare me with Carl Webb. I packed up my gear and, I quote: “Go fuck yourself.” He than called my cell phone after I was on my way home and I told him to go fuck himself again. I informed Selena “Army Sergeant” Coppa about this and got the A-Typical IVAW answer: “He’s just one guy. It’s not IVAW as a whole. It’s no big deal.” You know, the usual B.S. Now, was Seth lying to me? Was he going to see if what he told me make it’s way to This Ain’t Hell? Since so many boneheads in IVAW seem to think I am some… Read more »


And I so loved Gordon’s ‘debunking’ of the IDF video on the Gaza flotilla raid. A guy in a black shirt walks between two black poles, then ‘disappears’ so the video must be fake.

Junior AG

“And then highlights the IVAW convention – an organization jam-packed with COMMIES and lead by non-Iraq War veterans.”
Fixed it for ya!