IVAW links to the ISO

| June 28, 2010

Someone sent me a set of photos of Victor Agosto, the fellow who went to jail in Texas for refusing to deploy with his unit from Fort Hood to Afghanistan last year. During his one visit here to TAH, he sounded fairly rational. What a difference a year in IVAW makes;

I don’t even know where to find an heroic poster of Mao leading peasants – yet….

And it’s a quick change from the IVAW banner…

To the ISO banner;

And, oh, he’s pals with Matthis;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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There’s really nothing more to say about this group, or the vermin that infest it. At least they’re not hiding behind the facade, anymore, about being a Veterans group and we don’t have to listen to the denials by certain individuals that they are not a communist influenced group.


I’m noticing an absence by a particular IVAW member who used to post here on a regular basis defending them. Seems like she’s not here nearly as much as she used to be. Wonder why?

Casey J Porter

The ISO and IVAW are connected? hahaha

Junior AG

The banner Victor is ape-ing looks more like Mao spliced with Lenin and Ernst Rohm… M’kay, IVAW is against the war due to the killing, yet down with genocidal dictators??? The cognitive dissonance is giving me a migraine..

Junior AG

IVAW/ISO/ other commie.orgs:
War & killing is bad… Unless there’s a hammer-n-sickle seal of approval on it.


We’re gonna need a decontamination job here soon…that group is nothing but a bunch of kooks.

Kudos to those who have seen the light!!


“Unless there’s a hammer-n-sickle seal of approval on it”. Exactly right, JAG. If the killing is done to the right people,by the right people, it’s all good.

amazing stuff here

Don’t get me wrong here cause I’m 100% anti-“IV”AW, but the use of “commie” is soooooo 1950’s.

Time to get better insults. I’m not sure I like “dirty hippie” either. How about just SHITBAGS?

Junior AG

ash, fvcktards are awash in red imagery and I have a venomous hatred for that political system. Kinda pushes my DETONATE button…


I wonder if any of these “commies” has the first clue as to how war resisters and service dodgers were handled in the USSR?


#8 A.S.H.:
I personally like “the Collective” and “the Borg,” although even that is a bit dated…
Funny names aside, however; there is nothing funny about the damage the communist mentality is doing to this nation.

amazing stuff here

is it really communist what their doing?

I just think it’s time to get in the 21st century.


#12 A.S.H.:
Actually, true communism is hard to find here. I believe the actual term would be socialism, although the two tend to be used somewhat interchangeably anymore. And being an American movement, I doubt they are purists of any clearly delineated system, but are probably a mix of several.


ASH: You can call it whatever you like, but that doesn’t change what it is. You want to give it a 21st century name? By all means; but just as you can dress up a scumbag in a Brooks Brothers suit doesn’t change the fact that they’re still a scumbag.

The communist ideology isn’t soemthing stuck in one century or another, but rather timeless, just as our founding documents are timeless, no matter what the leftists trolls want us to believe. If you listen to the arguments of the anti-war types today and those from the Vietnam war, you will notice that the words haven’t changed, either. Neither have their methods, tactics, etc. It is also known that the CPUSA was getting their instructions straight from Moscow, during Vietnam, and that the founders of SDS and several other anti-war groups were being supplied by Moscow through the CPUSA. Such benign groups like the Weather Underground had members that came from SDS. Whether they call themselves ISO or SDS or International ANSWER, it doesn’t matter, because their philosophy and ideology hasn’t changed from the days of Vietnam and is still with us today.

amazing stuff here

I’ll stick with your other word for these people “scumbags”.

Communism, communist, or commies is so outdated. Most of those people (probably 99.99% of them) have no idea what about the historical connections that you have made. Shoot, just like the “old farts” and “old stinky hippies” that this site (and many of you) make fun of when speaking about members in VFP, Calling people “commies” makes you sound like an “old fart” and outdated.

Just call them scumbags or shitbags. Don’t try and make a connection to Moscow, most of them don’t even know where on the map Moscow is (like Sarah Palin, jab, jab).