Democratic Underground mourns Memorial Day

| June 2, 2010

“The Non-Sense We Call Memorial Day”

War veteran and Zen teacher Harvey Daiho Hilbert Roshi writes:

On my mind is the non-sense we call Memorial Day, the slick shift in language calling every soldier and sailor a “hero,” and the deceitful and manipulative bended knees and lowered heads as we “recall” our lost ones for a moment or two between beers and sales.

Real heroes are the quiet makers of peace; those who say no in the face of the charge to insanity, and those who use their heart/mind to resolve a conflict.

gratuitous (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-01-10 11:00 PM
Response to Original message
9. Destroy the heretic!
This is the Chosen People of the Promised Land of the High Church of Redemptive Violence. We teach our young from the cradle that violence is the noblest, holiest method of resolving conflict. Violence will drive out and redeem violence. Questioning or refraining from war denigrates every hero who ever donned the uniform. For heroes they are. They must be. Without qualification or exception. As the poet said, “Look at all we’ve won with the saber and the gun”!

Arugula Latte (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-01-10 11:49 PM
Response to Reply #10
13. They shouldn’t sign up in the first place.
Edited on Tue Jun-01-10 11:50 PM by Arugula Latte
If nobody joined the military, they wouldn’t be able to wages these fucking bloody wars for corporate profit.

When was the last time the U.S. military truly “defended” this country? I don’t recall any imminent invasions in the past several decades.

Edited to say: Obviously this only applies since the draft has been abolished.

Arugula Latte (1000+ posts) Wed Jun-02-10 12:09 AM
Response to Reply #15
16. It’s ruining us.
The military budget is ludicrous. We’re turning into a third-rate nation (what are we, 44th on the list or something in child mortality? The horrible statistics go on and on …) because the military sucks up all the money that could be spent on making this country so much better than it is.

I was exaggerating, but I do think we should slash the military down to a small fraction of its current size. The money suck and the mass murder of brown people done in our names are absolutely abhorrent.

Must be my war like upbringing, but I would like to stab these idiots in the dick with an ice pick.

RIP Bobby Beasley and Craig Cherry. Sorry I missed a Memorial Day post.

Category: Politics

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Of all the disgusting cartoons I have seen over the years; that one is so very close to taking the cake.

To those pieces of shit in that DU thread, including the “war veteran”, I say fuck you!


Old Trooper said it all.


OT hit the nail on the head.


So in their eyes the real heroes are those who would otherwise be on bended knee paying homage to their conquerors since they had no real heroes to save their precious bleeding heart a%&es?

“You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way”

B Woodman

Stab them in the dick?
Who sez they even have one to stab?

I wish I could remember the full quote and source, but here goes anyway: (my version)
To those who know (remember), no explanation is necessary.
To those who don’t, no explanation is enough.

Now go away, all you little non-appreciative trolls, and quit bothering your adult betters.


I teach my children, both male and female, to defend themselves in any situation. As such, I have to tell them how to kill or hurt. This is not nice, but it is the way of the world. Thanks to our left friends, that danger is even greater than it was 50 years ago when I was taught the same by my father. The military is only a formal extension of this concept. It would be great to live in a world without conflict, but that would mean eliminating most liberals as they are the ones who seem to bring on the problems. We are little different from the Romans and others that preceeded us. Few problems occur when we take on that attitude and proceed with what we have to do. What would be ideal would be to let the liberals have their country and the rest of us live in ours. Much like we tried in 1860.

Mr Bill

The person who drew that comic Has no sense of what it truly means to give yourself to defend a way of life. But its not this idiot that I would fight for it is my children and their children that deserve a chance to live free or die.
So the words of old trooper are appropriate in this case.
Mr Bill


To paraphrase a T-shirt I saw once “It’s an 11B thing, you wouldn’t understand”. I was proud to have stood next to not only princes & fools, but alongside men. The prattle that passes for ‘free’ speech is the penalty for that tripe above. To those who served, my heartfelt thanks, for those who gripe, relax, enjoy your bottle, but someone else will have to change you soiled diapers.

AW1 Tim

Those leftists who peddle this drivel have never been in a position where they truly had to defend themselves. They have never known a time when their lives were in danger, or their freedom and liberties threatened. In short, they are ignorant.

Not only are they ignorant, but criminally naive regarding the way the world really works. Humans are predators by nature. It’s how we all got to the top of the food chain. Those who are willing to fight to take or defend what they have are those who will prosper. The others will be slaves.

In short, those who beat their swords into plowshares will be the slaves of those who don’t.


And they get all bristled and ask, “Are you questioning MY patriotism?”

You fuckin-a-ditty-bag I am, shitbags.


*THAT* Mother fucker needs to head to Europe, ASAP.
A shitbird forever.

American Jim

You guys sound like fascists. Ill informed fascists who believe we should never question the military or the government. Beyond that, you think everyone who disagrees with you has no rights themselves because they didn’t go fight in a war. Do you even hear yourselves? You don’t sound like Americans from the America I grew up in. You sound totalitarian and militaristic.

What happened to freedom? Was it revoked some time?

Frankly Opinionated

American Jim:
Come on down to the Florida Panhandle, around the campus of Northwestern Florida State University, or to the EOD school at Eglin AFB, or to Camp James E. Rudder, the US ARMY RANGER Swamp School and talk that sissified, suck up shit.
Who in hell defended your right to be a jerk anyway? You really don’t think that those who think like you would defend this country from its enemies, both foreign and domestic, do you?

“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas, 11/5/09”

American Jim

Frankly: It’s true, you should totally kick my ass for disagreeing with you and maybe call me names like sissy.

That is how adults work out their disagreements.

You have a right to be offended, but I have a right to offend. Suck it up and don’t call names and make threats like a little boy.

Old Tanker

fascists who believe we should never question the military or the government

We do it all the time schmuck, stick around and learn something..

you think everyone who disagrees with you has no rights themselves because they didn’t go fight in a war

You and yours think we are all mind numbed robots with no rights because we did….so what’s your point?

We are disagreeing with dipshits, assclowns, and wankers…aren’t we allowed to do that? or is it only reserved for people like you?

Old Tanker

Suck it up and don’t call names

‘cuz you didn’t come here and do just that did you?

American Jim

Old Tanker:

It’s not disagreement, it’s the level of rhetoric. It’s threats of violence and suggestions of lacking patriotism and suggesting that those who don’t agree with you should “get out.” It’s every American’s America, and those threats, slanders, and suggestions themselves are un-American, rarely the person issuing them.

If you wonder why those who disagree with you sound like jerks so much to you, have a good listen to yourselves.

Sometimes, you get back exactly what you project into the world.

Old Tanker


He seems more like Jabba the Hut, your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on him……

American Jim

To be frank, I find the cartoon offensive too, and the Zen guy seems like a jerk. Please don’t misread me. I just don’t understand why every disagreement in this country turns into a War where half your fellow countrymen have to be your enemy.

American Jim

And again with the name calling… I DID NOT DRAW THE COMIC.

I pointed out the degree of inflammatory rhetoric being used in response.

Old Tanker

It’s not disagreement, it’s the level of rhetoric.

STFU you came here and called us Facsists and claimed this wasn’t the America you grew up in? That’s not questioning someones patriotism? You come in and throw the same barbs you say you loathe us for…..pot meet kettle……


Frankly: It’s true, you should totally kick my ass for disagreeing with you and maybe call me names like sissy… Suck it up and don’t call names…

Hmm… so name-calling is bad?

You guys sound like fascists. Ill informed fascists… You don’t sound like Americans from the America I grew up in. You sound totalitarian and militaristic.”

At least folks here don’t subscribe to your brand of hypocrisy. Try dumping the knee-jerk “military is bad!1!” mentality and getting yourself a reasoned argument. Of course, that might actually be productive, which would defeat your purpose here. Too much to hope for, I suppose…

American Jim

Yes, the artist is schmuck. I think we’re all agreed there, however, everyone who disagrees with you is not a dickless, baby European who deserves to be your slave.

B Woodman Says:
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:57 am Stab them in the dick? Who sez they even have one to stab?

David Says:
June 2nd, 2010 at 10:01 am What would be ideal would be to let the liberals have their country and the rest of us live in ours

Robster52 Says:
June 2nd, 2010 at 11:26 am those who gripe, relax, enjoy your bottle, but someone else will have to change you soiled diapers

AW1 Tim Says:
June 2nd, 2010 at 11:47 am those who beat their swords into plowshares will be the slaves of those who don’t.

NHSparky Says:
June 2nd, 2010 at 11:54 am And they get all bristled and ask, “Are you questioning MY patriotism?”
You fuckin-a-ditty-bag I am, shitbags.

defendUSA Says:
June 2nd, 2010 at 12:12 pm *THAT* Mother fucker needs to head to Europe, ASAP.
A shitbird forever.


If anything, I find the “inflammatory rhetoric being used in response” to be quite understated. Considering the audience here, mostly former military and the like, I’d say that anything short of a visceral reaction to the sentiment displayed by the leftards at DU would be uncharacteristic. The fact that DUmbasses don’t seem to grasp the simple premise that dead soldiers guarantee their right to be pants-on-head-window-licking-short-bus-denizens only makes their disdain all the more disgusting.

Florida Conservative

American Jim:
Sometimes, you get back exactly what you project into the world.

So Jim, how is that “projection thing” working out for President Obama? All that hope, change, and respect he has been projecting to the world (particularly toward implacable foes like Iran and North Korea) have made things measurably worse.

Jim, do you agree with the sentiments of “The Non-Sense We Call Memorial Day?” Inquiring minds want to know because the folks that were quoted in that thread are quick to use the fascist and racist labels for their political foes, but slow to use them against our enemies. You use the “fascist” label in your first post and then seem surprised when it provokes a reaction. So let me try a label that seems to fit you….liberal troll.

American Jim

I said this thread “SOUNDED” fascist, not that you guys “ARE” fascists. Jesus, I was suggesting we try to be Adult Americans and stop all this freaking name-calling, patriotism-questioning nonsense that leaves us enemies when we are allies.

I mean, listen to that. I will in no way defend those assholes at DU. I just think we could do better.

You guys are trying so hard to pidgeonhole me.

American Jim

Don’t you think we could take the high road and leave the name calling for the childish buddhist weirdos over there?


…sounds fascist to me.


This could all be avoided if AJ had the sense not to start shit in the first place.

Here’s a tip: don’t come into a place like here, purposefully do stuff that you know will piss off said place’s patrons, and then play victim when they call you on your bullshit.

Bubblehead Ray


You sound like a douchbag asshole. Now wait… I didn’t say you ARE a douchbag asshole, just that you SOUND like one, so I guess I’m covered according to your standards.


AJ; I really don’t care about what you think is childish, or not, because the cartoon and the statements made by those over at DU about our brothers and sisters deserved and received quick responses. I was adult enough for the task I chose for 4 years of my life, with more adult responsibility at that age than any of those chuckleheads posting at DU. In fact, those we defend now, because they can’t defend themselves, fought and died so those same chuckleheads could sit around drinking beer, getting laid, and espousing the virtues of Marx and Che.

No, AJ, they deserve no quarter and I offer none. Period; end of story.

AW1 Tim

Guys, stop feeding the troll.


Sorry to be disrespectful to the asshats over at The DU, Jim.

That just happens to really grind my gears to hear they that truly believe singing Kumbaya and talking is what protected their miserably blind existences all these years. Really? Are you effing kidding me?
Copy and pasted all the comments, you peace sign waving poseur-
and put it all on the DU for them to see. Then go and tell them what you told the rest of us here.

None of us believes that kind of disrespect equals free speech, nor will any of us who have served go quietly into the night politely. That’s what Duty, Honor, Country is, Jim. They are just plain old stuck on goddamned stupid if they think they would be alive without those who sacrifice.


Never, ever, has the Left understood what violence is, what war is, what honor is, or what peace actually is.

We do not find violence “heroic,” we find the courage “heroic”
We do not find war “honorable,” we find standing between hearth and harm “honorable”
We do not find violence “praise-worthy,” we find the people who will take into the professional application of violence their hearts — and defend us — SO THAT WE DO NOT HAVE TO to be “praise-worthy”
We do not find the lack of open warfare “peace,” but rather the lack of -desire- for warfare to be “peace,” and we further understand that in the face of some enemies, peace can only be achieved by defeating the enemy, and raising them up with a more noble heart — such as we have done with our defeated enemies (Germany, Japan, etc)

To understand this requires respect for others and a firm grasp on reality — things I fear are far too lacking on the Left.


Very well said, V. Thanks for your insight.

AW1 Tim

Well said indeed.


Hiroshi said: “Real heroes are the quiet makers of peace; those who say no in the face of the charge to insanity, and those who use their heart/mind to resolve a conflict.”

Only leftist, pacifist wienies are heroes? How come assertive non-violence when facing bad folk always means eithering running or getting one’s ass kicked? How come Hitler wasn’t stopped cold at Munich in ’38?


[…] This Ain’t Hell The DUmmy version of honoring Memorial Day […]

Old Tanker


Well said…Oscar Foxtrot Sierra!


Get rid of the military and see how long your freedom which you assholes take for granted last. The only thing that stands between you and sharia or the gulag is the U.S. Military. Move to Mexico, dirtbags!

Ellie Light


You sound like a Natuional Socialist but I’m sure you aren’t one.


Oh my gosh. I had to stop reading. Actually started to make me physically ill. How unbelievably ignorant and disrespectful.

Bubblehead Ray

No Ellie, he sounds like a pissed off American who is irritated with disrespectful, keyboard tough, douchebags who wouldn’t DARE say this shit in a American Legion or VFW hall.


I just love how if you are willing to fight, kill, and die you are labeled some kind of fascist. People who think that the only option is talk are sadly mistaken. Us sheepdogs will protect you from the wolves out there. Sometimes violence is the only option.

The Sniper

Hiroshi said: “Real heroes are the quiet makers of peace; those who say no in the face of the charge to insanity, and those who use their heart/mind to resolve a conflict.”

Yeah, you know… like the founding fathers who completely forced a King to give up his colonial holdings by posting inflammatory comments defending a douchebag DU post that insulted soldiers.

Blood and treasure asshole… that’s how things get done. Now go back to your job as a glory-hole attendant at the Manhole Cover or slop mopper at the dirty movie store or whatever befitting job you have.


I once tried to explain to a young lady I worked with exactly why I joined the Marines. I told her that I truly loved this country, even with all of it’s faults. I told her i believed in the Constitution and what it represented. I explained that although I didn’t agree with her beliefs and opinions, I willingly joined to protect the freedom that allows people to have those beliefs and opinions. I also stated war is the last thing anyone in the military wants, but I would go to war to defend this country, and the freedom we have. She thought about this a moment, looked at me and said, “So you really think I believe that you joined because you hate war, but are willing to defend against it?” I looked back at her and said, “Yes I hate war, but hate even worse what would happen if we didn’t have people willing to defend us”. She stared at me then said I was dumb Jarhead warmongerer. I was needless to say dumbfounded.