Kokesh loses primary bid

| June 2, 2010

Several months ago, Adam Kokesh, IVAW icon, lost a pre-primary bid for the New Mexico 3rd Congressional district’s Republican spot on the ballot in November with only 19.5% of the vote. Since he needed 20% of the vote to appear on yesterday’s primary ballot, he contested the New Mexico law to get his spot. Republicans conceded to the cry-baby and allowed on the primary ballot.

Well, predictably, he lost yesterday according to the Farmington Daily Times;

San Juan County petroleum engineer Tom Mullins defeated Santa Fe war veteran Adam Kokesh in the Republican primary battle for the U.S. House.

Mullins will face incumbent U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján, unopposed in the Democratic primary, in the Nov. 2 general election.

San Juan County voters overwhelmingly chose Mullins, who received more than 80 percent of the vote with 96 percent of precincts reporting in San Juan County.

Funny how this primary has the same results as the last pre-primary. Of course, being the gracious guy he is, Kokesh blamed an out of touch Republican Party, typical reaction from the Ron Paul candidate;

“It was clear that he had the leadership of the party behind him,” Kokesh said. “The Republican Party, the leadership is out of touch with it’s own base. Our own leadership in our party is corrupt.”

Is the party’s leadership 80% of the Republicans in the 3rd district? Of, course, John Kerry lost his first Congressional bid, too. So Kokesh bears watching over the years.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects, Veterans in politics

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This is suprising in not one single way.

Just A Grunt

Thank God. I can’t believe he was ever considered a serious candidate to start with.

B Woodman

I am SO NOT surprised!
Now what was that about the Republican leadership being out of touch and backing the wrong candidate?
Funny, that’s not what happened in Utah, when incumbent Sen Bob Bennett (backed by the Republican party, BTW) did not get selected in the second round of the primaries.

“The fox cried, “The grapes are sour.””

ANd if Kokesh attempts to run again, then the voters of NM will have to beat him down again like a tent peg.


Talked to a couple of people back home (Farmington/Aztec area) last night. They were wondering how this tool ever thought he was a serious candidate as well. I guess we’re all corrupt, right Adam?

Embittered Redleg

New Mexico does allow people who don’t qualify at conventions to collect enough signatures to get on the ballot, which is how he got on. Same thing happened with three of our governor candidates.

Still, I’m very happy this assclown lost, because that means I don’t have to send money to Ben Ray Lujan.


All of the people who made Kokesh’s past known to the republicans of New Mexico deserve much of the credit for this (great) loss. Last summer many felt that Kokesh would be a great candidate.

I too am happy that I don’t have to support Lujan!