The value of peace talks

| June 2, 2010

So, our ally in Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, launched his brilliant plan to have “peace talks” with members of the Taliban. Minutes after he began his speech to the assembled 1600 delegates, opponents launched an attack on the peace “jirga” according to Associated Press;

But the attack underscored the weak grip of Karzai’s government in the face of the Taliban insurgency, which has grown in strength despite record numbers of U.S. forces in country.

In his speech, Karzai said years of violence and infighting had caused widespread suffering that had driven many ordinary Afghans to join the Taliban and another major insurgent group, Hizb-i-Islami, out of fear. He appealed to them to renounce extremism.

“There are thousands of Taliban and Hizb-i-Islami, they are not the enemies of this soil,” Karzai said.

He said continuing fighting would only prevent the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan.

“Make peace with me and there will be no need for foreigners here. As long as you are not talking to us, not making peace with us, we will not let the foreigners leave,” Karzai said.

Brilliant. Tempt them away from violence today with the prospect of violence in the future. Negotiating with people who think that throwing acid in the faces of schoolgirls is an appropriate way to express their political opinion probably borders on insanity. Their disruption of this peace conference is proof of their unwillingness to negotiate.

The AP article reports that the Obama Administration is skeptical of the peace talks, yet the White House still thinks it’s an appropriate way to deal with thie Iran government and the North Koreans. Yeah, I don’t see it.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Precise value of peace talks in A-stan: Sh*t.


The precise value of peace talks in A’stan: Sh*t.