General Murtha pretends to care about the troops

| February 16, 2007

According to Fox News‘ Greg Simmons, Murtha used an internet-broadcast interview with, a far-Left, anti-war website, to try to get his message out. His message? Screw the troops who are currently engaged in Iraq.

According to his interview, Murtha claims;

The Bush administration “won’t be able to continue. They won’t be able to do the deployment. They won’t have the equipment. They don’t have the training and they won’t be able to do the work,” Murtha said in the post on the Democrat-friendly Web site “This vote will limit the options of the president and should stop this surge.”

So with Sadr on the run, US troops in theater shifted around and pressing the enemy, Murtha wants to stop reinforcments and supplies from reaching those under fire at the moment.

Murtha said the legislation would not necessarily deprive the administration of money but would redirect it, and it would be crafted to protect the troops, not harm them.

“We need to make sure that everybody understands we’re going to support the troops. We’re going to give the troops everything they need. We’re not going to .. make any of them vulnerable,” Murtha said. “But we’re going to make darn sure that they have what they need before they go over.”

By crafting legislation with those goals in mind, Murtha said, “that stops the surge for all intents and purposes.”

What a juvenile, half-assed approach to war. How many more of our troops will be spilling their blood to feed John Murtha’s gagantuan ego while he hides behind troops yet to be deployed while sniping at the folks in theater?

Murtha tones down the insane, threatening rhetoric for the mainstream media (more specifically the Washington Times’ Jon Ward);

“This legislation will force the administration to consider alternatives rather than escalating,” said Rep. John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, describing limitations he intends to place on an appropriations bill next month.

Of course, Dennis Kuscinich, the Emporer of Peace is a little more extreme;

 “The American people want us to get out of Iraq,” Mr. Kucinich said. “They expect Democrats to move quickly to end our involvement in Iraq. If Congress approves the supplemental appropriation, President Bush will have the money he needs to keep the war going through the end of his term.”

Not only does Kuscinich not understand how to fight wars, he also doesn’t understand what the American people want. But then, which Democrat does. They constantly invoke the “American people” in their insane blather, but when was the last time they really listened to the American people?

In the Senate, Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reports that Dingy Harry Reid has called for a Saturday vote on the Iraq War resolution;

“Time is of the essence,” Reid told a rapt audience in the Senate television studio yesterday afternoon. “That’s why the Senate will have another Iraq vote on Saturday.”

I guess he thinks that pressuring the Senators to work a full week will frighten them into submission. Little Chuckie Schumer pipes in;

The “vote on Saturday is a crucial vote not just for the moment or for the week, but for the history of America,” added an overwrought Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.). “We’re calling their bluff. We’re staying here. Now vote yes or no.”

The Post also points out that he’s caused more of a distraction to Democrat presidential hopefuls than to Republicans, though. So who cares. I guess it’s too hopeful to wish that they’d drown in a river of their tears.

And, according to the Washington Post, Joe Biden has a time machine;

Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, said he will seek to repeal the 2002 congressional authorization for Bush to wage war in Iraq and substitute legislation that would narrow the mission of troops there and begin to bring some home.

Haven’t the American people already been heard on that 2002 authorization? How does Biden think he can unfire that revolver? The only thing he can possible do is give aid and comfort to our enemies. But, I guess that’s Joe Biden’s way. Between Biden and Murtha, our enemies must pleased as pigs in clover. 

And the President gets in his licks;

But Bush, who has challenged lawmakers not to cut off funds for the troops, took a swipe at his critics during the day.

“This may become the first time in the history of the United States Congress that it has voted to send a new commander into battle and then voted to oppose his plan that is necessary to succeed in that battle,” the president said.

And at least some Republicans have something valuable to contribute;

“The enemy wants our men and women in uniform to think their Congress doesn’t care about them,” said Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Texas, who was a prisoner of war during Vietnam. “We must learn from our mistakes. We cannot leave a job undone like we left in Korea, like we left in Vietnam, like we left in Somalia,” Johnson said.

Added Rep. Geoff Davis, R-Ky., a West Point graduate who was a flight commander with the Army’s 82nd Airborne: “This nonbinding resolution serves no purpose other than pacifying the Democrats’ political base and lowering morale in our military.”

Unlike some others.

Category: John Murtha, Politics, Terror War

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