That flag they’re waving…it’s white

| February 16, 2007

Fox News reports that House Democrats are ready to vote on their surrender bill. They even sound like they’re surrendering to the Administration while they’re surrendering to the islamists;

“The bipartisan resolution today may be nonbinding, but it will send a strong message to the president: we here in Congress are committed and supporting our troops,” Pelosi said. “The passage of this legislation will signal change in direction in Iraq that will end the fighting and bring our troops home safely and soon.”

So broken down for the less literate, Pelosi is saying that even though this a pointless drill that means absolutely nothing, made by gutless cowards who are afraid to say what they really mean and vote on something that might actually say something, is not an actual law that the Executive Branch has to execute, the President had better do what they say anyway.

And the supreme girlie-man Henry Waxman, proving that he supports the troops, declares that Iraq is a defeat;

“What we now have in Iraq is a defeat. We cannot achieve the illusions of the Bush administration that we will be able to create a stable unified liberal democracy in Iraq that is pro-American,” Waxman said on the House floor. “Instead, we have sectarian fighting, death squads and a disabled Middle East that threatens to be engulfed by the nightmare that we have unleashed.”

Sounds like a bipartisan statement aimed at cooperation with the Administration, doesn’t it?

And ya gotta love those guys from Massachusetts;

The American troops are over there fighting so that we can exercise our constitutional rights and obligation to debate these issues and have an opinion on them,” [Rep. John] Tierney [D-MA] said. “If you listen to the troops when they come home or read their letters or the letters of their parents, they don’t understand what the mission is anymore, the goal is undefined.”

I guess they don’t get TV, radio or newspaper in Massachusetts. Everyone on the planet knows that the goal is a democratic Iraq. Unless they’re from Massachusetts. No one told the troops from Massachusetts what the goal is. It’s a conspiracy to keep Massachusetts ignorant.

About the vote in the Senate, Dingy Harry Reid says;

“It’s a vote on whether or not Republicans support the surge,” Reid said.

That’s right, Senate Republicans, let’s see your gonads. Or the lack thereof.

Category: Politics

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