RSSJohn Murtha

Axis of Idiots

| March 23, 2023 | 15 Comments
Axis of Idiots

I was asked to do an interview about Marines in Beirut recently for a new documentary.   Questions kept coming up about who was to blame for the events of October 23, 1983.  They seemed taken aback by me not blaming the Reagan Administration.  It’s not like they were faultless, but why didn’t I feel any […]

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Walter Reed to name clinic for John Murtha

| December 2, 2012 | 21 Comments
Walter Reed to name clinic for John Murtha

Our buddy, Coby Dillard, sends us a link to a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review report that the folks at Walter Reed Military Medical Center are planning on naming their cancer clinic for backstabbing, lying, cheating, ex-Marine John Murtha; “It’s a very fitting tribute to my husband because he cared so much about the troops and making sure […]

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Marines who lied in Haditha investigation to be dismissed

| April 20, 2012 | 10 Comments
Marines who lied in Haditha investigation to be dismissed

The Associated Press in the Stars & Stripes reports that the Navy will dismiss two Marines who cut a deal with prosecutors to testify against their squad mates in the Haditha case; The Marine Corps dropped criminal charges against both men – Sgt. Sanick Dela Cruz and Sgt. Humberto Mendoza – in exchange for their […]

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When death is better than living

| October 25, 2011 | 10 Comments
When death is better than living

TSO sends us a link to an article in Roll Call that is largely going unreported in the media about how the Justice Department and the FBI were investigating John Murtha for his “play for pay” antics in Western Pennsylvania, Bits and pieces of this story were kicked around for years before Murtha died in […]

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No Title, No Words… Just Outrage (Updated)

| May 17, 2011 | 8 Comments
No Title, No Words… Just Outrage (Updated)

Since I got Larry Bailey’s email I’ve been struggling to rationalize this evil? Sometimes it is hard. Concrete Bob did it for me. Last Wednesday, in Texarkana TX, some lowlife scumsucking asswipe murdered a good friend of mine and both of her children. Then the lowlife scumsucking asswipe set fire to her house to cover […]

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Murtha’s superlobbyist pleads guilty

| September 25, 2010 | 9 Comments
Murtha’s superlobbyist pleads guilty

Paul Magliocchetti pleaded guilty yesterday to funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions through straw donors to members of Congress for his clients in the defense industry. The three main recipients of these ill-spent money were John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, James P. Moran of Virginia and Peter J. Visclosky of Indiana. The […]

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FBI continues to beat dead horse-sized object

| May 26, 2010 | 2 Comments
FBI continues to beat dead horse-sized object

For those of us who were disappointed that John Murtha escaped punishment by inconveniently dying during the FBI’s investigation of his shenanigans while a Pennsylvania congressman, the Washington Times reports that they are still digging into Murtha’s antics; The FBI released hundreds of pages of documents concerning Murtha on Tuesday in response to open records […]

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Speaking of Murtha’s seat

| April 27, 2010 | 7 Comments
Speaking of Murtha’s seat

Since I live in the Johnstown area these days, I get to watch the battle for the Congressional seat recently vacated by the late John Murtha. Of course Murtha’s choice for the seat is his former staffer, Mark Critz. Critz runs from behind Murtha’s bloated corpse; Even though he’s not a veteran himself, Critz claims […]

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