AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

| July 12, 2024


Well, if you can’t beat ’em, impeach ’em.

Seems to be the theme of the Democrats – if they can’t win by the rules, try to change the rules. Disregarding decades of liberal majority on the Supreme Court, the Dems squealed like outraged shoats when the Court became barely conservative-leaning. God knows Roberts and Barrett are hardly what you would call hard-line rightists, but I guess when your viewpoint is somewhat to the left of Karl Marx anything that smacks of centrist probably looks ‘way over that right-hand horizon. Anyhoo,

“Justice Thomas and Alito’s repeated failure over decades to disclose that they received millions of dollars in gifts from individuals with business before the court is explicitly against the law,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement. “And their refusal to recuse from the specific matters and cases before the court in which their benefactors and spouses are implicated represents nothing less than a constitutional crisis.”

Not sure I have ever seen a law mandating recusal for something your spouse says, but I am no lawer. Seems to me the worst defined crime I see is that Thomas may have underpaid taxes according to some interpretations of the law (and may not have according to others.)

“Congress has a legal, moral, and democratic obligation to impeach,” she said.

This is the latest example of House Democrats – led by some of their highest-profile members – prioritizing the Supreme Court in their campaign year messaging. They’ve previously signaled that, if they regain control of the House, they’d use the power of the gavel to investigate alleged ethical lapses by the justices.

Given the current Republican control of the Senate, this is a non-starter.  Probably does show how important downstream elections are, in some ways more than the Presidential ones – these are the folks who pass the laws that directly affect us. If this fails, expect more attempts at court packing in the future.

In a way, this is a big step forward for our buck-toothed bartender bimbo…she actually introduced something for the first time in lo, these many years. Who knows, someday she may actually get a, you know, law or something passed (God forbid.)

Me? Only way I support an inquiry is if they impartially investigate ALL of ’em. I understand there are quite a few trips on some of the liberal justice’s plates paid for by liberal groups in which the justice’s roles were, shall we say, pretty negligible but the trips lasted a long time. Actually, I’d be very happy with an impartial audit of the entire Congress, both Houses. Bet that’d roil some bottom mud. Too many self-made millionaires there ostensibly making a coupla hundred grand a year.

Category: 2024 Election, Congress sucks, Democrats, Politics, Supreme Court

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A Proud Infidel®™

Of course that ex-mediocre bartender wants to try and usurp the SCOTUS, it interferes with her handlers’ perpetual quest for more power and control.


This sums its…


I guess it is better than burning a cross on Thomas’s front yard. I’m sure the Dems would be much happier with that given their long history of doing exactly that when black people get uppity. She probably thinks dragging Alito into makes it all ok.

I question the timing though. If the hope is to get Biden to appoint a new Justice or two before he is run out of office she needs to remember the Biden Rule about late term SCOTUS appointments. He said in no uncertain terms that it was bad for democracy.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

It’s only bad for democracy (Democrats) if Republicans/conservatives do it.


“… impartial audit of the entire Congress…” Testify! Curious meself as to how one can become a millionaire in just a few years on a grubermint salary living in one of the most expensive cities in the country. They are all equally worthless to me, money grubbing power mad despots.

Make tar and feathering great again.


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image?w=520&ssl=1


I would definitely support a complete fair and impartial investigation of all sitting members of the Courts and Congress!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

And retired, too.

Old tanker

Saying fair and impartial when referring to Congress is an exercise in contradictory terms.

Hack Stone

Donald Trump packed the Supreme Court!!!! (Said with outrage) Still trying to figure out how Donald Trump packed the court, as openings became available, and as allowed to the current President, he nominated people to fill those positions, they were interviewed by Senate Judiciary Committee, and a vote was held to confirm or decline the nomination(s). The good Congresswoman should do an Internet search for Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution. The Internet; It’s not just for porn, anymore.


But, but, but Trump! He will destroy America!

A Proud Infidel®™

Anyone remember Joke Biteme waffling his ass off, flip-flopping like a fish out of water when he was asked if he would pack the SCOTUS? I bet Pepperidge Farm remembers.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Make AOC Bartend Again”

Amateur Historian



From what I heard, she sucked at that too.


This is a direct result of the (union operated) American school system’s lack of civics and American History classes.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I started elementary school in 1950 and we were taught the ABC’s and said the pledge of allegiance at the American flag in the clasroom.


Kinda like this…and they have succeeded…
comment image

Forest Bondurant

AOC has a lot of room to talk. “Congress has a legal, moral, and democratic obligation to impeach.”

Both the House and Senate have an obligation to support and defend the Constitution by invoking the 25th Amendment since Biden is incapable of performing his duties. Instead, they keep their focus on thwarting the bad Orange Man’s efforts to run for office.


…and FJB.


How many of you remember when AOC first got to DC, and was asking for help with her rent? What’s she worth today? How did she accrue her current net worth?


She’s worth about $100,000 today. Her salary is a congressman is $174,000 a year.


She would have to be waterboarded before I would believe she has a net worth of only $100K.

Forest Bondurant

It’s not waterboarding if you use diesel fuel.

(Just sayin’)