RSSSupreme Court

Anti-gun Sotomayor catching grief

| July 13, 2024 | 36 Comments
Anti-gun Sotomayor catching grief

As you read in Wednesday Feel Good Stories, armed U.S. Marshals on bodyguard duty for Justice Sotomayor of the Supreme Court opened fire on a would-be carjacker Tuesday night. Kentrell Flowers, 18, was shot Friday after he approached an unmarked Marshals vehicle near Sotomayor’s home. Flowers pointed a handgun at one of the two Marshals […]

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Supreme Court sides against the power of faceless bureaucrats

| July 12, 2024 | 10 Comments
Supreme Court sides against the power of faceless bureaucrats

The Founding Fathers intended for our elected representatives to make the laws of the land. However, as time progressed, bureaucrats sitting in offices had been allowed to make decisions and regulations that impacted the citizens. After being fined $700 for “sea monitors”, a group of fishermen took to the courts. One of the arguments their […]

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AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

| July 12, 2024 | 23 Comments
AOC tries to impeach Thomas and Alito

  Well, if you can’t beat ’em, impeach ’em. Seems to be the theme of the Democrats – if they can’t win by the rules, try to change the rules. Disregarding decades of liberal majority on the Supreme Court, the Dems squealed like outraged shoats when the Court became barely conservative-leaning. God knows Roberts and […]

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Clarence Thomas defense

| June 29, 2024 | 20 Comments
Clarence Thomas defense

Interesting opinion piece on Fox from Mark Paoletta alleging that the hit campaign against Clarence Thomas is riddled with inaccuracies, and that the authors don’t care. Let’s start with how Thomas supposedly received $4.2 million in gifts over the last few years. That’s 20 years, by the way, since 2003. “He traveled to Dallas in […]

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Sometimes the Supremes try…and fail

| June 4, 2024 | 6 Comments
Sometimes the Supremes try…and fail

Yesterday we had a blurb on the Supreme Court getting it right – good for them. People also need to remember that they also get it wrong,  and have to reverse themselves. “Well, we phrased the decision poorly and idiots will now try to twist the law to their own benefit” such as Hunter’s defense […]

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Big NRA win in Supreme Court

| June 3, 2024 | 20 Comments
Big NRA  win in Supreme Court

The Supremes handed a nice victory to the NRA last week. Not uncommon, right? This one was – a UNANIMOUS decision. Authored by Justice Sotomayor.  Supported by the ACLU. With a combination like that on your side, you can bet the other folks were trying on some egregious shit, man. Oh. look. it was the […]

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Supremes screw the pooch again

| May 11, 2024 | 20 Comments
Supremes screw the pooch again

While I generally like this set of judges, they sure aren’t infallible, and proved it in a major way today. In a 6-3 ruling powered by its conservative majority, the justices affirmed a lower court’s dismissal of the lawsuits by the two plaintiffs, who were denied prompt hearings to reclaim vehicles seized by police in […]

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Supremes tweak free speech limits

| March 16, 2024 | 12 Comments
Supremes tweak free speech limits

The Supreme Court decided Friday that there are indeed some internet limitations on free speech. But not like it sounds, they are restricting the ability to curtail it. The decision was based on two lower court cases from California and Michigan in which it was ruled that public officials could block or ban critics on […]

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