Maxine Waters wants Trump supporters to be investigated

| June 4, 2024

Maxine Waters released some whoppers recently. She claimed that Trump supporters may be training for an attack. In her mind, Donald Trump is instigating violence and hinted that his supporters were “domestic terrorists”. These “terrorists” should be investigated for the possibly preparing for bloodshed. Waters pointed to Trump’s metaphor about “bloodshed” to help bolster her claims.

From Fox News:

“Are they preparing a civil war against us?” she continued. “Should we be concerned about our safety? What is [Trump] doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous.”

“This is not good for this country,” Waters added, “but he does not care about democracy, he does not care about the Constitution of the United States. He’s in love with Putin and Russia and Kim Jong-un and North Korea.”

“It is not just that [Trump is] a criminal, this is a man who disrespects the Constitution and democracy and we have got to find out what they are doing as domestic terrorists [who] tried to take over the government on Jan. 6,” she continued.

“How far is this going to go?” Waters asked. “Are they going to be attacking? Whom are they going to attack? What are we going to do? We’re trying to get an investigation going about that.”

Waters also referenced a social media post she made attacking Trump after his historic conviction in New York.

“Trump shut your mouth!” Waters wrote on X Thursday. “You talk about saving the Constitution? You’re the one who has disrespected the Constitution and you have supporters who believe we should get rid of the Constitution! Just shut your mouth, you’re convicted on all counts!”

Additional Reading:

Clark, J. (2024, June 3). Rep. Maxine Waters says Trump supporters should be investigated: ‘Are they preparing a civil war?’ Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Society

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Old tanker

Sheesh, the PDRK (peepuls repugnant of kaliphornya), the gift that keeps on giving… Why couldn’t she and pelosi investigate the effects of tsunamis on the ocean floor, from the ocean floor?


This Summer…


Sounds like she’s worried about the pot of shit the democrats have stirred up.

I am in no way, manner, shape nor form calling for the violence she is worried about. But isn’t she the one who called for people to disrupt and harrass those she found disagreeable wherever they were found?

Is she worried about chickens coming home to roost?


Lenin kept calling it “democracy” too:
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jeff LPH 3 63-66

That A-Hole and her peeps are telling us what us conservatives will do but they are the ones who are doing it. sounds a litle ASS Backwards.


Because it’s “ok” when they do it..


It’s called projection. They are telling you exactly what’s coming, and who they plan to blame.


Yup– for “the greater good,” of course:
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

She projects much.

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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

That red dot on the left seems to be a little low, or are the ones north of it not showing?!


San Fran Sh*thole should be on there, you’re right.


She should have stayed with the Jeffersons and never gone
into politics.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

She talks like she is in deep shit and muddy waters.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Well, b*tch, as the saying goes, don’t bring nuttin’, won’t be nuttin’.
Keep your PantyFag, #BurnLootMurder, and Turd World Illegal Army dogs on their leashes, won’t be a reason for us to be preparing for a civil war against anybody.

Interesting……I saw a pic this morning (have to go and re-find it), implies that the Rooftop Korean Army is taking to the rooftops again. No link, caption or context though, may just be a re-print of an old pic.

Last edited 3 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Follow up. More interesting. Tried to get to WesternRifleShooters dot us from my worksite, won’t connect/load, keeps giving me a timeout error. And yet, I’d swear that I saw that Rooftop Korean pic there. I’ll try again from home.

Last edited 3 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Here ya go, Tox….

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Maxiepad Waters…if itchy ass had a face…


This is the natural next step toward our socialist utopia.

They know they’re starting to reach the end of the patience of people who prefer liberty and freedom over totalitarianism so they really, really need to start locking up the people who might resist them.

The precedent is set now, J6 opened the door. The right is no longer permitted to rally, demonstrate or petition the government for redress of grievances…they’ll call it an insurrection and put the demonstrators in jail for decades.

Outsiders who oppose the “deep state” are not permitted to run for high office. They will be prosecuted for non crimes in unfriendly jurisdictions, convicted and imprisoned.

Now that they’ve established those precedents, they MUST start “taking care of” those of us who may resist. If you support right wing causes, or those outsiders who had the audacity to try to win election, you will be imprisoned.

The screws are going to be twisted tighter and tighter as time goes on. It will necessarily be a slow progression.

Those of us who love liberty tend to “go with the flow”. We tend to be of the “you leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone” mindset. That’s why there have been no massive demonstrations or armed effort to free those being persecuted for J6. That’s why there has been no uprising to protect the outsider being prosecuted for being Donald Trump. That’s why we’re not hip deep in a civil war right now.

That’s the last resort and they know that we will avoid it until we have no choice. They also know that they can eliminate the threat completely as long as they do it slowly enough so as to not provoke the rest of us.

“When the came for the J6 protestors I did not speak out because I wasn’t at J6” etc.

Their hope is that by the time they’ve actually provoked us enough to put it all on the line, there will be so few of us left that we’ll be ineffectual.

And I fear that they’re right.


Leftists love their attritional “boiled frog” strategies.


Old Max looks like one!


Smoked, not boiled.. them wrinkles look like the ass end of an elephant

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I just croaked when I read that.
QU- How deep is a frogs pond
ANS- Kneedeepknedeepkneedeep


With rallies against what they did to Trump in England and France going on, I’m glad the rest of the world is waking up and seeing what a total shitpig we have in office (Biden AND the rest of the Dems/Administration.)

Green Thumb

“Push back. You gotta push back.”



Maxine should be investigated for evidence of a brain.


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Just a guess, but she knows she’ll be one of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. Of course she is one of the dumbest people in Congress and that’s saying A LOT.

Most of the planning is being done in extreme secret, led by double agents in the DEA, ATF and even customs and borders. Several of the open revolutionaries were caught during J6, so they were forced to form a fifth column. It’s amazing what you can get away with when you don’t use any electronics. By use old of Cold War methods nobody suspects a thing. The FBI is too lazy these days to catch anybody without a computer or a cell phone.

Army-Air Force Guy

Evidently they can’t solve crimes that occur at night.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Can you say “Lone Wolf”?
A LibTard DildoCrat Bureaucrat’s worst nightmare.
How can you catch someone that refuses to go along with the FiBbIe FedBoi instigators?

Dennis - not chevy

It was amusing when Pogo Possum and his friends were arrested on the charge of suspicion of being suspicious. It makes me wonder if the left gets its instructions from the funny pages.


What’s TRUMP doing about the divisive language? What have Democrats ever done about that the past 8 years? Nice job projecting, Maxine.

Woman talks a lot of shit for someone with zero positive changes or impacts to her constituents in over half a century of public [self] service.


Don’t forget rule number one, always accuse the other guy what you’re already doing. I think they have called Trump everything but pretty.


That is one of the “Rules for Radicals” by Alinsky.

Hack Stone

Woman talks a lot of shit for someone with zero positive changes or impacts to her constituents in over half a century of public [self] service.

Well, her time in office seems to ave benefited her immediate family.


Of course she services self. Would you want to service her?


Isn’t she Commissar’s rep? He can service her.


As we have all seen, the (D)emon-rats always accuse the others of doing what they themselves are doing.
Which means she is neck deep in terrorist activities


Division and especially violence is what the Left relies on to get the job done.

Hope for Change? You can force it through violence, so long as you have politicians and media on your side. 2020 proved this, with the rampant defunding of police, the destruction and erasure of history, and ultimately, the completely legitimate change of power in the White House.

Need to vilify the Right? The Clinton Era showed us just how to do that, and the FIB, AFT, and other alphabet agencies seem to be drawing upon their long experience in agitating those on the fringe. January 6th continues to haunt people who dared to step foot on the grounds of the Capitol that day; it seems that every week there’s another arrest, despite it being nearly 3.5 years after the fact. It was a “violent insurrection”, though, and showed that the Left’s “peaceful protests” of the Summer of Love had given way to hate-mongers who blindly follow a twice impeached felon.

Gun control? That’s easy, just wait for the next mass shooting. Disregard what’s happening in our inner cities, because that doesn’t fit the narrative. Think of the children, of the violent sentience of assault weapons and high-capacity pistols, about how unsafe our streets are.


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Forest Bondurant

This coming from a scrunt who said protesters in Minneapolis should “get more confrontational” if Officer Derek Chauvin were to be acquitted.

She also urged people to confront and harass Trump administration officials if any were seen in public: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them!…”

Her history of violent rhetoric goes back to the Rodney King riots, and likely longer than that.

A Proud Infidel®™

And I bet that a good chunk, if not most of her district looks and is like some third world shithole.

Hack Stone

“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.

Hack Stone will be purchasing an air horn, and whenever he sees Maxine Waters in public, especially babbling incoherently in front of a camera, he will give a hoot.


This is what we get for our money. California receives the most federal $ out of all 50 states. So our tax dollars help pay for this idiot!

A Proud Infidel®™

Oooh, you-gonna make Major Moonbat whip his “Empirical Evidence ” out, he says The PRoCA provides for the rest of us! 🤣🤣


I actually wondered about that!


Maxine, you are late for the Mensa meeting. Oh wait, wrong number……


There are two major parties in this nation: The corrupt/criminal one and the stupid one.


Thankfully, we aren’t allowed in either club.

AW1 Rod

Maxine Waters is dumber than a bag of hair. She’s just another irrelevant, bloviating Commiefornia DemocRAT stool sample, and is to be ignored.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like the usual SHIT from some brainless lifelong DC Insider who has made a fortune while being in public office, how many riots erupted after the verdict in that sham trial? Yep, none.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

he does not care about the Constitution of the United States.”

That’s rich coming from Ms. Waters…


Here she is testifying before Congress on Trumpers.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Maxine Waters would be just another Welfare Queen if it wasn’t for her getting elected which given her district, I’m sure she was installed via rigged elections because she does the bidding of her masters, I mean Political bosses, one and all.

Skivvy Stacker

She would actually LOVE a real democracy. Majority Rule! If she could get a majority of people to want to get rid of guns, stifle your freedom of speech, end your right to worship, take away your due process protections, and so on…she’d be creaming in her slip.
Good thing we DON’T live in a democracy.