SEALs Celebrate Gay Pride Month

| June 4, 2024

They want you
They want you
They want you as a new recruit!

Official US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in Pride month: ‘Navy SEALs have gone woke’

Libs of TikTok highlighted the post on Twitter, saying it was ‘terrifying’
By Anders Hagstrom Fox News

The official Facebook page for the U.S. Navy SEALs and Naval Special Warfare Command was mocked this weekend for marking the start of “pride month.”

Backlash to the post surged when it was highlighted on the popular “Libs of TikTok” page on X, formerly known as Twitter. The post had no caption and included a photo with rainbow designs that read, “NSW. Dignity. Service. Respect. Equality. Pride.”

Libs of TikTok shared the post to X on Saturday, writing, “The Navy SEALs have gone woke. Our elite special forces. This is terrifying.”

The special warfare account took steps to limit the accounts that can comment on their post, suggesting administrators knew it would be controversial.

Fox News

“Most relevant is selected, so some comments may have been filtered out.”

Wonder which ones? Comments came through loudly and clearly despite the attempt at censorship by Big Navy. Odd that voting is not enabled.

NSWC Facebook Page

The woke DEI rot is not limited to NSWC, or even the Navy. Hat tip to Mick for the head’s up.

Category: Big Navy, Points-and-Laughs, The Stupid is Strong

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Folks won’t die because of DEI…right?


Oh, hardly any at all. /sarc

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Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’m SO glad that you added the (/sarc) tag, in case SOMEONE (SPAPOS) might read this and not “get” the sarcasm.


I am sure a Spetnaz company will surely recoil in fear when it faces a US unit full of trannies and other deviants.


New meaning to getting “blown” up.

Major Tuddy

In fairness, being inclusive means that we all get a chance to show what we’ve got. Yes, hold all of us to the same standards. Just be sure that we don’t throw away talent because of prejudice and bias.


How the fuck is a Naval Special Warfare Operator being gay going to cost anyone their lives?

There has been gay SEALS since the first SEAL teams and the navy frogmen, allied commando, and underwater demolition teams before that.


Once again, you’ve missed the point. I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!



Oh noes, the seal was heard to say, I broke a nail.

Hack Stone

And you know this how? When it comes to steel on steel combat, “Toxic Masculinity” will be the deciding factor, not the ability to recognize “personal pronouns” and 57 genders. Joe Biden says that the LBGQT+#{€ community is just as patriotic and eager to serve their country as… well, as the non-LBGQT+#{€ Americans, but for some reason the military is not meeting their recruiting goals. This administration has told straight White Christian males that their “kind” are no longer wanted in the US Armed Forces. It will decades to recover from the damage Joe Biden inflicted upon our military.

Major Tuddy

Not that long. Bring Trump back; he’ll have our military great again in his first 100 days back in.

tom reynolds

They say that but always fail to mention that none of these tranny perverts are deployable. Totally useless.


AND here you are!!!!!!


Can you cite those statements?



SEALS…proud of those men who bang each other in the ass.

They are part of the Navy afterall.


Rum, sodomy and the lash must’ve appealed to somebody.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

1/2 of San Francisco and Portland


🎶 In the navy…. 🎶



🎶 You can get down on your knees,
In the Navy!
You’ll probably get Venereal Disease! 🎶


Does this now open it up to support any political cause that you want IN UNIFORM. They are using an official naval symbol to represent a movement that many of us see as political in nature.


The NSW SEAL/SWCC was the worst. I have a friend whose family are plank owners at the UDT/SEAL Museum in Ft. Pierce, and his response is not suitable for print. I know it was done by some pinhead PAO but it had to have command approval.

“That’s what happens when you start pussy footin’ around with those show folk fags” – Buford T. Justice

AW1 Rod

Have a LOVELY celebration, SEAL Queers.


I’m sure it will be FABULOUS!!!


I am looking forward to the NSWS drag queen show. Will it be held at Cornado or Little Creek, VA?


Stunning AND Brave?


I know at least one retired Navy seal who is as gay as taking a shirtless Province Town gym selfie while wearing rainbow spandex shorts and Stan Smith pride sneakers. He did over 20 and retired as an SCPO, many years ago.


So, you have inside knowledge?


He married a former coworker so it wasn’t exactly a secret. He was proud of his service and even got a personalized tag for his class number.


SEAL it with a kiss.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


Green Thumb

SEAL the two-hole!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Man, you guys and Gals got me out punned today.


Are they still around?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Leave no man’s behind”


“The only fabulous day was yesterday!”


From a tight Seal to a loose Walrus.



According to a couple navy guys I worked with, it wasn’t gay if you were underway. Is the /snark tag really needed?


But if you were at the pier, it may be q*****


aka, the Loose Anoose.


I’m a little confused about the whole “pride” thing. I was raised to be proud of accomplishments.

Completing BUDs training? Be proud of that.

Getting turned on by people of the same sex? Is that an accomplishment? In what way?

They claim that being gay is an innate characteristic and they’re born that way, so what’s to be proud of? Is it something you had to work at? Are there gay merit badges you can put on your rainbow sash?

It would be like me being “proud” of being left-handed. Why? Did I earn it in some way? It’s actually quite annoying every time I try to use a pair of scissors.


It’s in contrast to having to hide in the closet for hundreds of years in the United States.

Homosexuality was illegal in many states, and you could not get a security clearance or a government job if you were openly gay for a very long time. Joining the military was illegal until the ’90s, and then you still couldn’t be openly gay until about 12 years ago. Being gay was something that was shameful and had to be hidden. If this is part of your identity it’s very hard on your psyche. More importantly though, all people are supposed to be treated the same, but gay people were not for a very long time.

So the idea here, is for people to be proud of who they are instead of ashamed.


OK, I get that, but then what about Straight Pride? Why do they have to fly flags and force their pronouns and ideology on those not interested? Just do what you do and shut up. Straight people don’t run around and proclaim their “straightness.” If they want to be treated equally, then just go about your business without flaunting it. I guess if Gay Pride month is June, then Straight Pride Months are the other eleven?


I don’t recall straight sexual orientation being illegal or ostracized in US society and made into a shameful thing.

In any case some straight people DO run around and proclaim their straightness and have events. Just because you have never heard of a thing doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

You seem unhappy with people exercising their 1st Amendment rights which seems anti-American to me. Since you don’t like it you could simply tune it out. Nobody is forcing you to read or comment about it.


“Nobody is forcing you to read or comment about it.”

Wrong. You can’t escape Pride month. There haven’t been this many rainbows since the great flood. As I said before, I don’t care one whit about anyone’s sexual orientation, preference, or proclivities. But… when you start demanding me to celebrate it and embrace it, you lose my support. YMMV.


The only rainbow I’ve seen this month has been on this page. Maybe I’m just living right.


I don’t believe that for a second.


It doesn’t really matter what you believe, it is still true.

USMC Steve

Yeah, no.


Nobody is forcing you to read or comment about it.”

As long as you don’t…I don’t know…watch TV, listen to the radio, read magazines, talk to anyone, consume any media of any type, or…pretty much interact with the rest of the world in any way.

BTW…doesn’t my reading and commenting about it constitute an exercise of my first amendment right? So by your standards, doesn’t that make your criticism of us “Anti-American”? After all, you could just tune us out, no one is forcing you to read or comment on our opinions.


I’m not not the one telling people to shut up.

USMC Steve

Yes, you were. Review your posts.


Indirectly, you are.

USMC Steve

Might be because it is deviant sexual behavior, and if that is what makes you what you are, the raison d’etre for your existence, then you are fucked in the head. Demanding that people cater and kowtow to you because of your particular sexual deviancy is also bullshit. And you need to go and reread the 1st amendment thingie, because we ALL have the right to comment on what we want, not just those who ass kiss the various sexual special interest groups.


I don’t really give a s*** when people tell me what pronouns to use for them. If I’m in the mood for humoring them I might use them, but I and just as likely to not.

Gay people don’t have to fly a flag. But when they do, they sure as hell don’t don’t need to justify it to you. Just like with Alito’s wife is flying flags over her house.


No, but every business / corporation that is afraid of being cancelled by the rainbow mafia is flying the flag this month..


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Not in muslim countries… that would be bad for business.


There’s a big difference between “not ashamed” and “proud”. I’m not in the least ashamed of being left-handed, but it is not a source of pride, even though I was “oppressed” as a child as a result of it. In the early grades, when I was learning to write, my teachers would smack my knuckles with a ruler whenever they caught me using my left hand. Do I win an award in the victimhood Olympics? Probably not a trophy, but maybe at least a ribbon?

How many of the people attending “gay pride” events and flying rainbow flags were even alive when sodomy (not “being gay”) was enforced as a criminal offense?

In fact, those laws were very rarely enforced at all and primarily in instances of rape and statutory rape, even as far back as the founding. The fact that gays were required to keep their sexual proclivities private (where they belong regardless of your sexual orientation) up to about 50 or 60 years ago is hardly grounds for unbridled “pride” in one’s sexuality and doesn’t excuse the hedonistic displays of fetishism celebrated by the left at “pride” events.


You are nuts if you think it was 50 or 60 years ago. People were getting court-martial then kicked out of the military in this century. It’s nothing like getting racked on the knuckles with a ruler but we all have our crosses to bear.

And again, clearly you don’t like it when people exercise their first Amendment freedoms. I am guessing you are either communist or socialist. Typically that attitude pervades the far left. People don’t need a justification to exercise freedom of speech, that’s the whole point.

I’ve never been to a gay pride event so I don’t know what they display. So long as they are not breaking any laws I don’t really give a s*** either. You don’t need to go, and you don’t need to listen. On the other hand they don’t need to justify their freedom of speech to you either. You should swing by the library and find you some books to burn, it’ll make you feel better.


“You are nuts if you think it was 50 or 60 years ago.”

Really? Openly gay people were being arrested and jailed in the 1970’s? I don’t remember that. Again, I know that anti-sodomy laws were prevalent back then (the first repeal of which was by Illinois in…I think…1960 or 61). But anti-sodomy laws weren’t “anti-gay” laws, they were laws against “unnatural” sexual acts regardless of the sexual orientation of the culprits…and, as I said before, they were rarely enforced except in cases of rape and statutory rape.

People were getting court-martial then kicked out of the military in this century.”

My apologies, I wasn’t aware that all gays were forced to join the military and thereby subject themselves to the UCMJ.

I was under the impression that most gays (like most straights) were civilians and fell under the jurisdiction of state and federal law; therefore when speaking about the legal aspects I wasn’t specifically addressing the UCMJ that impacts 2 or so million Americans, I was talking about the civilian legal system that impacts all 350 million of us.

Especially when you consider that, for the past 51 years since the draft was eliminated, anyone falling under the auspices of the UCMJ has done so voluntarily.

And again, clearly you don’t like it when people exercise their first Amendment freedoms.”

Apparently your grasp of the First Amendment is a bit shaky, as you’ve attempted to make this point twice.

Gays have the right to express their opinions. That’s the First Amendment.

I have the right to express my disagreement with their opinions. Also the First Amendment.

Apparently, in your world, expressing an opposing viewpoint is somehow preventing them from speaking. How exactly? Show your work please.


Frankly, I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, bi, or stick it in watermelons. If your sexual orientation is the #1 trait in your personality, I want nothing to do with you. The folks in “alternative” lifestyles keep telling me to stay out of their bedrooms. I’m good with that. Now, keep your bedroom antics out of public display. Your business is your business, stop making it mine.


If They’re having sex in a public place They should definitely be arrested for that. It really doesn’t matter what your proclivities are. The watermelon guy might be able to get away with it anyway.


Speaking of doing it in a public place, whatever happened to the 2 guys buggering each other in the senate(?)? No arrests or charges brought forth that I’m aware of.


nope, they had the magic D after their names..

Veritas Omnia Vincit

and somewhere else apparently

tom reynolds

They weren’t Trump supporters so it was just swept under the rug. Nasty filthy people.

tom reynolds

And stop pushing your perversions on children.You never see these rump rangers wanting to read to shut-ins or the blind,only children. Very telling.


“Not that there is anything wrong that…” – Jerry Seinfeld

The Pride in being what they say they were born as then why don’t we have every single category of pride? My heritage is Irish, so Irish Pride, but also a little German, and Polish too. I get three days? Weeks? Months? I’m over 6 feet tall that’s makes me a minority that I didn’t do anything to do to belong to? Where’s that Pride Day? Yeah, heterosexual, married, my kid’s serving, I have black lab, not a yellow one. Do I get some sort of Pride Day, Week, month for all that? To continue the absurdity of it all is the King of Absurdity, Norm MacDonald:

Last edited 8 months ago by HT3

Well again, other than being Irish none of that was ever illegal. And other than being Polish nothing to be ashamed of there. But Pollock jokes are on the big decline. I haven’t even heard one in at least 20 years. St Patrick’s Day is generally recognized as being Irish pride day.

The teetotaler’s out there will probably clutch their pearls, much like so many people in this discussion. But from what I hear about it the Irish engage in all kinds of hedonistic activity that mostly revolves around drinking whiskey and beer. Which is kind of a strange thing for a Catholic saint day, at least in my opinion.

I may swoon later.


The Irish people, you know, the ones living in Ireland, don’t celebrate St. Patrick’s day in that fashion. Outside of the Temple Bar tourist area in Dublin, it’s a quiet family day. Only in America do we celebrate Irish heritage by getting knee-walking, commode-hugging drunk. It’s much like Cinco de Mayo, which is celebrated more in the US than in Mexico. Maybe I can start a trend where we celebrate MLK’s birthday or Juneteenth by eating fried chicken and watermelon, nothing says “pride” quite like perpetuating a stereotype.


Good luck finding watermelon in the middle of January. They sure won’t have any around here.


I know nothing of the Northern Ireland traditions. However… If you look at the picture in the link you provided, It’s plain to see it’s the TEMPLE BAR tourist district. I think I stated that in my post. Besides being deliberately obtuse today, you’re now being willfully illiterate.


The Protestants of Northern Ireland do not consider themselves Irish. They are not Catholic, they usually belong to the Anglican Church aka The Church of England and consider themselves English. The split form the Vatican and “The Troubles” since can fill volumes.

On a side note, some of my older relatives referred to St. Patrick’s Day as “Amateur Night”. Aye, the stories they tell…


Since someone brought up being Irish, do we have any Scots here as well?

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So who’s the guy in the extended kilt?


SEAL Team 69. Yeah baby…Oh behave!


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The Teams are so screwed.


Gives new meaning to ‘ blowing a SEAL’


I’m pretty sure this was proven to be fake… spoof, take your pick.

From The Pink News (probably a first for TAH):


One thing I noticed when I took my current job is the lack of virtue signaling. It’s kind of refreshing, after being reminded of “Happy Awareness Month”, “Alaskan Malamute Heritage Season”, and whatever else DOD decided to toss at us on a weekly basis. To be honest, though, that was usually fairly unobtrusive, with flyers posted on bulletin boards and entrances marking special events or what have you, but nothing really in your face. NSW’s post affects me as much as anything else posted on Twitter–that is, not at all. On a much broader scale, though, it speaks volumes about our current leadership and the priorities (or lack thereof) those leaders have.

My employer seeks to make money. Our customer base cares about outdoors activities like fishing and hunting, not what goes on in people’s bedrooms, which race/ethnicity is the flavor of the month, or who’s winning which war halfway across the globe. They want that next trophy buck or bass.

The US military exists to protect our interests at home and abroad. Ideally, it would exist solely to defend our borders, but as it stands, it’s what the Navy used to pitch as a “Global Force for Good”. Our enemies do not care about how inclusive our military forces are, what sexual orientations and genders are currently en vogue, or even what our humanitarian capabilities are. They want to see us defeated both militarily and as a nation.

Project strength, don’t protect weakness.


I don’t think it’s doing us any favors in recruiting. But I don’t think any nation is going to think we’re less capable because of gay pride month.

They might think we’re less capable because we have a 45-year-old battle tank, wasted hundreds of billions of dollars on the LCS, were very late adopters of advanced drone warfare, rely heavily on an unencrypted, and heavily dated satellite GPS system and then we have a dementia patient as president and commander in Chief. Those are probably real concerns, at least in the line of concerns that’s what I would be concerned about.



Forest Bondurant

That’s gay.


There’s a camel nose in my tent!!!


Last edited 8 months ago by JustALurkinAround

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Forest Bondurant

Two years from now, after Biden is re-elected, the Pentagon, all the service academies, and branches will announce their recognition of and participation in National Pedophile Month.

People who think like Commissar will celebrate it.


FaceBook 101 – Lesson on comments displayed.

“Most relevant is selected” is a FaceBook DEFAULT.
Some pages (and groups) change this.
Many don’t, and leave it as is.
The NSWC / SEAL page has this default setting on ALL posts
(as shown here).

For all of you who don’t know HOW to view comments on FaceBook….
On a PC, just HOVER over “Most relevant is selected”,
and 3 choices come up,
including “Newest”, and “All comments”.

Select “All comments”, and you will see ALL comments.
Select “Newest”, and you will see (almost?) all comments in timed order.

A cellphone with the FaceBook app will be similar, but different.

No one at the SEAL page is hiding anything.
No “censorship”.
It’s just FaceBook doing it’s ugly thing at space saving and (pre)selected display.

Ask a(ny) FaceBook friend, who actually knows what they are doing,
on what things mean, before drawing faulty conclusions (like censorship).

Class dismissed.


I don’t feel tardy.


Here’s a retired SEAL’s take on things: Naval Special Warfare Celebrates Pride Month (

He has some good points about DADT, though by Obama’s first term it was being pitched as essentially just hatred under the guise of policy, designed to persecute the brave men and women who only wished to serve their nation while presenting as their true selves. What goes on in your bedroom, whatever pride you take in non-military affairs, you should separate from your role as a Service Member (SM). Getting promoted and want your same-sex spouse to attend the ceremony? I have no issue with that, provided everything is conducted professionally, to include dress code and limiting any displays of affection. Hell, pass the roses to Squidward the Sailor Spouse and give CAPT Scott Sparkles a four-day pass to spend swimming in seamen before he takes his new command. Just don’t remind me that my senior officer enjoys sailing the Chocolate Seas or hauling down the Hershey Highway. If CPT Clamshell loves a little sapphic snorkeling during her weekends, that’s her business. Truth be told, I don’t want to think of anyone’s private time with their spouse, male, female, or other…

Prior Service (Ret)

US Navy SQUEALs (like a pig).


Allowing gays in the military without them fearing persecution and harassment is not “going woke”.

Gays have served in militaries since the first soldiers stood in the first formations in the earliest human civilizations.

It is not an “agenda”, it is not “wokeness”, it is not a liberal conspiracy…

It is just treating service members with dignity and respect.


“Respect my sexuality or there will be retribution” does not foster dignity or respect. I’d venture to say most people don’t care if someone is gay, right up until dignity and respect isn’t enough and special treatment is demanded.


A significant plot line with characters in the TV show Ghosts.

Isaac Higgintoot is the ghost of a Revolutionary War veteran
and former member of the American Continental Congress
who died of dysentery….
and as you see here,
reveals that he killed his 21st century British ghost interest.


The show’s hot factor, especially for older guys….
“Flower” is a 1960s hippie chick, who got stoned,
tried to hug a bear in the woods, and got mauled to death.


Is anyone interested in hearing what my wife and I did in our marital bed last night?????????


I don’t want to hear, or my kids to hear what you did either!!!!BUT for some reason (Wokeness????) we have to listen to all the details of the LGBTQ community, or WE are the problem!!!!


It wasn’t a problem, till it was a problem. NOT EQUAL,,,SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t think the navy seals need to celebrate anything outside of what their military mission is. They need to advocate loyalty and duty to country. They should advocate for nothing but the mission. No politics or celebrations other than the 4th of July. No expressions of any thing to do with race, color, religion, etc. Present an image of what they do and what is expected and seek out the best people to be the most Elite Warrior’s. Who ever is in charge of public relations for the navy should be fired.