US Supreme Court’s decision keeps Donald Trump on Colorado ballot

| March 4, 2024

Colorado’s election officials took action to remove Donald Trump from the ballot. They used, as justification, the 14th Amendment barring those involved with insurrection from holding office. The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Donald Trump’s remaining on Colorado’s ballot. The Supreme Court’s justices were concerned that if Colorado was allowed to decide a federal matter related to the Presidential Election, other states would follow suit. We would end up with elections where a person is qualified in one state but not in another, which would complicate the election. The Supreme Court also argued that the states can’t make a qualification determination, based on the 14th Amendment, impacting those running for federal office.

From ABC News:

The court was unanimous in reversing the unprecedented decision out of Colorado that would kick Trump off the ballot under the provision after a state trial court found he participated in “insurrection” on Jan. 6 through incitement.

“For the reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States,” the Supreme Court opinion read. “The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court therefore cannot stand. All nine Members of the Court agree with that result.”

On holding that only Congress had the power to enforce the provisions under Section 5 of the amendment, it said its decision would apply to federal offices nationwide.

“This case raises the question whether the States, in addition to Congress, may also enforce Section 3,” the decision read. “We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency.”

The justices further said the idea that individual states can decide how the section is used with respect to federal offices is “simply implausible” and could result in an unworkable “patchwork” where a candidate could be ineligible in one state but not another.

“Nothing in the Constitution requires that we endure such chaos — arriving at any time or different times, up to and perhaps beyond the Inauguration,” the decision read.

ABC News has the rest of the story here. CBS News has a link to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision.

Category: 2024 Election, Politics, Society, The Constitution

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A Proud Infidel®️™️

HA-HA, SCREW THE leftards!!! Oh, and every time the left pulls another cheapshit stunt like that, support for Donald Trump increases, the lawsuits, etcetera are free campaigning for him!

Last edited 7 months ago by A Proud Infidel®️™️
Green Thumb

You are absolutely correct.

The Democrats delved into some third-world shit on this one.

Furthermore, its one thing for a state Supreme Court to make the call (Colorado – wrong or right) and quite another for an individual citizen in an elected or appointed position (Sec State of Maine) to make the call themselves based upon their singular opinion or interpretation (Shenna Bellows is an idiot).

Cannot get much more stupid than this.

They are just making him stronger.

USMC Steve

The freaking Teamsters came out and said they endorse Trump. The wall of socialist democracy is crumbling.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

It just gets better every day, I can hear liberal heads exploding already!

RGR 4-78

Middle class workers are getting tired of being shat upon.


There will be much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. I’m lovin’ it.


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A Proud Infidel®™

OOH, the Schadenfreude, it’s OH so sweet!!!


He likely won’t win Colorado but that isn’t the point.


Not all Colorado is blue. I would love to see him win Colorado just to see the libs piss and shit themselves.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I’m already enjoying watching lefties shit their pantyhose over him 24/7!


Denver, Colorado Springs, etc, sure, but the rural counties will vote for him.


Actually, the Springs usually goes reddish.. it’s Boulder, Ft Collins and Pueblo that usually go with Denver for the commies..


Trump wins Colorado according to the gateway pundit.


Oh you know the hags on The View will be screaming today.

There’s a whole lot of smiling on the hallway where I work.


Yup. They already showed a clip of that on the news.

And Jena Griswold is doubling down on her shit-eating stunt. The stoopid is strong with these leftist shitbirds.


Like my man Milei refers to them:

Zurdos de mierda!


Here it is:

“Why do you refer to them as shitty leftists?”

“Because they are shit!”

Can’t get more straightforward than that. Although, I do gotta say Miss Thang interviewer has it goin’ on!


I wish there were English subtitles. And you’re right, miss Thang is a looker.


Just remember: “mierda” is “shit” and “zurdo” is “lefty”. Zurdo is usually used as a nickname for someone who’s left-handed; my late father’s nickname in his hometown was “El Zurdo”, for example. In this context, though it’s “leftist”.


Easy-peasy four-step process:

  1. Select settings

2 – Subtitles

Last edited 7 months ago by rgr1480

3 – Auto-translate


4 – Select language. I already selected English so it shows up first; however, the list is alphabetic.

USMC Steve

The Supremes also said it was unlawful to do so. This idiot and the others now put themselves on the wrong side of the law if they persist, and could conceivably find themselves in legal trouble. Plus the fact that they can now be sued by Trump if they persist.




The “zurdos de mierda” (shitty leftists) are already crying about the “right-wing extremist” court…funny, I didn’t know Kagan (cagada), Sotomayor (joto peor), and Jackson (jackass) were conservatives!🤣



I’ll just “drop” this here…

Amateur Historian

I’ll still likely leave Colorado for friendlier climes. My state government trying to restrict my right to vote was the final nail in the coffin for me. In addition, our original population has been replaced by Californians, with our government mostly falling suite sometime later. Now, it’s too expensive to live here now. All it is is a bloody California colony. It’s sad. 😢


Californians brought the Leftist sh*thole with ’em.


They are taking over Arizona also. Phoenix is getting as bad as LA. We are holding out in Northern AZ for now but they are coming up here in droves wanting street light sidewalks and everything else in peaceful suburban settings. They fail to realize that everybody has to pay taxes on something they want. Cockroaches.


We’re still holding south of Tucson. Her majesty Regina Romero (pronounced ru-jyne-uh) and the Grijalva grift syndicate are firmly entrenched in Tucson.


Like ticks!!!


I was gonna go with leeches, ticks will work too! We don’t use the “G” word at D’s Cantina. Thank God we’re not in his district.


Need to have beers someday


Damn right!


You mean $959,999 is too much for 2/1 900sqft rancher on a dozen acres in the middle of nowhere? You guys must be lightweights.

Amateur Historian

Too close to Boulder. Yuck!

A Proud Infidel®™

FUCK being that close to The People’s Republic of Boulder. One question, what does “…comes with one share of supply ditch” mean in plain English?


I think it has to do with irrigation or water rights. An important consideration if you’re raising livestock.


Or even just want water for household use. Colorado(?) I believe has a law against harvesting rainwater. You know, like the water that runs off your roof into a cistern. Apparently, you don’t get the water rights to any water under your property.

Plus, I think it’s a requirement to build a log cabin in Colorado. A big log cabin.


That’s fucked up.


Yes, it is irrigation water rights, that area has irrigation ditches, and water rights are complicated as hell.
They used to prohibit collecting rainwater, but they finally did away with that a few years back.
And yeah, the idiots from Cali have destroyed a once great state. The unconstitutional gun laws they’re pushing this session will make us worse than Illinois / Cali if they pass. They will also be roundly ignored outside of the demonrat run shities…As soon as I retire, we’ll be moving to friendlier climes..

Major Tuddy

I left the DC area for Florida when I retired. That’s because Florida is a free state with minimal government.

The only thing that went with me was my loyalty to the Commanders football team. Oh, and mumbo sauce.


What are the Commanders?


He’s a fed. He tries to play like he’s one of us, but occasionally he lets the mask slip. It will always be the Redskins.🤣


To wit:


I wonder where he was on 6 JAN


Oh shit, it’s Ray Epps!🤣🤣🤣👊


We’re all fooked! Fooked, I say!


Oh noes!!!!!

Green Thumb

In the Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) vernacular and business model…..

In the ASS!

Green Thumb

Names be-a-changing again soon….


Formerly the Redskins before people got so candyass.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
Dennis - not chevy

When I was a young’un the UMass teams were the redmen. Someone, complained and they became the minuteman. Some folks have been complaining for several years; the team these folks say, should not be named after middle class gun owning white men. I was about to say, to placate those who can find racism in a test pattern, maybe teams should be named after letters (i.e. the Pittsburg B’s; the Atlanta C’s, etc). I could say that, but someone could complain the alphabet is Eurocentric.

Green Thumb

Its Mambo Sauce.

A DC-area product.


See, he’s a fed!🤣


Never heard of it until McD’s had it with McNuggets a while back. It’s good stuff, Maynard!

Major Tuddy

The only good thing to come to of Washington? 😉

Major Tuddy



Same thing happening to Vermont although leftists but from other socialist states. They have taken over that once wonderful state.


I like parts of Wyoming. Jackson hole, while still beautiful scenery, has become stoopid expensive. Lots of space with no neighbors nearby. The winters suck, and it seems like the wind always blows, but no neighbors.


I’m from Teton County, other side of the Tetons from Jackson. The house my parents built in 1971 had an assessed value of $24,000. It’s now around $1.2 million. I’d always planned on moving back after I retired. Nah. Too damned pricy.


Spent a week around Wapiti a few years back, beautiful country and great fishing on the Shoshone.


Lars might come up for air?


I thought he’d come in with…
1-Duh, so obvious its a unanimous
2-Its really 9-0 in the Dems favor
3-He pulls some bullshit article out of his ass
4-My favorite; the Republicans have dirt on the 3 Lib females

Trump is not a threat to democracy. The democracy is a threat to their power.

I saw this in thought of him…

Prior Service

That’s hilarious. In the old days, even a lib would laugh at that one but not anymore.


They are singularly humorless people.


Good on SCOTUS doing the right thing and following the letter of the law…for a change. We all kinda sorta knew how this would play out. Most of us kinda sorta that the (s)election will be decided @ 0GAWD30 hrs in the morning by the pallets of “found” ballots. Watch…Oh and…Prepare…

No matter which way it goes, the “found” ballots may be the lit fuse on Patriots deciding they have had enough. Or, if not enough ballots are “found”, the domestic enemies of our Republic will unleash their BLM/Antifa/Sleeper Agent types to start their shenanigans. And by chance if The Donald is legitimately elected, The Deep State will do the same BS they did from ’16 – ’21 and impede everything he tries to do.



Scotus also ruled loan forgiveness wasn’t legal and yet FJB still offers that carrot on a stick. If these states continue to defy what the Supremes say, why should we listen to anything our “betters” tell us.

If it’s good for them, it’s good for we as well.


[W]hy should we listen to anything our “betters” tell us[?]

We shouldn’t, and don’t haveta.


I hate cats, but your feline friend makes a lot of sense.

Major Tuddy

I doubt that scenario will play out again. Remember, 2020 was a year of shutdowns, lockdowns, social distancing, and remote everything. A lot more people voted by mail than usual. So, there were a lot more mail-in ballots than usual.

Now, I’m not saying that the election was stolen. However, with so many mail-in ballots, and a system that was operating in the biggest pandemic in over a century, it would be simple to slip in a few extras… especially at those unguarded boxes. I gotta say it…I have questions.


“The most extensive & inclusive voter fraud organization”in political history.


Should FJB get brought up on charges and they enter that quip into evidence, Joe will just shit himself and ask what day of the week it is .

I wonder if secret service will be responsible not only for his security but also for making sure his depends get changed.

Would suck to be low person on THAT senority list.


Fuck the feds, all of them. I hope some Secret Service agent has to wipe his ass every day.

Major Tuddy

I believe that Kamela Harris has that duty. 😜


Her job is to suck from the front to prevent anything coming out of the rear.

USMC Steve

Well the white house doctor officially stated after his physical that he is fine. That means he can be assumed to be doing what he is doing intentionally and with forethought, based upon the statement of a qualified medical professional.


“It’s not anti-democratic when we do it!” –Rep. Jamie Rats-kin (C-MD)[colorized]

I will not be breaking bread with these people. They hate the ideas and precepts on which this country was founded.

We have less truth than when he came down the escalator near-nine years ago.

And that’s this bullshit machine‘s fault, not the fault of one man.

“Enjoy the show” indeed.


Total scam. The machine is still hiding who erected that fake scaffold. Are we stupid enough to believe that someone could be hanged with that? Who, a small child or a pygmy?


Each week, it looks more and more like this
J6 stuff is Kabuki theater scripted by the deep state. Exhibit A is the fake pipe bombs, together with the above piece of stagecraft.


How about the overtly manipulated and falsified ‘evidence’ presented by the House’s prosecution team in the Senate trial for fake impeachment #2?
The (un)Select Committee and everything that went down there?

And I’m not even going to comment on CIA leaks of classified material (impeachment #1) and FISA abuses by Team Uniparty (reminder: McCain’s people gave their ‘Russiarussiarussia’ oppo research to Hillary).

Hence ‘3 Acts’. I’m hoping this is the final phase because it’d be intolerably contemptible if it wasn’t so MFing pathetic.

Major Tuddy

You do know that Colorado is blue, right?

Personally, I suspect that this was all theater. The Democrats got to make their little statement, everyone kept kayfabe, and Trump is still on the ballot.


Red, blue, it’s pretty much irrelevant. The Supremes said “Thou Shalt Not”.

So let it be written. So let it be done.


Red, blue, it’s pretty much irrelevant.

Fact check: True!

(also see: Cocaine Mitch, Mitt Romney’care‘, Saint “No more machine guns for you, amnesty for illegals” Reagan, Wiretap Bush [bouf’um], etc)




Yeah, relax, drink some wine, eat some cheese, catch some rays…


Talking heads bring up insurrection so much, people believe it to be true. If it’s true, bring the charges. What? You have no proof? Just a narrative? Is that why no charges? Innuendo, smoke and mirrors. Low info, sound bite listeners will swear it to be true.

Major Tuddy

Maybe they did, but they sure say insurrection a lot.

This all could have been put to bed with a simple recount of of the votes counted and compared to the voter rolls.

Better yet, any vote not entered by close of polls on election day gets tossed in the round file. It should not take days, weeks or months to tabulate voted.

Bring on the 5th grade math class for extra credit. Apparently the adults suck at it.

Forest Bondurant

The term “insurrection” was first used by NPR. Once the MSM and liberal politicians heard it, they ran with it and created the narrative.


It is the Big Lie the MSM and the D-rats keep repeating over and over. Now the low-fo’s believe it.


Still have to deal with “ranked choice” voting in Maine.
Susan Collins is backing Nicky Haley.

Last edited 7 months ago by 26Limabeans

Too funny if Maine picks Trump as their first choice.

If that turns out to be true, Collins and Haley get to play best of 3 rock, paper scissors game to see who takes the first bite of crow.

For some reason, I see them claiming best of 3 outcome to be a tie.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMO Collins is a swamp RINO that should have been ousted at least a decade and a half ago!


Problem is, she’s the only Republican who can get elected statewide in Maine these days. If she goes, she gets replaced with a Democrat or an “independent “ like Angus King.

USMC Steve

But with her, they already have a socialist democrat in place. She doesn’t even qualify as a RINO.


No surprise there. Vt GOP is backing Haley as well. As in the so called leadership not the average Republican voter.

A Proud Infidel®™

More like THE ESTABLISHMENT is pimping Haley.




Bad news folks, I think I saw a murder hornet.


I swear I thought this was going to be a 3-4 split. Glad I was so wrong.


The liberal justices may be stupid, but even THEY could see that letting this stand was going to lead to conservative states playing “tit for tat”, with justification I might add.


The Communist in Maine just gave Trump a win.

Skivvy Stacker

First of all he has not been accused or indicted of having participated in the January 6th “insurrection”.
Secondly, the prohibition on insurrectionists listed in the 14th Amendment were specifically aimed at CONFEDERATES who had recently participated in the Civil War. That part of the Amendment was never intended to extend past the time when any of those men were still in a position to block any further changes to the law that would assist former slaves in becoming fully recognized citizens.
Third; there were a number of former Confederates who ultimately were elected to congress and the senate, and one who actually wound up serving on the Supreme Court, so apparently you could still run for public office regardless of what the 14th Amendment said.


Facts are irrelevant. I reject your reality and substitute my own.

-That Berkeley guy.


Hey, I’ve been known to do that. However, it’s usually been to rationalize some crazy, off-the-wall stunt I pulled off. But, hey, you only go around once so my wake is going to be a 3-day raging kegger with my choice in music and, since there is always a need to “chill”, this will be one of the songs the DJ will play:

And, yes, there will be DJ’s at my funeral. Muh-fuggers goin’ be workin’ shifts!🤣
Entierren me cantando!

A Proud Infidel®™

TWO THINGS after I kick the bucket: ONE, I want a gorgeous Brunette in a tight-fitting black dress, decked-out toting an umbrella a distance away from the crowd attending my funeral and SECOND, everyone attending gets a fully charged stun gun and the last one standing after the melee gets whatever they want.


I want the gorgeous brunette in the tight black dress and I’ll zap everyone of you muh-fuggers to get her.


RGR 4-78

Oh hell yeah!

That is a hell of a song.


I remember reading this story waaay back in my Coastie days in Buffalo about a merchant marine who requested a “Drunken Brawl” after his memorial service

Last edited 7 months ago by Eggs

I could have appreciated that.


I’m gonna be needing an invite. I don’t need a stun gun, I just don’t wanna miss this party. I’m picturing this solemn occasion devolving into a Three Stooges pie fight with stun guns. What’s not to like?


Invite? Fuck it, just show up and bring your own stun gun. 🤣

RGR 4-78

MRS D has approved this for my funeral:


After the war, there were four former Confederate generals who served as generals in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War. They were Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, Gen. Joseph Wheeler, Gen. Thomas Rosser and Gen. Matthew C. Butler.

After the war, 15 Confederate Officers served as U.S. ambassadors or ministers to foreign countries. James Longstreet was minister to Turkey, and the “Gray Ghost”, John Mosby was US Commissioner to Hong Kong.

Eighteen former Confederate soldiers served as college presidents including R.E.Lee.

Gen. E. Porter Alexander was appointed by President Grover Cleveland to arbitrate and supervise the surveying of the boundary of the Panama Canal.

Three former Confederate generals served as U.S. Commissioners of Railroads, one of the most important posts in the United States government in the post-war (westward expansion) period. They were: Gen. Joseph Johnston, Gen. James Longstreet and Gen. Wade Hampton.

After the war, seven former Confederate officers served as the adjutant general of their states.

Three former Confederate soldiers — Col. Lucius Q. C. Lamar, SGM Horace H. Lurton and Lt. Edward D. White — were appointed justices of the United States Supreme Court. White served as Chief Justice.


I’m loving the asshats claiming this decision goes against the Conservative belief in state’s rights. State’s rights are not germane to the situation. I’m reminded of the words of that great southern orator, Sheriff Buford T. Justice.


I’m gonna boil yo’ ass in molasses!

Sheriff Buford T. Justice

A Proud Infidel®™

“Eeeyou sum’bitch!”


I’mma punch yo mamma in the mouth when we get home?





comment image



Or as my Dago cousins would say:


*Shakes right fist furiously* 👊


Trump certainly did better than the current guy.
comment image

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

O Schadenfreude, Sweet Schadenfreude,how lovely is the wailing.
O Schadenfreude, O Schadenfreude
How lovely is the wailing.
They wail not just at WaPo
But also in Colorado!
O Schadenfreude, O Schadenfreude
How lovely is the wailing.

(To the tune of O Tannenbaum)

USMC Steve

Particularly since no trial took place on this matter in Colorado, so the trial court would have had no authority to make such a ruling.


No charges, no indictment, no trial, no conviction. Colorado can suck a fart.


Just got home from voting for Trump on Maine’s ranked choice
ballot. I’m unenrolled but took a Republican ballot, voted for
Trump as first choice and left the rest of the ballot blank.
Ranked choice is Democrat trick passed into law a few years
ago and fooled many a voter.
The democrats would love to have me pick Nikki Haley as my
second choice but I refuse to play their game and I left the
rest of the choices blank.
Trump 2024 or it’s all over.


OMFG, just watching CBS News anchor berating a black community leader from LA who came out for Trump. They wanted him to explain why 23% of blacks supported Trump. The anchor literally had a come apart….

(screaming) “But but… democracy he is a threat.”

Dude completely ignored the anchor and calmly and clearly explained that Biden was throwing away billions of dollars around the world and that he was tired of being gas lighted by Democrats. That being black in America means that you know what it looks like to get railroaded and treated unfairly in the justice system. That even today blacks don’t reap the full benefits of democracy and there may be some fundamental changes that have to happen to the system to make it fair. He was the most sensible former Democrat I’ve ever seen.

There was a lot more, I wish I had recorded it.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC
Old tanker

I had read a web headline the other day saying 3 other states were considering the same idiocy. This was a close decision but it should put that silliness to rest.

Last edited 7 months ago by Old tanker
USMC Steve

They won’t be now. At least not if they don’t want significant legal troubles.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Anytime SCOTUS hits a 9-0 decision it’s a pretty safe bet the case involves obvious unconstitutional grounds or other obvious legal failures.

I don’t much care for Trump, but this whole case smelled like a giant turd from the outset. I still like to believe even if I dislike someone that they deserve all the protection under the law that is theoretically afforded every US citizen…

I also believe his fraud case smells in a similar vein…I am unaware of a single case in New York State where a consumer protection law was used in a fraud case where the state was unable to produce a victim that was prosecuted prior to Trump being prosecuted for “overvaluing” his properties to receive more favorable terms or amounts of loaned monies.

At least half the simple homeowner refinance loans in the state involve a “generous” assessment of the value of the home by the bank looking to make the refinance loan to the homeowner…I have yet so see a single housing loan banker prosecuted for this action.

Strange days indeed.


There’s definitely fuckery afoot when the so-called “aggrieved parties” in this fraud case actually testified in defense of Trump and said they’d happily do business with him again.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed the prosecution searched far and wide and could not find a single “victim” of this supposed massive fraud…and yet the prosecutor still is in a position to threaten seizure of property to position a bond against the judgment while the case remains pending on appeal…

There is no need for a seizure, a simple no-sell order would achieve the same result…




According to Gateway Pundit, Trump wins Maine.

Collins hitched her wagon to the wrong horse.

Suck it beotch.