Daily FGS

| March 5, 2024

Henry AR-7 Rifle

Fifth deadly Houston police shooting in four days | CW39 HOUSTON

KIAH – Houston
HOUSTON (KIAH) — Houston police shot and killed a robbery suspect who was accused of pistol whipping someone outside a store on West Fuqua Sunday afternoon. Local police said they initially confronted the man outside the store, but he stole a bike and went home. That’s when police confronted him a second time. After that, they commanded him to drop his gun. They said he moved toward the officers and the officers fired.

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15-year-old suspect shot after chaos at Six Flags renews youth gun violence concerns

By Joi Dukes
AUSTELL, Ga. – Another opening day fiasco at Six Flags Over Georgia escalated. This year, a 15-year-old suspect was critically injured after Cobb County police said he allegedly fired at officers.

“Summer hasn’t even broke yet, and on the first day of the amusement park, someone at 15 gets shot?” local activist Gerald Rose said. “We have all this gun violence going on and I’m just very concerned with where we’re headed.”

The incident, now under investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, has sparked safety concerns at the park and renewed worries about youth gun violence.

“It’s just the fact that the suspects doing these crimes are younger and younger,” Rose said.

Authorities say the 15-year-old was one of several teens running through the park fighting during multiple brawls that broke out.

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Fox 5 Atlanta

Thanks to our own David and Gun Bunny for today’s links.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
Maya Angelou

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

15 y.o…….
Hopefully he didn’t breed another generation with his Stoopid Genes before this, and this rendered him unable to do same after.

Wasn’t his (or the 500-600 others with him) fault, Tox. It’s all of these ebil gunz out there causing these upstanding young citizens to shoot at people. Kid got mad cause somebody in the choir was singing off-key.

Was the get-a-way made on a Schwinn…or a Western Flyer? Imma gonna go with the WF, after all…it IS Texas.

Testify, Ms Angelo!

Sooo…do I look harder at the Henry or the Ruger? Or wait to see what else in a plinker our Beloved AW1Ed is gonna tempt me with during the week?

Escort duty today. Messrs Kahr and Colt are tagging along for…reasons.



Just me, but the 10/22 Takedown is probably more of an ATV gun, while the AR-7 would be great for boating (given its floating characteristics).


Yes that AR-7 might have survived that “Horrible Boating Accident” I had with all my other “evil” guns… darn shame!


Ah, the US Survival rifle. I bought mine in NOVA around 2006. The latest ones we sell go for under $300, have a blaze orange insert in the stock (all black exterior), a Picatinney rail, and cutouts for two mags. Mine lacks the Picatinney and only holds one spare mag.

I have a Marlin Papoose as well, and will probably buy a 10/22 Takedown soon as well as a Savage 64F Takedown. The compact (youth) Rossi Tuffy .410 is also on my short list. I already allegedly have the two Chiappa Little Badgers we sell. I like takedown or folding long arms in concept, probably going back to my near-minimalist survivalist days.

As for what we used to call kids, they continuously prove themselves a danger to society at large. Gun violence is a misnomer, it’s actually lack of raising, thug culture, and so on that cause so many of these future doctortarianists to either become room temperature or refine their skill in Prison U.

As for Houston, it’s always been deadly. Houston Recruiting Battalion’s self-deletion rate led to the Time-Off Policy implemented shortly after I reported to Baton Rouge Recruiting Battalion. I had the station number on speed dial, and there were rumors of everyone from USAREC at Fort Knox to battalion leadership calling stations to see if anyone answered the phones after 1700. Supposedly, company command teams were being ordered to Fort Knox to explain violations. It was joyous hearing the phone ring from my pocket dial at 1705 and then having the Station Commander shout “Everyone out! Go home!”.

Last edited 7 months ago by Fm2176

I’m glad our tragedies led to some improvements. The stories I could tell but won’t. The last 2 losses (out of six, seven if you count a spouse) were in my old company about 8 months after I left. I literally volunteered to go to Iraq to get out of there. It was that bad, and I was a company commander. After I left it got even worse. The whole battalion was run like a used car lot.

Be all that as it is…. Shiny….


It’s biggest advantage is it’s not a Kel-Tec. This makes everything on it a little bit better. Unlike the Kel-tec it comes in a discreet carrying case that does not look like a gun from the outside nor have any firearms markings.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC

We’ve sold a few FPCs, and even bought a slightly used one I was thinking of buying for myself. The biggest advantage over the SUB-2000 is the fact that it folds to the side, allowing an optic to be mounted without interference.

Recruiting was, and probably still is, a love and hate assignment. Combat Arms types like me, who didn’t ask for the assignment but went willingly, had to learn to adapt to failure. Granted, a lot of successful 79Rs are former 11Bs, 19D, and so on, but I wasn’t one of them. I pulled my Recruiter History Report a month or so before leaving: 25 contracts were on it, of which nine had been transferred due to other Recruiters leaving the station. So, 16 contracts in 38 months made me a bit of an outlier, considering I did my full tour with minimal threats to my career. Truth be told, we were on the then-new Team Concept at the time, with me assigned as the Future Soldier Leader and thus not on the hook for steadily making mission.


All Sub 2K Gen III fold to the side. I have the CQB version that comes with the integrated suppressor.


Let me restate that.

It doesn’t actually fold to the side, the barrel rotates about 90 degrees and then it folds back over the top. Your optics sights and gizmos are out of the way. This also gives it a stronger locking system than the Smith which can break open with a hard jarring.


I was unaware of that. We don’t stock Kel-Tec in store but do occasionally get a customer order. I’ve seen a few SUB-2000s and a PMR-30 or two.

My two Kel-Tecs are pretty much retired these days. The P11 and P32 served well, but I’ve had them for over 25 years and 20 years respectively and usually carry something a bit larger for a primary, while the LCP Max has largely taken the place of the P32.


AR-7? Why, it’s a… that’s a… SCARY BLACK EEBIL ASSAULT RIFLE!


We need common sense gun laws that prevent 15 year old utes from strolling into a gun shop and buying guns that disintegrate bodies. It shouldn’t be harder to vote than to buy a gun.

What’s that? 15 year olds can’t legally buy guns?

Never mind.


The can’t buy them but they can steal them out of unlocked cars all night long. If I ever turn to a life of crime I’m going to become a car burglar. The amount of money and stuff that people leave in unlocked cars is just crazy.

Skivvy Stacker

Say what y’want about Texas, but they still know how to have shoot outs.

Old tanker

RE the 6 flags shooting. The shooting itself happened about a half block from the park not in the park. The entire situation was basically a running fight with about 3 to 400 kids running through the park at the time. Aren’t gangs wonderful?

Hack Stone

Embrace The Diversity.


HEY, I have one of them. My first “Pandemic” gun…of the collection…it’s what we all started “training” on….well, mostly it was for the kids to start with and me as I hadn’t picked up a weapon in 15 years. Not like I hadn’t shot before but we were going to train, all of us, as if no one knew anything…took a class and training with a RSO and all that. And I love (and my daughter loves it best) the “Henry”….And I find it doubtful but if there’s anyone that is NOT aware…not only were they used as a “under the seat” (my words) survival weapon for USAF air crew back in the day….it’s a Bond gun…

Last edited 7 months ago by ChipNASA

And he whips it out here too…


Bond guns weren’t that impressive until the last 30 years or so. His first gun was pretty chintzy. In Dr. No (the novel), the work that follows From Russia With Love, M dresses down Bond for his poor weapon selection in the previous mission that had resulted in Bond being poisoned trying unsuccessfully to stop an assassin with his favorite gun, a Beretta 418 in 25ACP (edited out of the film IIRC).

To up the power level and make it more manageable, M gives Bond the option of a snub nose .38 S&W Revolver or the 380 Walther. After careful consideration and testing Bond chooses the Walther (faster, more accurate, more ammo) as we all know and the rest is movie history. But imagine if he had gone with the snubby? That says American 50s-70s undercover police detective to me and could have changed the whole flavor of the franchise.


VA sent a memo out to remove VJ kiss image then promptly rescinded it, FYI. https://apnews.com/article/times-square-kiss-photo-veterans-affairs-memo-b24d5dba6930be867e9ac1be6dff16e5

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thank God that we didn’t have Fuckin ASSHOLES during WW2 like the va has now. Not a va member since I wasn’t eligible when I was on 18th month cobra after my retirement and am glad that that I don’t have to rely on them…


We’d be speaking German or Russian now, if so. VA (people) sux.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous


Parachuting beavers.

That is all.


I Feel Good anytime I can jump a beaver. And man, do I have some stories!