After Controversial Remarks, J.R. Majewski Suspends Campaign

| March 3, 2024

J.R. Majewski

Having been no stranger to our pages, J.R. Majewski makes headlines once again. This time, it was for suspending his campaign after controversial remarks about the Special Olympics.

J.R. Majewski Suspends Campaign Following Controversial Remarks
By Ryan Saavedra • Mar 2, 2024 •

During an appearance on a right-wing podcast last month, Majewski said: “Shout out to all the Democrats living in mom’s basement that like to talk s*** on the internet. You know, no matter how hard you try, arguing on the internet, it’s like being in the Special Olympics. No matter how good you perform, you still have … you’re still f***ing retarded at the end of the day.”

Not much I can add to that.

J.R. Majewski has been discussed here at TAH / VG quite extensively for his questionable military claims.


Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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Hack Stone

During an appearance on a right-wing podcast last month, Majewski said: “Shout out to all the Democrats living in mom’s basement that like to talk s*** on the internet. You know, no matter how hard you try, arguing on the internet, it’s like being in the Special Olympics. No matter how good you perform, you still have … you’re still f***ing retarded at the end of the day.”

Looks like he went Full Majewski. Never go Full Majewski.

Green Thumb

Having worked a few Special Olympics as a volunteer, I doubt this clown would even place in an event.

And as a heads up, Bocce Ball only has three places on the podium.

Fuck this loser.

A Proud Infidel®™

I volunteered at the Special Olympics a couple of times during my teen years, and I wouldn’t want Majewski within even a half mile of the event.

Green Thumb

Great point.

I could see him rat-fucking and then stealing all of the goodies.

What a bitch.

Hack Stone

“While I know I would win, and have a great shot in the general election now that my record has been cleared, it is inevitable that the Deep State will do whatever it takes to fight against me. Even going as far as attacking my family and once again accusing me of stolen valor.”

His record is clear, he never served in Afghanistan, despite the confirmation via video of someone who refused to have their identity disclosed.

And despite Majewski’s claim, this death blow to his latest futile campaign effort has nothing to do with his (alleged) military service, but due to his inflammatory comments. We can take solace in not having to discuss him until the next election cycle.

JR Majewski's Sock Puppet

I’m finally coming out. It was me in the video. It is easy for me to prove I was there too. If you went to the shitter over by the Marine contingent at Bagram in the third shitter you will find a picture of a dick about the size of your arm with a clenched fist. There is no way I could know that unless I had been there. Do you Nancy naysayers need more proof? There are two large will worn indentions in the floor there. If you took a plaster cast of those indentions they would be an exact match for Majewski’s knees.

Hack Stone

With that irrefutable proof, JR Majewski has won the endorsement of The Dutch Rudder Gang.

Green Thumb

As JR Majewski endorses All-Points Logistics.


The notorious DRG!


How about an honorary membership in that esteemed, but select organization?


Or until this thread runs its course.


Hack Stone,

  • “now that my record has been cleared”

That’s gold, Jerry. GOLD !!!


Pretty dumb, stupid, foolish remark, IMHO.

Green Thumb


Tough to field candidates these days….


Agreed. Comparing Democrats to Special Olympic athletes is down right disgraceful…to the athletes.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Being mentally retarded is not a choice.
Being DildoCrat is a choice.

A Proud Infidel®™

For Majewski, being a 24K IDIOT is a choice.


This guy doesn’t seem to be very bright.


I did a quick check of both my memory and TAH archives, but I don’t remember or see a NPRC response on this guy by TAH or Military Phony. Has one been requested, or is the fact one had been done by a news agency sufficient proof the guy was never in Afghanistan, only Qatar? I have a feeling if one is procured by TAH or MP, the desire for sock puppets and chew toys would be well satisfied.

Hack Stone

Master Sergeant X said all that needs to be said to convince Hack Stone that JR Majewski was boots on the ground in Af of The Ghanistan. 🙄


He can only vouch for him being there during man love Friday. The rest of the days of the week are an open book.

Hack Stone

Much like his butt cheeks.

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress would concur.

Army-Air Force Guy

Man, that was one of the most hilarious ‘sock puppet’ posts I’d ever read on TAH 😂

Army-Air Force Guy

I had to go back and read it again, it was by ‘MSGT Jason Bunco’ if your looking for it.


Douchebags are gonna douchebag. It’s in his DNA.


Not to worry…The embellishing POS J.R.Majewski can hook up with Teddy Daniels and open up a Brucie’s Bath House (enter thru the rear) Franchise…or maybe hire on with Phil (works balls) Monkress for an All Points gig. He’ll be ok.

Green Thumb



I hear he’s a fan of ‘ Bareback Bear’ night at Brucie’s

Green Thumb

This dude just needs to be punched in the face, sent to All-Points Logistics and flushed down the toilet.

Forest Bondurant

I agree with that sentiment, except for that people like him are turds that simply won’t flush.

Green Thumb

Seek grant funding for the construction for an 80th floor, executive-level, industrial grade toilet.


*Adds to the list*
Damn, that list for Engineer support just keeps getting longer and longer.


Will all the good engineers be taken when we need one?


And meanwhile, in Vindman land… the doughboy speaks:


The human herpe shows his face.

What event will his emergence foretell? Whatever it is it’s gonna be gay, or fake until proven gay.

A Proud Infidel®™

That pissy little wad of smegma will always keep coming back like a shitty case of Herpes, he can’t stop whoring for attention when he’s not at Brucie’s Bath house (Entrance in the Rear).
I heard that he was a chow thief in Ranger School and allowed to pass because they wouldn’t cut him due to politics.


Not Pop-n-Fresh, I thought that the chow thief had vanished into thick air, but like a case of herpes, he’s baaaack doing the chicken little routine….


The rightwing grift is strong with this one.

Scratch some these clowns deep ‘nough and they bleed commie. Trust.

RGR 4-78

Another lying shitbag from the Republicans side gone (thankfully before being elected).

Now, if the Democrats would start clearing their ranks of lying, grifting, shitbags, the Federal G. could get back to, of the people, by the people, for the people.

Army-Air Force Guy

Always thought that this guy was a lying piece of shit, now he decides to offend special needs people and their families. Wouldn’t vote for this turd if he ran for dogcatcher.

A Proud Infidel®™

I doubt he could even get laid in a Women’s Prison with $100 and an ounce of coke taped to his forehead.

D.B. Cooper

JUST THINK how happy everyone would be if he was to disappear like me.


It’s different. Most of us hoped you got away with it. This guy… not so much.


Exactly, we all kinda hoped DB survived the jump and is living out his days beachside in some sunny, tropical locale surrounded by hot womerns and sipping umbrella drinks made with generous helpings of Party Likker!


Forgot to add:


Hack Stone

Does Dallas Wittgenfeld have an alibi for that period of time?


That fucker is/was too inept to pull off a skyjacking like that. Now, he could’ve been the airline pilot because for all his faults, he was a better pilot drunk than Bernath was sober.

A Proud Infidel®™

At least PuRpLeSuIt was smart enough to take off with enough fuel to make it to landing!


Hey, now…Bernath had exactly the right amount of fuel to get to the crash site!🤣


He made real good time, too! He beat the firetrucks there!

Hack Stone

Q: Why did Daniel Bernath never make lodging reservations when traveling?

A; Because he knew that he could always find a place to crash.


The last place was a real dive.

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.

Daisy Cutter
Forest Bondurant

His lack of introspection and grasp of reality are obvious since he blames the “Deep State” for derailing his political ambitions instead of recognizing he’s the one who ruined his chances because of his moronic antics.

Good riddance.


JR’s got a GWOTEM, why isn’t that good enough for you knobcockers? You’ve ruined his political future! How do you dickweeds sleep at night? He’s a bonerfied war hero!

A Proud Infidel®™

BUT does he have the heavily coveted NDSM?


SFC D and A Proud Infidel^*^,
Or the Afghanistan Campaign Medal?
(HINT) – No, that was denied in 2023.

Last edited 6 months ago by MarineDad61

Holy shit. I knew he’d implode but that was stupid even by his standards.


Yeah, just when we thought he couldn’t get any dumber, he took it as a challenge and proved us wrong! He sure showed us! 🤣🤣🤣


Sorta like:
comment image?w=640


In the Signal Corps, this is referred to as an “Anal-Cranial Loopback”.

USMC Steve

Apparently I am in the minority here, but I am good with what he said. You all may not like the sentiment presented, but it is totally factual. I don’t like him, but I get what he said about socialist democrats.