Drone strike results in American casualties, three killed

| January 29, 2024

A drone strike at a base in northeast Jordan, near the Syrian border, resulted in three Americans killed and 25 injured. Joe Biden identified Iran-backed militias as the ones who caused these fatalities. The U.S. is in the process of identifying the people responsible for the attack. Meanwhile Iran-backed fighters are relocating from where they normally position themselves.

From the Associated Press:

Since the war in Gaza began Oct. 7, Iranian-backed militias have struck American military installations in Iraq more than 60 times and in Syria more than 90 times, with a mix of drones, rockets, mortars and ballistic missiles. The attack Sunday was the first targeting American troops in Jordan during the Israel-Hamas war and the first to result in the loss of American lives. Scores of U.S. personnel have been wounded, including some with traumatic brain injuries, during the attacks.

The militias have said that their strikes are in retaliation for Washington’s support for Israeli in the war in Gaza and have also said they aim to push U.S. forces out of the region.

The U.S. in recent months has struck targets in Iraq, Syria and Yemen to respond to attacks on American forces in the region and to deter Iran-backed Houthi rebels from continuing to threaten commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

“I am confident the Biden Administration will respond in a deliberate and proportional manner,” said said Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., who heads the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Republicans in Congress said the administration’s approach had failed to deter America’s adversaries in the region.

“We need a major reset of our Middle East policy to protect our national security interests,” said Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., went further, urging the administration “to strike targets of significance inside Iran, not only as reprisal for the killing of our forces, but as deterrence against future aggression. The only thing the Iranian regime understands is force.”

The Associated Press has additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Iran, Syria, Terror War

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And we have troops stationed in Jordan again because why?

Last edited 8 months ago by 5JC

Because like the rest of the world, why risk your people when you can risk American lives.


I heard the military had a recruitment problem. You don’t suppose that they’re catching on do you?


Same old story, propping up a semi friendly government, so bad guys don’t over run them. Worked real well with The Shah.


Syria must be in Jordan on the new map, bring them all home and put them on our Borders.


“We need a major reset of our Middle East policy to protect our national security interests,” said Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas”

Here’s your reset:

Hack Stone

If Iran continues with this shit, Joe Biden will have no other option than to send them another $6,000,000,000.


See I was in favor of money bombs. Take billions of dollars and load it up in a cargo plane. But only singles. And then drop them all over Iran. They will totally kill each other for the money.


how about a CBU loaded with nickels???


😂😂I’m sitting in Longhorn Steakhouse with my wife and just laughed out loud.



Apply that to the cost of one MOAB, they can have the remainder to rebuild Tehran.


“I am confident the Biden Administration will respond in a strongly worded letter and a line drawn in the sand” Fixed it for him.

Here’s a novel idea for the reset of Middle Eastern Policy. GTFO!


Nope it’s an election year. He’s going to have to blow up some camels with a tomahawk. Got to get the old dog wagging.


I’m ready to do it for Corn Pop, “…this is our moment to make hope and history rhyme”:


As it turns out Karine got it right for once and said they died for the FJB administration.



“I am confident the Biden Administration will respond in a deliberate and proportional manner,” said said Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I.”
Well, that’s one. Anyone else? Anyone?

Hack Stone

That’s the problem with a proportional response. The offending party does not suffer consequences for their action. It’s like robbing a bank, leaving with $10,000 and you get caught. They make you give back the $10,000. So it’s as if the bank suffered no loss, so that would be proportionate. The only way to dissuade bad behavior is to demonstrate that the behavior will result in consequences that far outweigh any benefit the offender was hoping for. It’s called the FAFO Doctrine.


FAFA doctrine. I like it


I like FAFO better……Fuck Around ….FallOut.



Did you know?
The ORIGINAL… from 1961.


I want an extremely disproportional response. I want a completely excessive use of force, a smoking crater where every launcher was, and scorched earth around it. followed by a strongly worded letter saying “That was a warning”.


The letter comes after the rubble is bounced.


comment image


My dad was career USAF, 27 years in various bombers, beginning in 1941. Curtis LeMay was a bit of deity in our house. OK, a major deity.


Good old “Bombs Away” LeMay.


He’ll draw another line in the sand


The only lines that need to drawn in the sand are the X and Y axes of the intended bombing target.


Could do intersecting drop paths for arc light strikes… that’d make a hell of an X


“I am confident the Biden Administration will respond in a deliberate and proportional manner…”
I’m sure the O-Biden will regime drop a couple of pallets of cash to Tehran because that’s what we do.


Stand by for token airstrike (not Linebacker II)…

Green Thumb

Or a “sternly-worded letter”.

Might want to get Austin up to speed first, though.


Don’t forget Hans Blix:

Hack Stone

Damn! You beat Hack to the punch. You better not be getting a job as Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business that sells outdated overpriced Red Hat Software to the Federal Government.


Well, this is what happens when you let the neighborhood lunatic continue to take pot shots at your people. Eventually, someone is going to get killed. Time to flatten some real estate. Maybe the HQ of the Quds force?
We’re at war, might as well act like it.


I’ll just stick this right here…
comment image


I hate this meme. Because it is accurate.


Apologies, Mi’Lady. May His Blessing continue to bring you some measure of His Comfort. I debate posting these kinds of memes, concerned that it will just rip at the empty place in your heart. Of all of the organizations that I pray never have another member, The Gold Star Family Group is at the top of that list. Found out from a Lady Friend (no she’s not THAT kind of Lady friend, tho, if (a) I wasn’t crazy mad in love with you and (b) was 30 years younger, I’d make her THAT kind of Lady Friend) that Lady Friend’s health care provider’s Former Affy Marine Vet son took his life a little while back. Sadly, this young man gave no indication that he could not shake the demons of his service. And nope, no drug or alcohol abuse was observed. His service in Affy killed him, it just took awhile after the fact. The young man’s death came on the heels of the death of his sister from what was possibly multiple Bat Flu shots/boosters.

If you won’t accept the offer of chair wielding escorts to your meetings, do keep in mind that many of us have bail money.


Dear KoB-apologies are unnecessary. My deepest condolences to your Lady Friend’ caregiver. I’m sure you’ll have the words, or just presence, to help her offer support.

And I’ve shared that meme a bunch today. Everyone has the same response.


Take out a Mullah or two. Openly with extreme prejudice.


Rock the Casbah– Sharif don’t like it, you know he really hates it!

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

But at least mean tweets 45 is gone, amiright?


It’s almost like this is all part of a coordinated plan of governments working hand-in-hand with corporations to control every facet of the mandated lower-class’s lives.

I for one want to welcome our lizard people overlords!:


Hail our rich, progressive Bond villain oligarchs– Bill Gates surely knows better than everybody else put together! /sarc

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
Skivvy Stacker

“Dear Iraq;
You really hopodebubibit this time. I’m sorry you killed our three men and three transmen in Michael Jordan’s house.
I will therefore um….the thing.

Yours, Presdient Joe Biden”


We’re on brink of World War III says Trump (not very favorable of Biden’s performance):

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

Brits ain’t too thrilled about things either (more critical of Russia, Iran and the Chicoms):


This here (eww, ’80s for you young’uns) is what the Brits– not to mention other unprepared Europeans– are imagining:

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

You forgot to end one of those sentences with “…anyhow.”


It was a bad day yesterday, and it’s going to be a lot worse for the next few. I had and have meetings with a few people who at the best of times need to be hit in the face with a chair for their ignorant-as in uneducated-mouthing off about the military, hamass, how Trump was going to start WWlll and their cultish worship of Biden and all things lib-proggie.

On the bright side, one of the meetings is “remote” so I can have technical difficulties with my microphone and camera. However, there are two others that are in person, where I’ll be outnumbered by a wide margin.

I may need bail.


and a coffee mug


or this one..

comment image


Hang in there!
comment image


Meanwhile, Brits feel inadequate having let their military go to pot compared to us in current Red Sea crisis:

Forest Bondurant

Frankly, Americans quit caring what the Brits think 249 years ago


Remember before we do any strikes
Biden should give the IRG at least 12-24 hours
Heads up so we can miss there personnel
And any rockets / Drones and any ballistic missiles (sarc)


Hack Stone

That’s what I’m talking about


Maybe we should warn them that we are scraping all of the Little Crappy Ships and using that steel to build BB-64. IYKYK


Surprise! Surprise! Sgt. Carter, when the D-rats fund terrorists with our tax dollars, we get more terrorism and dead Americans.


Training error? Who knows at this point – anyone else remember sweating the upcoming Q&A with Division Chief where we were grilled on procedures? Hopefully this is not something delegated to complete automatic defenses. For the Families – just devastating.



“A U.S. official confirmed to Fox News the drone from an Iranian proxy that killed 3 American service members in Jordan and injured others got past the air defenses for Tower 22 because it was mistaken for a U.S. drone expected to return to the base at the same time.”

Drone from Iran proxy evaded US defenses because it was mistaken for US drone: official | Fox News

Yeah, those dumbass goat herders wouldn’t monitor base flight operations for predictable and therefor exploitable schedule events. Like drone take-off and return times.

Hack Stone

But those GI’s in the control center were 100% trained on DEI and Recognizing White Supremacy.

Mike B

Mike B
Thank you for sharing this so we can name our prayers for the families.


Rest In Peace.

The Soldiers were Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, 46; Spc. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24; and Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23.

They were assigned to the 718th Engineer Company, 926th Engineer Battalion, 926th Engineer Brigade in Fort Moore, Georgia. They were supporting Operation Inherent Resolve.


Rest well soldiers
thank you for your service


Fair winds and following seas.


Before I go on this rant, even knowing it ain’t the place:

RIP to the Fallen. May the Lord comfort your friends and families in their time of need.

Now to bid’ness:
CBS is saying that the one-way unmanned aerial system (OWUAS)[which you know is pronounced “Ow, ass”] hit them while they were in their container housing units (CHU).

First, a male was housed near/with females?
And how the hell was the casualty count that high?

I could see blast taking out one row of units, maybe hitting top of a Bremer (T) wall and showering 2 units, but that number is abnormally high.

Unless they’re counting anyone that got a case of the fee fees as injured like Iraq when Iran did that retributive attack for Salami (sic).

Purple hearts for tinnitus because you don’t like the (p)resident is now a thing. Right VFW?

This whole fucking story sucks assholes, and not in a nice way. I’m calling bullshit and for the press to do their g_ddamned jobs.

Last edited 8 months ago by Roh-Dog

@ Roh-Dog,

I would speculate that perhaps everyone injured was gathered outside of the CHUs for whatever reason.

Would also explain why males and females were together. They would be assigned separate CHUs, but not opposite ends of the base. Unit integrity and all that good stuff.

Nowadays, I too default to “absolute distrust of anything the government says”, but the casualty count is plausible given the method of attack and the apparent lack of an enhanced security posture.


Godspeed, Fare Well, and Rest Easy, Troopers. May God’s Comfort bring some measure of His Peace to your Families. Three more Members just joined the Gold Star Family Group. DAMNIT! You may have noticed that these Troops were Georgia Army Reservists, Citizen Soldiers, not Georgians because they had been deployed from Fort Benning (yeah I’ll always call the Post that, no disrespect to Hal or Julie Moore), but were listed as being from Carrolton (not a big town), Savannah (big city but still close knit), and Waycross (good chance half the people in that little burg knew the family). Possible volunteers for this assignment thinking that it was fairly safe duty and a deployment doesn’t hurt you rank advancement potential or your LES.

One way to stop the killing of American Troops on foreign soil is quit putting American Troops doing work that the foreign troops should be doing.

Side note to Roh-Dog…the press IS doing their job…they are acting as the mouth piece for the current (s)elected regime and spreading the propaganda.


One way to stop the killing of American Troops on foreign soil is quit putting American Troops doing work that the foreign troops should be doing.

Good copy and AMEN!

The press IS doing their job…they are acting as the mouth piece for the current (s)elected regime and spreading the propaganda.

As much as I/we hate them, it’s not enough.

Fie on them. A fist of fie for each of their rectal cavities!


I’ve known the people of the Fort Benning and many points in the southern Georgia area. Can attest to the profound sense of patriotism and community of folks there.

You get word on ways to lend a hand, please do offer suggestions.


Dear Iran-proxy F*ckers,


A whole bunch more of the same! Now we have 3 more honorable service members to mourn! Now, we wait for the SPIN, SPIN- SPIN and, of course, the shit eating grin or outright laughing in our faces. Ya know, about a year ago, when asked about our border crisis, the admin said “there’s no crisis!”, now it’s a crisis, but it’s caused by Congress not giving me what I want, or it’s “Texas/Abbot blocking the Feds from doing their jobs”! It’s always something and it’s always going to be something. How many more body bags get filled before our elected officials, that are supposed to be representing us, do their damn jobs?

But hey, no mean tweets! Feelings are safe from the “orange man”!

Fn ridiculous!

I’m afraid that winters coming.


Youre right. Winter is just over the horizon.