Pride of Iran’s Navy in the news/ News from Mars

| July 8, 2024 | 13 Comments
Pride of Iran’s Navy in the news/ News from Mars

  Yep, remember not long back Iran was bragging about becoming a real blue-water navy? Going to conduct operations around the world, but most especially in our back yard. Yeah, they’re gonna show us. They’re gonna show us. Well, they showed us: Iranian naval destroyer has sunk while it was being repaired in a port […]

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“We Don’t Know Jack, but We Know This” – Iran

| May 21, 2024 | 59 Comments
“We Don’t Know Jack, but We Know This” – Iran

Ed filled us in nicely Sunday that the Iranian President’s helicopter had gone down in some roughish country in Iran. He took some other notables with him, including the minister of foreign affairs.  It is also stated, though, that there were three choppers in convoy and it seems only one crashed. Well, as of Monday […]

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Iran President’s Last Helo Ride?

| May 19, 2024 | 82 Comments
Iran President’s Last Helo Ride?

Iranian President’s Helicopter Located, Military Deployed To Tehran’s Streets: State Media BY TYLER DURDEN SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024 – 01:20 PM Update(1420ET): We are getting closer to learning the fate of Iran’s President Raisi and his foreign minister and other officials aboard the helicopter which went down hours ago: Iran’s president Raisi’s crashed helicopter has […]

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Massie, Trump dissing troops

| April 22, 2024 | 27 Comments
Massie, Trump dissing troops

So little space, so much to discuss. Let’s start with the Iranian bombing of Israel. It isn’t bad enough that we have pro-Palestinian demonstrations occurring on campuses of “institutions of higher learning” but we even have support for Hamas in Congress. As Mr. O’Rourke said, “a parliament of whores” indeed. More than a dozen House […]

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Israel strikes Iran

| April 19, 2024 | 11 Comments
Israel strikes Iran

Israel conducted a limited strike within Iran. Explosions have been reported in Iran’s Isfahan province, the location of one of Iran’s nuclear facilities. In the aftermath of the attack, the Iranians claimed that the strikes did not hit their atomic site. This was later confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Iranians claimed that […]

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Joe Biden expects Iran to attack Israel

| April 13, 2024 | 93 Comments
Joe Biden expects Iran to attack Israel

Joe Biden believes that Iran will attack Israel “sooner than latter.” Someone asked Biden about the possibility of this attack. He didn’t go further than “sooner than latter” because he didn’t want to touch on secure information. Joe Biden also had an opportunity to present his message to Iran. His response was a single word, […]

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Biden’s Ironclad Promise

| April 12, 2024 | 16 Comments
Biden’s Ironclad Promise

Ironclad, Jack! Biden vows ‘ironclad’ US commitment to Israel amid fears of Iran attack US president and allied officials fear ‘significant’ strike within days in retaliation for Israeli bombing of consular building in Damascus Joe Biden has vowed that US commitment to defend Israel against Iran was “ironclad” as concerns rose in Washington that a […]

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Seized Iran Weapons to Ukraine

| April 10, 2024 | 26 Comments
Seized Iran Weapons to Ukraine

US gives Ukraine seized Iranian weapons that were headed to Houthis By Jonathan Lehrfeld The U.S. redirected thousands of weapons to Ukraine earlier this month that it seized from an Iranian group attempting to smuggle the munitions to Yemen’s Houthi militants, the Middle East-based U.S. Central Command said Tuesday. More than 5,000 AK-47 rifles, machine […]

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