UN Aid Agency Staffed by Hamas

| January 29, 2024

UN aid agency members supplied Hamas with RPGs, took Israeli woman hostage during Oct. 7 attacks, damning intel finds

By Melissa Koenig

The United Nations aid agency staffers accused of taking part in Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel included some who provided rocket-propelled grenades — as well as others who actively killed and kidnapped Israelis, according to a damning dossier of intel given to the US.

At least 10 of the 12 fired last week by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were active members of Hamas, while another was affiliated with the Islamic Jihad, according to the dossier obtained by the New York Times.

Israeli officials said they tracked the movements of UN aid workers on the day of the attack, using phone records and phone calls.

As well as using the agency as a cover, the terrorists also worked by day as terrorists and even teachers and other school employees, according to the dossier, which gave names for the staffers that were not published by the Times.

They found that at least one was told via text message to bring rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) he kept at his house with him, the dossier reports.

A social worker also gave out ammo, coordinated vehicles and took the body of a dead Israeli soldier back with him to Gaza, according to the Israeli intel

A school counselor from southern Gaza teamed up with his son to abduct a woman who became one of the more than 200 hostages taken by Hamas terrorists that day, according to the dossier.

NY Post

The US, Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia, Japan, Austria and Romania have suspended funding to the agency. Seems like a good start.

Category: Gaza 2023, Israel, United Nations

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Get U.S out of the UN. Dry up their funding and screw them hard.


Way yonder past time for that. Prime real estate to house the other parasites that have been admitted into the country.


There is no prime real estate if we level it and turn it into a parking garage.


So, you’re saying the only way to be sure is to nuke the site from orbit? I’m good with that. Make it a baby baby nuke, tho…don’t want to disturb the furry critters in Central Park…the four (4) legged furry critters, that is.


Yup. Get out of the UN and send them packing. Gaza seems like a good location.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Nah. They don’t have to go to Gaza. They have to leave here.

Like they used to say at closing time.. “we don’t care where ya go but you can’t stay here”.

Been more than a few years since I closed a bar, so maybe they still say it.


As Odie stated, get U.S. out! We’ve been the primary source of funding, and one of the key contributors overall to UN missions. Yet, time and again, they’ve proven themselves to be ineffective, and most importantly, counter to US interests. How many times have stories arisen about UN “Peacekeepers” being proposed for deployment within the US. I don’t have time to corroborate the accuracy of those stories, but the mere thought of foreign troops governed by an international body patrolling American streets goes counter to everything this country was founded on.

The UN has failed time and again, often leading to unnecessary loss of life. Operation Gothic Serpent was initiated to accomplish a UNOSOM mission, and while TF Ranger itself was under US command, the other US forces fell under the UN.

Anyway, back to the “conspiracy theory” that is the eventual placement of UN troops on American soil. Just as in the ’90s, there will be plenty of people willing to take on foreign soldiers, especially if they were sent here on a gun-grabbing mission. Given the quality of many nations’ troops, I wouldn’t trust any of them around our women or children, and they sure as hell wouldn’t be welcomed in my neck of the woods. I could see such a supposed “invasion” being limited to the large liberal cities, who would likely welcome them as liberators from the evil fascist gun loving MAGA crown. Step into the foothills, the bayous, the plains, or anywhere outside of NY, LA, Chicago, and the like, and they’ll quickly regret that decision.


Maybe a better way to say it would be to get the UN out of the U.S

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Them there baby blue helmets and berets sure do make fer purdy targets.


Exactly. Send ‘em to patrol the West Side of Chicago. I wouldn’t even have to do anything. The various factions of the Gangster Disciples, the Black Disciples, and the Vice Lords would fuck ‘em up. 🤣


We have to be inclusive, include the Latin Kings and MS-13.


Different parts of the city, but hey, why not! Don’t forget about the Maniac Latin Disciples, the Latin Counts, the Spanish Cobras, the Spanish Vice Lords, the 26, La Raza, etc. The more, the merrier!

Green Thumb

About time.


UN sux…


Oldie but goodie:


To date, the UN’s greatest actual achievement is its inspiration of the fictional United Federation of Planets and its Prime Directive:
comment image

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

That isn’t the prime directive.

The prime directive, which the UN never follows is; do not interfere with the development of lower technologies societies.


Well, “Impartiality” in real life… In theory, it means being hard on everyone equally (you know, like making sure a peacekeeping ceasefire is followed); in practice, it means being hard on nobody at all (usually, the UN will go so far and then cave on something, unless an American or Brit plays Captain Kirk there on principle to make sh*t come out like it was supposed to– what inspired Gene Roddenberry’s Prime Directive and Kirk’s bending of it). See also J.C. van Damme having a typical American reaction on a barely fictionalized UN-type mission:

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

Virgin space, eh?


Not with Kirk around…


I know a lot of you don’t tiki and Taki so this link may not work, but if it does, yeah enjoy this



Yup Sunday mornings.


Not to mention a non-XXX, but still crude, parody:

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous

Hey! That’s Michael from Vsauce! (LT Mason)
His clips are pretty infotainment-y.

Last edited 8 months ago by Roh-Dog

You forgot a step:
Wipe your ass with it.



I just presumed that trashcan was at a dog park…


You don’t say….


Is this really news to anyone? The only bit that is mildly surprising is that the UN hired terrorists have been named as such. Well, not terrorists, just “participants” in the thing that didn’t happen.

Outrage cued to coincide with that of the not-surprising news that the hospital’s chief of staff and administrators were willingly using the hospital as depots, HQ and access to the terrorists tunnels. In other words, 2:30pm on Feb. 31st.


Dear Present Elect Trump,
Please generate Executive order # (insert next number here) to Kick the UN out of the US, Lock, Stock and Barrel and give the property to Homeless Veterans.
Send them to….MEXICO!!!

Forest Bondurant

According to a Reuter’s article:

“UNRWA has also faced other controversies in the past. In 2019, the head of the agency resigned amid a misconduct inquiry. In 2014, the head of the United Nations expressed alarm after rockets were found at a vacant UNRWA school and later went missing.”

In a statement issued by the UN Security Council (on the heels of the COVID pandemic) in 2021:

“The Security Council reaffirms its commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of all States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and stresses that Member States have the primary responsibility in countering terrorist acts and violent extremism conducive to terrorism.”

“The Security Council reaffirms that terrorism in all forms and manifestations continues to constitute one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivations, whenever and by whomsoever committed.”

“The Security Council recalls its decision, in resolution 1373 (2001), that all Member States shall ensure that any person who participates in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in support of terrorist acts is brought to justice.”

“The Security Council reiterates the obligations of Member States relevant to prevention and suppression of the financing of terrorism, including those set forth in UNSC resolutions 1373 (2001), 2178 (2014), and 2462 (2019).”

Their own words should be used against them as justification for withdrawing since the organization is involved in state-sponsored terrorism.


Found rockets at a vacant school that later went missing? What part alarmed them. That they were at a school? That they went missing? Or that they didn’t try to confiscate them when found.

Most likely they were alarmed that word got out about their ineptness.


The other odd tidbits coming out of Gaza
Is how in the HELL has so much Israeli military hardware made it into the hands of hamas



Army-Air Force Guy

They contributed somewhat to the defense of the Republic of Korea in 1950. That’s the only thing good I could think of right off the top of my head.

Hack Stone

In the music industry that would be known as a One Hit Wonder.

Hack Stone

They had to supplement their income somehow. With the Israeli blockade of goods, their sales commissions from AmWay and Herbalife were negatively impacted.


Maybe they should try to sell Watkins instead.

Adam from Iowa

Principal Skinner
“Order! Order! Do you kids wanna be like the real U.N., or do you just wanna squabble and waste time?”


That is the real UN.
comment image


And here we are. Well worth the 2 minute it will take to read. Pro tip/full disclosure…Take your BP meds and…Prepare



Woah, next you are going to tell me that the head of the largest capital asset management group in the world is led by a Democratic mega donor Marxist.

Last edited 8 months ago by 5JC
A Proud Infidel®™

I’m not surprised, fuck the United Nothing.