The “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” Act
Congressman John Campbell
In the “Review and Outlook” section of the Wall Street Journal Online this morning is the answer to every Democrat’s dream;
California Republican John Campbell yesterday introduced in the House his “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Act,” which would amend the tax code to allow individuals to make voluntary donations to the federal government above their normal tax liability. The bill would place a new line on IRS tax forms to make this easy.
Mr. Campbell says he has heard the “cries” of those wealthy Americans – Mrs. Clinton, Warren Buffett, Barbra Streisand – who reject the lower tax rates passed in 2001 and 2003 and complain that they and their fellow rich don’t pay enough. “It’s a great injustice that citizens wishing to fulfill their dream of paying more taxes cannot simply check a box on their 1040 form to make a donation,” he says. His bill would give liberals a chance to salve their consciences without having to raise taxes on millions of Americans who already feel overtaxed as it is.
It’s also the dream of every American and Republican so we can stop listening to the Clintons and the Obama’s telling us we don’t pay enough in taxes and they can put their own money where their mouths are first. Let’s see how far this goes in Congress – let’s see who votes for it and who votes against it.
From the Centre Daily Times;
“It is time for Americans who like the fact that the government spends so much of their tax dollars to ‘put their money where there mouth is’ and give up extra taxes voluntarily,” said [Council for Citizens Against Government Waste] President Tom Schatz.
According to a 2007 Harris Interactive survey conducted on behalf of the Tax Foundation, only 2 percent of respondents claimed the amount of federal income tax they pay is too low, compared 58 percent of respondents who said that their taxes were too high.
Category: Politics
Oorah! But, sadly, this bill has no hope in hell (even if you can see it from your place) of passage. It would be like throwing Holy Water on a vampire, breathalyzing Kennedy, or cutting off Murtha’s earmarking ability.
Why do they need another bill? You can already voluntarily give more to the IRS. The fact that no one does, speaks volumes! :-/
Jonn wrote: This one makes it a one line entry on the 1040 form so it’s easier – you know, easier than, say, itemizing one’s husband’s underwear (as Hillary has been known to do during her “lean” years as a poor governor’s housewife). Or maybe the good congressman is just making a point.
Here in the People’s Republic of Taxxachusetts a few years ago our Overlords passed a statute giving us a similar goodie. We have a line like this on the state tax form. If you are torn up with guilt over paying too little you may check this box and pay something like a .5% higher rate. This came about after a “temporary” hike in the rate was partially repealed after 15-20 years.
The free thinking libs in this asylum who want everyone ELSE to pay higher taxes (because it’s for the CHILDREN) pony up in numbers like 400 individual returns statewide per year. They truly do love to donate everyone ELSE’S money, not their own.
Excellent idea. I think I’ll be endorsing this guy on my blog too.
Love it… great idea!