How stupid do they think we are?

| April 12, 2008

Last night, the big story was Obama’s explanation of why the people in Pennsylvania are going to support him yo a bunch of billionaires out in San Francisco. I read it first on Ace of Spades;

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them…And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. (Emphasis is Ace’s)

That’s pretty elitist – especially from a young punk-ass kid who’s hidden behind his race this whole campaign and been so quick to send out his touchy minions to slap down even the slightest tinge of language that might reference even peripherally Obama’s race (whatever race that happens to be at the time). So I figured I’d keep my yap shut until Obama apologized.
Well, he’s not apologizing for calling Pennsylvanians a bunch of dumb hicks – he dodges what he says by turning it around on the other presidential campaigns in Indiana;

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Allahpundit writes that the McCain campaign is keeping up the pressure on Obama and not letting him weasel out;

John McCain’s campaign has decided to keep the heat on Barack Obama for his remarks. After Obama tried to weasel his way out of his April 6th remarks by focusing only on the “bitter” portion of the quote, Team McCain reminded people immediately that bitterness was the least of Obama’s accusations (emphasis mine):

“Instead of apologizing to small town Americans for dismissing their values, Barack Obama arrogantly tried to spin his way out of his outrageous San Francisco remarks. Only an elitist who attributes religious faith and gun ownership to bitterness would think that tax cuts for the rich include families who make $75,000 per year. Only an elitist would say that people vote their values only out of frustration. Barack Obama thinks he knows your hopes and fears better than you do. You can’t be more out of touch than that.” –Tucker Bounds, Spokesman John McCain 2008

They missed the xenophobia and bigotry that Obama accused small-town voters of having, but give the McCain folks some credit. They’re staying on this by the minute.

Geez, ya know, everytime he declares that he’s not out-of-touch, he just appears more out-of-touch than ever.

Try as I might, I can’t say it any better than Cigar Man at Babalu Blog;

Dems look down on middle America. They’re called “stupid” by the left because they vote GOP. How better to see this elitist disdain for the American heartland than with Mr. Obama’s recent comments:


Well said from Mr. Harvard Educated Millionaire Liberal. I’m sure like his wife, they’ve been ashamed of America all these years.

Well, while Obama was removing his $800 shoes from his mouth, Bill Clinton was out trying to manage damage from the Hillary-under-sniper-fire story. I thought the damage was done, and we should just move on to the next story, but Bill can’t let go;

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I get the impression that he’s sabotaging her candidacy at this point. She was tired when she told the story? How does that jibe with her “3AM” platform? What kind of lies is she going to tell when that 3 AM phone call comes and she’s tired?

Why are there still Democrats supporting these dumbasses (who apparently think we’re all dumbasses).

UPDATE: Michele Malkin has Obama’s second (or third) attempt at spinning his words instead of just admitting he’s an elitist jerk-off. Wild Thing has the entire transcript at PC Free Zone.

Category: Politics

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Six months ago I would have agreed with the inevitability of a Democrat President in 2009.
Now, as I see McCain starting to look very Presidential while the teenagers vie for debate captain, it looks more hopeful.
Voters should keep in mind that one of the three WILL choose one or more Supreme Court Justice.
I’m thinking McCain will choose more wisely than the other two.
Obama wasn’t going to get my vote before. As a Pennsylvanian, he will now see me actively speak out against him.

Jonn wrote: I knew if I wrote about Pennsylvania, it’d draw you out, BARman. I can’t even imagine the judges that Obama would select.

S. Weasel

And I’m thinking McCain will spend four years trying to win back his friends in the media by doing what he can to please them. He might pick a centrist slightly to the right of the one Obama or Clinton would pick, but not by much. And those centrists have done us a world of favors on the Court, no?

Ugh. I hate this election cycle.

Jonn wrote: I agree completely, but the Democrats (and the Republican voters) haven’t given us much of a choice, have they?


The fact that the 12000 registered democrats in Lorain OH are still going to vote for one of these wack-jobs is the most troubling!

Jonn wrote: Well, you’ve got GI Jane there with you in Lorain, the two of you ought to be able to change minds.