Another two-faced Clinton staffer
Last week the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board unveiled Mark Penn, Clinton strategist, and his double dealing on the Colombian FTA. Just in time for the weekend and the Sunday talk shows, WSJ identifies another Clinton staffer playing both sides of the issues, Tony Podesta, brother of clintonista John Podesta;
So, while Mrs. Clinton criticizes Wal-Mart for its lack of a union and refuses money from its political action committee, Mr. Podesta’s firm last year received $260,000 representing the retailer in Washington – making his firm Wal-Mart’s most highly paid lobbyist. While Mrs. Clinton “stands up” to the oil companies, bashing them for excessive profits and threatening to undermine their business, Mr. Podesta takes those profits to flak for British Petroleum and Sunoco. While Mrs. Clinton demands cuts in Medicare Advantage payments, Mrs. Podesta looks after the interests of insurer Cigna, which surely isn’t plumping for a cheaper government health regime.
According to the WSJ, John Podesta is running the Clinton campaign, just as he did the Kerry campaign, in Pennsylvania, well, for now. The editorial board goes on to point out that the Obama campaign is just as guilty hiring on “special interest” entities despite their promises to contrary.
Is there really anything wrong with hiring these folks? Not in my opinion, however the candidates yap about WalMart’s evils, Big Oil’s “obscene profits”, Colombia’s human rights…blah-blah-blah…and it’s all just populist drivel designed to appear as if they actually care about the poor, the working Americans, etc…. But it’s all just words, and the eager mindless millions gobble it up to assuage their own guilt – the Democrat Party is now the party of guilt-ridden millionaires.
If Hillary Clinton purged her ranks of every hypocrite, there’d be no Hillary campaign.
Category: Politics