Skittles’ “Black Trans Lives Matter” Slogan Stirs Uproar

| August 13, 2023

I wanted to post this in case you haven’t heard it all. Skittles is now running “Black Trans Lives Matters” on its packaging.

Social Media Erupts After Skittles’ ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ Packaging Goes Viral

By Zach Jewell * Aug 12, 2023

Skittles is facing backlash after images of its “Pride” packaging, featuring pro-trans statements, went viral on social media Friday.

The candy packaging that Skittles advertises on its website features slogans such as “Joy Is Resistance” and “Black Trans Lives Matter.” Skittles, which is owned by Mars, partnered with GLAAD, a media monitoring organization that espouses radical gender theory, to reveal the packaging for Pride Month earlier this year.

This past June was the fourth year Skittles partnered with GLAAD “to support the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying and celebrating their stories,” according to its website. Skittles said it will “donate $1 for every Skittles Pride pack sold to GLAAD in support of their ongoing efforts to work through media to combat anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination.”

On its website, Skittles also promoted a podcast called “Queery” hosted by Cameron Esposito, who focuses on LGBTQ topics and activism.

“Stay tuned for a special Pride-themed miniseries of Queery where we dive deeper into queer storytelling and the artists that designed this year’s SKITTLES Pride Packs,” the candy brand says.

The controversy seems to be centered around marketing social messages to children, as they are the major consumer of candy which includes Skittles.

I have to say – I thought trans individuals represented a small fraction of the overall population, but when you add the qualifier ‘black’ to that equation, it must take that percentage to an even lower fractional representation of the population. The flip side of that is that any dissenting view can now be labeled as ‘transphobic and racist’ so you get a “two-fer.”

Maybe Skittles got a bit jealous and didn’t want Bud Light to steal all the headlines.

In fact, the New York Post is running an article titled: Skittles blasted over new pro-LGBTQ packaging: ‘Time to Bud Light them’ which leads with the line…

[drum roll please]

…  “Taste the wokeness.”

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics

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Disney seems to be looking for a two-fer as well, combining Bud Light and Target marketing formats. This should end well.

trans minnie.png

Once again, the best woman for the job is a man…
The mental gymnastics these people do to say they are pro women…
Men promoting women’s cosmetics, swimwear, gym clothes, and young girls attire
Winning “beauty” pageants
Winning sporting events
Parading naked in front of women and young girls
Converting between 25 & 40% of women’s publics bathrooms from stalls to urinals
The list goes on…and on


Wicked queen in Snow White? Dylan Mulvaney can do it– move over Angelina Jolie! /sarc


Well, Dylan Mulvaney is available for more.
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Anna Puma

Exhibit A of marketing insanity. In-Bev has lost what 10% of their sales because Bud Light decided to lose 30% of their sales?

Anna Puma

Exhibit B of marketing insanity.


You mean selling off eight of their brands unaffected by this to give Butt Light an even greater share?


Black Trans Lives Matter? Where the term “on the down-low” (not just “in the closet”) was invented?

Perhaps a need for advocacy (in the literal sense) but as a proper marketing slogan to sell candy to kids Muslim LGBTQ Lives Matter would be similar.
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I wonder if they pull the blindfold before chucking him off the building so he can see how much longer he has to live or leave it on so as to be a surprise.


ISIS liked surprises. I suspect it’s generally SOP for this sort of thing.
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Leaving this guy’s hands and arms unbound, since they’re going to kill him anyway, why not try to take 1 or 2 with him.


Aloha Snackbar!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

What was the other new slogan I just read?
Oh, yeah, “Taint the Rainbow” .

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Speaking of taint, it’s time to head over to earl of taint.

Anna Puma

What was that definition of insanity? Keep doing the same thing but expect different results? I present Exhibit C – Skittles.


Gotta flagellate themselves hard for that kickin’ CEI/ESG score “woke” BlackRock and Vanguard told ’em they needed for financing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

The Corporation of the United States has turned the perversion and deviancy to a Spinal Tap 11, yet Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s have all* cut the credit rating of US debt.

On top of that, our ‘representative’ ‘government’ hires all sorts of ‘protected classes’, hell we even hire corpses! (the senior senior senator from CA is just a bag of meat at this point)

The POTATUS is trying to purge us of every hydrocarbon-based anything…

If ESG or DIE really mattered, we should have a rating of AAAA++++

Or, perhaps Skittles got threatened for a “trans pacification by ballistic penetration campaign”.

*or 2 out of 3, too lazy to look it up. Samesame tho.

SotL troons via PeachyKeenan x.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Fitch, S&P and Moody’s still believe in supply/demand and making a profit because they have to pay bills. (“Racist!”
left/libtards will scream, of course…)


They were going to scream anyway, so screw em. Let them scream and make their own version of skittles.


Excellent marketing strategy. Get people to accept you by beating them over the head until they submit. It’s worked every single time it’s been tried. Just like communism.


Goebbels, too:
comment image


I keep telling them that they’re actually the fascists pushing this sick ideology on normal people.

The mental gymnastics they go through to disprove it and state that it’s me by not embracing the lie is impressive.


I must admit, I do love hearing them whine and cry when you push back. I only participate in my own delusions.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Interesting that these big companies listen to these small groups that get the squeaky wheel and don’t realize that their are a majority of people out there that are starting to boycott the products.


Sell beer, not “woke” BS; it ain’t hard (except, apparently, for Budweiser).

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

They were not exactly selling beer before all this….

At least now the Clydesdales can relax.


The squeaky wheel gets replaced.


I don’t know if kids are the main consumer of Skittles. I know they are frequently used at parties to mix with alcohol and drugs by younger people. There are also a lot of fake Skittles out there, that are THC products.


Oh, FFS! Got lost in a rabbit hole of reading up on the Mars Fambly. I reckon when you’re worth north of 127 BILLION $, as a family, it won’t matter if you lose some business. Odd that the big jump start to their $ came from Mr. Mars marrying a Ms Thang with money. Shades of J0hN SkErrY. Odd that their FIRST (ht2 R-D) born son was named “Forrest”…as was his. And DAMNIT, I have a sweet tooth from hell and lubs me some candy. Hershey had already pissed me off, now this. GRRRR!

This may and/or may not affect their 3rd Q bottom line since the Halloween orders were placed well before now, but I predict they will take a hit when a lot of parents will not want to buy a product with this type of packaging. Time will tell. Odd, too, that they would take the picture of a distinguished looking Black Gentleman off of a product category (Uncle Ben’s Rice) and now push this woke narrative.

Never was a fan of Skittles, but I shorely DID lubs me some Milky Ways, Snickers, and 3 Musketeers.


I liked to “taste the rainbow” (Skittles marketing, not LGBTQ) years ago, but MREs turned me off from Skittles. Ate too many, and now I’d rather eat Charms (which I think we sell, and not being superstitious I might pick some up to scare my fellow Vets). Post-retirement, I probably buy too much candy, with big Sam’s Club sized Folger’s containers–one labeled “Choco Candy” and the other “Sugar Candy”. Odd, but I get home from work and all I can find are wrappers…

We had to rename Uncle Ben’s to Ben’s Original just as we had to rename Aunt Jemima to Pearl Milling and change the Land O’ Lakes logo. Funny, but in an age of so-called “cancellation”, there is a lot less diversity in product and brand images these days. I guess it’s more than made up for in advertising and commercials, where everybody is a mixed race and/or same sex couple.


Great way to show you ain’t skeered. (Mmmm, Fate’s muh b*tch– gonna eat yers, p*ssy?!)

On Amazon, $26.81 for a box of 20 packs:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Land o lakes butter got rid of the Indian, but kept the land.

Wasn’t aunt Jemima syrup based on her recipe?

And uncle Ben’s was racist because they called a black man uncle? Did those offended by the term uncle Ben check to see if he wasn’t in fact an uncle?


There was no Auntie J. Just an invention to sell self-rising flour (invented by whitey) and later stolen to sell syrup (also invented by whitey).

There was no Uncle Ben either. Just a way to sell paraboiled rice (also invented by whitey).

I hate to break it to you but also no:
Betty Crocker
Pillsbury Dough Boy
Tony the Tiger
Ronald McDonald
Jolly Green Giant
Keebler Elves
Mr Peanut
Toucan Sam
Charlie the Tuna
Captain Crunch

The following do/did exist:
Wendy Thomas
Spuds McKenzie (although he is a she)
Papa John Schattner (you can see why it was shortened)
Famous (Wally) Amos
Bob Big Boy Wian
(Kentucky) Colonel Sanders
Pappas Brothers
Ruth Fertal and Chris Matulich


I don’t recall mentioning capt crunch, Keebler elves, Tony the tiger, etc etc etc.

Aunt Jemima character was based on a real woman by the name of Nancy Green, per npr.

But thanks for pointing out all the characters in advertising that aren’t real. I will be a much more informed shopper from this day forward.


No. Nancy Green was a model whose likeness served for one of the later versions of AJ. The early versions were made out of whole cloth from vaudeville acts.

At least based upon one book and one lengthy article written on the subject:

Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Rastus: Blacks in advertising, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. April 24, 2014.

“Caricatures of African Americans: Mammy”. Regnery Publishing. November 25, 2012.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC
Commissioner Wretched

Hell, Cap’n Crunch wasn’t even a captain. He was first a lieutenant then a commander. (Look at the boxes.) He’s only “Cap’n” because he “commands” the SS Guppy.


M&M peanut, Payday,Almond Joy and Chunky.


BLM, BTLM, BLT, what’s the hubbub all about? We know the virtue signaling will continue. The corporations know that there’s a lot of sentiment on the Left that will keep them afloat, and that while many on the Right will scream for boycotts and such, they are on the “wrong side of history”.

Imagine a dystopian future, where all of this stuff is just part of a predetermined plan to appease Biden and his successors, as well as a totally legitimate Democrat majority in the House and Senate. The elite, be they political, celebrity, or corporate, already know the outcome of next year’s elections, as well as those in the next decade. Jump aboard now and establish your wokeness. Rewards will come, and those vocally opposing popular fads like BLM and the trans movement will be silenced.

In this future, Trump is in prison, with a new law passed that former Presidents convicted of any crime have Secret Service protections revoked. Biden has effectively been relegated to Puppet-in-Chief, with a newly reimagined Kamala emerging as the Strong Black Woman who is next in line. Hillary has finally accepted her position as a never-was President, but between her and Obama, the Executive Branch has never been stronger behind the scenes. Meanwhile, those who were vocal about the Bud Light/Mulvaney debacle, this Skittles packaging, and even the events of 2020-2021 will be declared threats to the American way of life. In this new nation, we must accept total diversity (especially if we’re heterosexual White males), be all-inclusive, and support equity to the point where we, The Oppressors, provide financial and other support to The Downtrodden.

Last edited 1 year ago by fm2176

It’s all fun and games until “Blessed be our New Founding Fathers Peoplekind and America, a nation reborn”:


Im currently rereading Brave New World and 1984.

Figured it was past time to brush up on wickedness ruling the land and the way society thinks again.


As a youth I consumed much Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 hits different now. Recommend highly.

The ‘tolerant at any cost’ Left has become the modern day Firefolx.

Daisy Cutter



“Venn Diagrams are very informative as they have information circles inside of overlapping information circles that provide information about the topic that the diagram is about. Sometimes these circles overlap and the information is the same in the bigger circle as it is in the information in smaller circle, this is very informative and gives you lots of information.”

-Some unknown woman a heartbeat or 14 senatorial votes away from being the leader of the free world.


Eh…I prefer M&Ms.


Those went woke last year….

Daisy Cutter



Did you say Black Trans?


It’s the Bandit!

Commissioner Wretched

Or maybe this Black Trans …

Knight Rider.jpg
Daisy Cutter

It’s now creeping into the NFL. Tyler Murphy Kyler Murray mocked for wearing a “sports bra.”

Daisy Cutter

Come on, man. I can’t unsee that.


He should be mocked loudly. Who is the guy next to him trying to cop a feel.


comment image


Tyler Murphy hasn’t played football in like a decade. Unless there is a new one with the same name.


Oh, that is Kyler Murray BTW, NOT Tyler Murphy.

Daisy Cutter

There’s no “correct what I meant to say” button. 😉


DC, there’s a little cog icon thingie in the lower right corner you can hover your cursor over and it will bring up an “Manage Comment” icon. Click on that and you can edit after you post. Gotta be quick tho…it only gives you 6 maybe 9 minutes of window time to do an edit.

Or you can wait awhile and some of the usual suspect will rag you about it. *grin*

Last edited 1 year ago by KoB
Daisy Cutter

I do my best proofreading after I publish something. 😉


I don’t always test my code, but when I do I test it in Production.

USMC Steve

It is truly interesting that all these companies continue to go out of their way to cater to like 1 percent of the population base, while trying to actively irritate and alienate the rest of the country. Given that not one of these outfits are in any way essential, that is really risky.


🤦‍♂️ WTF….

Prior Service

If Mars can show me any time any place where they “amplified and celebrated” anything conservative, I’ll consider not being done with skittles. I don’t care if you amplify and celebrate all kinds of people, and give all of them equal time, but if you can only do the whackos, you’ve lost me. I used to eat a whole lot of skittles.


Nope. They employ slave labor in Africa so they are 100% Democrat. Never be able to get away from that. As recently as two years ago slaves were suing the company for forced labor.

I mean if you are going to boycott the company that is actually a much better reason. I personally don’t eat any of their products. Not even their Ben’s Original Rice. I did used to eat Snickers bars, but not for a long time.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC

Skittles are racist? We report, you decide…

From Wikipedia: “In 2016, Skittles faced controversy over temporarily changing the color of the candies from the signature rainbow appearance to white in support of Pride month, LGBT rights and London Pride. The Wrigley Company, a separate representing party of the Skittles brand, mass-produced the limited-edition colorless candies. Skittles’ rainbow themed packaging had also been altered temporarily to complement the achromatic confectionery within. On the back of each monochrome package, the Wrigley Company included an explanation for the company’s marketing decision: “So this is kind of awkward, but we’re just gonna go ahead and address the rainbow-colored elephant in the room. You have the rainbow… we have the rainbow… and usually that’s just hunky-dory. But this Pride, only one rainbow deserves to be the centre of attention – yours. And we’re not going to be the ones to steal your rainbow thunder, no siree.” However, the message was met with confusion in some areas, with The Huffington Post publishing an article titled “Some People Think Skittles’ All-White Pride Candies Are Racist”, exploring the idea that by going all-white, the company failed to acknowledge the diversity defined by the LGBT community.”

Just goes to show you that when you bend over backwards to appease one group, you often run right into the arms of another group that will accuse you of being racist.

Last edited 1 year ago by tshe