Video intended for TikTok captures man sniffing bums at Burbank Barnes & Noble

| August 13, 2023

Calese Crowder stooped down behind Michaela Witter’s butt. He claimed that he was tying his shoes, but his shoes were tied and there was plenty of room in the store for him to tie his shoes if needed. (Michaela Witter)

Michaela Witter filmed herself doing solo activities in the community. She uploaded these videos to show others that fun could be had while doing solo activities. While reviewing one of her videos of her shopping at a Burbank Barnes & Noble, she noticed a man, later identified as Calese Crowder, doing more than just stalking her. When she watched in detail, the man stooped down behind her. Not long after stooping down behind her, he stooped down behind another woman.

From KTLA5:

Social media personality Michaela Witter started a series on TikTok called “Solo Dates” — meant to showcase outings and activities that people can do alone, especially women.

But what happened to the 28-year-old at Barnes & Noble bookstore in Burbank made her feel completely stalked and violated.

What started as a trip to the bookstore to relax turned into an unnerving experience for Witter. Shortly after she arrived at the store, she says a stranger began following her before finally invading her space.

“It felt like anywhere I moved, he kept following me,” she recalled. “So I recorded just in case he was trying to say anything or do anything to me, but I definitely did not expect him to do this.”

In the video, the man is seen crouching down low and getting extremely close to Witter’s legs. He is later seen doing the same thing to another woman browsing nearby.

“I was so freaked out,” she said. “He was literally under me, so freaking close to me, so I decided to tell the front desk.”

Witter turned around and confronted the man, asking him what he was doing. He claimed he was tying his shoes.

“Which he wasn’t,” Witter said. “He was pretending to. His shoes were tied.”

KTLA 5 has the link to the story here. The man, Calese Crowder, was later arrested for allegedly peeping and prowling a home containing children. Videos of the butt sniffer in action can be viewed here and here. A more detailed one from Twitter:

Category: Crime, Society

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Old tanker

Perhaps a bit of pepper spray might just fix the sniffer. No matter what is done we must take steps to make sure he doesn’t run for president. One sniffer in office is enough.


Looks like somebody has found a new Chief of Staff.


Auditions are now open. Maybe he was hoping for some broken wind?


Now, if she were a guy he could cancel her for being racist against LGBTQRTUVWXYZ people… how left/libtardery is today.


Though I do suggest she make things unpleasant while he’s there:


Maybe that’s what he’s looking for?

The internet is a strange place, and if one looks hard enough you can find every abnormal lustful predilection imaginable.

I’ve seen things…


Well, yeah, people be strange… a simple “Hey, get da f*ck outta here, pervert!” may be better under the circumstances.


That’s probably what he was hoping for


In less preverted times he probably wouldn’t be, I admit… but today:
comment image


His ears! Mama pulled them his whole life!


Here’s the ears mugshot.
I thought someone else would have put this up by now.
But here it is.

Does anyone know how ears get like this?

Calese Crowder mugshot ears.jpg



Too many usings of the bridal bridle by his prison husband.

(don’t worry, I regerts typing it as much as you did read’n it)


Ask kamala


My answer: Bad genetic material, or fetal alcohol syndrome. Cuz that boy ain’t right.

Slow Joe



Just in… Years of folk doing nothing but COIN while wearing a PT belt for safety and using a cellphone in the field is showing up in training Ukrainians for LSCO major WW2-style war again:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

True, the Russkies be idiots too.

FOBbitry and only sending out a patrol during the day with uparmored HMMWVs, with perfectly working Internet and an enemy w/o arty, tanks or aircraft, just ain’t LSCO though.


Enemy engaged when they wanted and only died if they hung around too long or we found their hide-out for a SWAT-type raid or precision airstrike. Still dangerous AF, but not peer/near-peer warfare in WW2, Korea or versus China/Russia upcoming.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

The US hasn’t fought a world War II Style war since Korea. The ungodly amount that we spend on military power typically assures a fast win. It’s the part that happens afterwards that we always screw up.


If we set up a FOB, Russkies would happily shell it and inflict more casualties than we took in Desert Storm just on general principles.


That shelling won’t last long. Counterfire w/ effective radar combined with long range artillery and rockets and it’s over before it starts. That’s assuming that they aren’t taken out by air before they even get set up.

But it wouldn’t even make sense to have a FOB in artillery range of conventional forces anyway.


Russkies have learned that from the Ukrainians the hard way– why they’d happily do it us. Then they’d relocate their artillery or just keep doing it again until their high command said to stop.


The Russian way of war. They feel they’re ready for WW2-style fightin’ again.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Video intended for TikTok captures man sniffing bums at Burbank Barnes & NobleLooks like a typo spelling, man sniffing BUMS instead of BUNS. I have typing for beginners by Monarch press revised 1968 edition Where I make the same typos with the typewriter letter keys next to each other and I sometimes hit the wrong key.Speaking of Monarch, How about “pretty Little Girl” sung by the Monarchs 1956 on the Neil and Melba labels. Later Alligator shoo Bopp Doo Wopp.



jeff LPH 3 63-66

I can’t make a pun out of a bun. Later Alligator


Buns (plural) is another part though.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thanks for the heads up and educating me on my jumping the gun tb, I didn’t know that. Thanks again.


Could it be… everything old is new again for today’s younger generation:


Just in… Depressed? Traumatized? Single-payer healthcare has a new cost-effective treatment that gurantees results with no pesky wait times:

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

P.S. Don’t think somebody’s not considering that somewhere at the VA. They probably are.


Ahhhh good ole’ California.


Not too much of a smart feller, but does pass the test of being a fart smeller.

And some wonder why my escort duty roster stays full.


Our 70s / 80s word for this….

One who enjoys smelling the farts of others.
Our 70s / 80s opposite word…

One who enjoys farting on others, to make them smell it.
Deploying the Fu of Google
comes up empty on both the above.
Obviously short lived, and never left the local area.
Lexicon denied.

Last edited 1 year ago by MarineDad61
jeff LPH 3 63-66

say this 5 times
This smart fellow, he felt smart
two smart fellows, they felt smart
three smart fellows, they all felt smart.


If only there was a collection of little concrete boxes, arranged in a regulated fashion, to store individuals that behave like this.

Now what to call it….?


Now what to call it….?”





Septic Tanks?


comment image

jeff LPH 3 63-66

looks like the Mausoleum in Boca Raton Fl.


It is.


Ever feel like you belong when you find yourself in a special place with a group of special people?

You guys compete me.

Thank you for that.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Compete”? Or “compLete”?

“Shut up…just shut up…(gif)”


As our Tox pointed out, ‘complete’ was intended.

But when life hands you a happy accident turn that MF into accidentade. It’s like lemonade but occasionally leads to insurance claims, face bruising, or even kids… or all three if that’s your bag.


I don’t get it. This is where the poop comes from. Poop smells malodorous to me.


Never before seen AFAIK. I don’t see an insurrection but then, my cheaters are dirty.


Too bad a good guy with a steel-toe boot wasn’t rounding the corner at that moment…a kick to the chin and that degenerate wouldn’t smell anything ever again.


Nor eat for awhile.


Bum looker. Cheeky little monkey.


Just in… Butt-smeller won’t face charges for failing to register as a sex offender:


“Glendale Police booked [this giant piece of shit] into jail again on Thursday for the 43rd time since 2005 in Los Angeles County alone.”

I have a cure. It involves hemp…