…and the ACORN hits keep coming

| September 14, 2009

James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, the “pimp” and “hooker” show from BigGovernment.com also went on the road to New York City and scored with the ACORN crowd there, too. From the New York Post;

As in prior videos released by the filmmaking team of James O’Keefe, 25, and Hannah Giles, 20, employees of the group — which specializes in housing and voter activism — were eager to dispense advice on gaming the system and skirting the law.

“You know, what goes on in the house we don’t care,” one counselor said. “We just help you with the mortgage.”

Here’s the videos;

Yeah, ACORN said the first one was an isolated incident. So isolated that James and Hannah will probably tire out before they run out of offices to investigate.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Breaking News, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Frankly Opinionated

The activities of ACORN are acceptable to the Democrats, while 2 teacher/coach types offering a prayer at a school function are not acceptable.
ACLU, ACORN, and Obama are the Democrats prime tools in the destruction of America. What a party! Despicable actions.
We are so screwed!
God Save The USA, PLEASE!
nuf sed

Casey J Porter

While I do not advocate violence, after I saw those two films, all I could think was “Kill them all.”. Once again, I do not advocate it, but when it comes to hurting children, my anger goes through the roof.


FYI, Mr Pimp is probably going to jail. Apparently no one remembers Linda Tripp having to fight off the Maryland AG office for recording Monica’s blowjob confessions…looks like they might want to take James O’Keefe down for his little expose.


in NYS, only 1 party’s consent is required for the taping and the law does NOT specify which party it is. So, no, Mr. Pimp is NOT going to jail for the NYC part…