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Another Trump assassination attempt?

| September 15, 2024 | 63 Comments
Another Trump assassination attempt?

Here we go again. Reports out of West Palm Beach are that shots were fired “in the vicinity” of Trump, who was golfing at his resort there. According to The Independent, not a very Trump-friendly outlet mind you, the target was Trump. That’s if you can believe the media, and who in this day and […]

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Israelis take out Shukur, Beirut Marine bomb leader

| July 31, 2024 | 34 Comments
Israelis take out Shukur, Beirut Marine bomb leader

Twelve Israeli children were killed by an Iranian Falaq rocket only supplied to Hezbollah over the weekend near the Golan Heights. The strike left a crater about 2 yards wide, breaking through the carpet of artificial grass where the children were playing. Around it were scattered burned-out bicycles and scooters, some electric bikes with their […]

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Biden to award two MoHs tomorrow

| July 2, 2024 | 29 Comments
Biden to award two MoHs tomorrow

On Wednesday, 3 July, two of Andrews’ Raiders will receive posthumous Medals of Honor for their role in the successful Union raid. Prior to this, Lieutenant (Brevet Lieutenant Colonel) Alonzo Cushing was the Medal of Honor recipient most divorced from the date of action (3 July 1863) and date of award (19 December 2014), at […]

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Assange Released

| June 25, 2024 | 20 Comments
Assange Released

Julian Assange Wikileaks’ creator Julian Assange was wanted by US authorities on espionage charges for publication of hundreds of thousands of sensitive government documents supplied by former Army intelligence analyst Bradly Manning in 2010 and 2011. He spent the last five years in an English high security prison after being forced to leave the Ecuadorian […]

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Donald Sutherland passes, age 88

| June 20, 2024 | 24 Comments
Donald Sutherland passes, age 88

We tend not to post articles about the deaths of celebrities unless they were veterans, such as yesterday’s Willie Mays post. Donald Sutherland has passed at the age of 88. Sutherland was a Canadian, and was not a veteran of their military or ours. I am mentioning his death though, because Donald Sutherland played some of the […]

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Maybe, just maybe, there’s some hope for this country

| May 2, 2024 | 56 Comments
Maybe, just maybe, there’s some hope for this country

In the on-going “protests” around American campuses in support of Palestine and their Hamas terrorist leaders, there’s a lot to bring your hope for the future down. Drag queens unironically leading children in chants of “Free Palestine”, when merely being LGBT in Gaza will get you thrown off a roof. People ripping down the American […]

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Francis Scott Key Bridge Disaster Analysis

| March 27, 2024 | 67 Comments
Francis Scott Key Bridge Disaster Analysis

Francis Scott Key Bridge, Baltimore Maryland Step back from the hype and hysteria. Immediate effects and second order ramifications- the How and Why left to further investigation as appropriate. Fair winds and following seas.

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Ronny Jackson lied about being an admiral?

| March 7, 2024 | 34 Comments
Ronny Jackson lied about being an admiral?

Most readers here will be familiar with Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX). Before he was elected to Congress in 2020 he was the 1st Chief Medical Advisor to the President (Trump), was Physician to the President (Obama and Trump), and worked in the White House medical office since the mid-2000s (GW Bush and Obama). As a […]

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