Survey: 28% of Democrats felt that America would be better off with Donald Trump assassination

| September 20, 2024 | 16 Comments

A Napolitan News Service survey of 1,000 registered voters revealed that 28% of Democrats believe that the U.S. would have been better had Donald Trump been assassinated. The survey found that 24% of Democrats were unsure of whether the country would bet better off or not. Among the Republican respondents, 7% felt the same way as the 28% of Democrats.

From Napolitan News Service:

That figure includes 28% of Democrats who say that America would have been better off if Trump had been assassinated. Another 24% of Democrats were not sure. Fewer than half (48%) of Democrats could bring themselves to say that America would not be better off if the opposing party’s candidate for president had been assassinated.

Scott Rasmussen, president of RMG Research, said “It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered.”

Despite two assassination attempts in two months, just over half of all Democrats (51%) don’t see a need to increase Trump’s security detail. Among all voters, 62% think Trump’s security should be increased and 32% disagree.

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Democrats think it’s at least somewhat likely that Trump himself or the Trump campaign was involved with the assassination attempt, with 21% saying it was very likely. Fifty-two percent (52%) of Republicans think it’s at least somewhat likely that the Democratic Party or the Harris campaign was involved, with 28% saying it’s very likely.

Additional Reading:

Napolitan News Service Editors. (2024, September 18). 17% say America would be better off if Trump had been killed. Napolitan News Service. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Democrats, Donald Trump, Society

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My fellow Americans have gone off the rails. An assassination of any political leader is never a good thing.


Can we see a list of these would be assassins?


I’m going to go ahead disagree and point out the 28% of Americans would be better off if Donald Trump were assassinated. Deep down in their black little hearts They know that they are completely worthless, unable to do anything productive and that they will forever be on a leash to their masters. They’ve either made so many poor choices with their life that they don’t have any other options or they are completely untrainable.

To them, Trump’s death would be a good thing. They tend to be the loudest cheerleaders and the biggest deniers every time he gets attacked.

They aren’t interested in the preservation of a free society, they know they can’t survive in it.

Last edited 1 hour ago by 5JC

I’m surprised its only 28%…
Now, imagine if you will that a poll was released where 28% of Republicans thought the country would be better off with Camel-a “out of the picture”? The screeching from the Left/MSM/DNC would make fingernails on a chalk board sound like Beethoven.

I did see a meme where Joe Biden promised that the next assassin would be a women of color…

Old tanker

All that means is that a significant number of demokrats are highly tuned into the propaganda the dems put out. It has been nonstop since before the deplorables term. Now the blatant hatred machine is just spewing on anyone who dares disagree with the dem agenda. It’s all maga extremists this and that until there simply is no neutral ground / party.

I’m not surprised at the attempts, I had been expecting them for a few months before the first. You can’t have that degree of character assassination of the opposition and not expect some “useful idiot / tool” won’t act upon it. It’s pretty damn obvious a lot of the dems are less than rooted in reality, including members of this administration and the dem party HQ.


Yes, and like this one, they want to go there:


Still can’t understand the TDS that some have. Yeah, Bad Orange Man is loud, obnoxious, and opinionated. A quick look at what things cost 4 years ago and what they cost today, along with the state of the world should tell anybody with more than two (2) brain cells that we were way yonder better off, financially, then than we are now. I miss $1.87 gas, $1.99 boneless skinless chicken titties, the list goes on. I also miss mean tweets.

Phuque ’em!


comment image


My three brain cells are working overtime, and help me see that attributing inflation to Biden is like attributing 9/11 to Bush, ignoring that the results come long after the causes. If you think we wouldn’t have had inflation had Trump won in 2020, I have a bridge to sell you.

I loathe Trump, as you know. Yet I also have no problem with people who vote for him because they like certain policies of his. But he hasn’t given any indication of a policy or a plan -nor even a ‘concept of a plan’- about how he’d bring prices back to those levels. Plenty of Americans see that, and I bet you would too, if you think about it.


“But XX hasn’t given any indication of a policy or a plan -nor even a ‘concept of a plan’- about how (they would) bring prices back to those levels. Plenty of Americans see that, and I bet you would too, if you think about it.“

Well that goes both ways. Harris’ “promises” depend upon the successful implementation of horrible policies/practices that would only make things far worse. But hey — at least she’s got shitty ideas, right?

As a former professor of mine said in 2016 — “I’d rather fail as a nation under a president I like than prosper under one I don’t.”



To be clear, I wasn’t saying Harris has a plan for dealing with inflation either — I was just pointing out that thinking we wouldn’t be in a similar boat had Trump won in 2020 is folly.

Again, as Americans, I respect your right to vote for whomever you think is best, and if you like Trump, so be it. But let’s not attribute magical thinking to either candidate.


Inflation should be over unless they go ahead and start making it rain so that they can buy some votes.


I’ll agree that there would have been some inflation were he president due to an uneven economy restart, but they made it much worse with their huge spending packages and handouts. None of that stuff was necessary everybody had pent up money. They also made it worse by cutting oil production and harming distribution.

People already had plenty of money to buy stuff There just wasn’t anything for sale. Then they gave them more money to buy stuff. So of course prices went up.

Last edited 36 minutes ago by 5JC
Dennis - not chevy

I’m always amazed how boiler rooms can annoy thousands of people a day and still keep at it; while the polling companies can annoy one thousand people and call their work done.


Youtuber Mark Dice sells a very similar t-shirt, and I’m sure others do as well.
