Chicago schools: Pass, amigo

| September 21, 2024 | 5 Comments

WGN News Chicago reports that multiple public schools have reported that they have been instructed to pass immigrant kids without regard to how well they do or don’t do in school. Note that Chicago has some of  the highest-spending school districts in the country – so where is the education money being spent?

Chicago Public Schools teachers were instructed by school officials to give migrant students passing grades and promote them to the next grade, “even if the students displayed severe academic deficiencies,” a new report claims.

WGN News reported that “multiple” teachers from different schools within the district reached out to them to expose the troubling trend.

One teacher said she was told to give one of her students a “C” in all her grades and pass her along to the third grade despite testing at “kindergarten level.”

Another teacher revealed that school officials directly told him during a training to promote migrant students to the next grade.

As can be expected, Chicago Public Schools deny this:

Chicago Public Schools CEO Dr. Pedro Martinez told WGN that migrant students and U.S. students are held to the same academic standards. He also claimed “over 90%” have bilingual support programs in their schools.

Oh yeah?

According to the report, many migrants have settled in Black neighborhoods where schools are not typically equipped with programs for non-English speakers.

“They’ve been assigned to teachers or assigned to classrooms where nobody speaks Spanish … so there’s a significant language barrier,” WGN News’ Sylvia Snowden reported.

One teacher described having to use Google Translate and relying on the Spanish teacher to translate to communicate with her migrant student “for the entire year,” Snowden said.

Those are the fortunate ones…can you imagine the class without any linguistic support at all? “Put-o on your shoe-o, Jose!”

“However, once confronted with our reporting, a CPS spokesperson acknowledged in a statement that the district’s promotion guidelines are ‘modified to serve the specialized needs of English Language Learners,’” WGN reported.

Modified… as in “thrown out the window.”

The district also claimed that ESL students who enrolled in the school during the last quarter of the school year were put in summer school programs to improve their English literacy. Teachers who spoke to WGN disputed this claim, saying “none” of their students were enrolled in summer school.  Fox News

I guess technically is two of the students actually were sent to ESL the school district would be accurate… but with 48,000 recent immigrants landing in Chicago, empirically that is more accurately described as “next to none.”

I expect to see Chicago kids graduating in the foreseeable future who can’t speak a word of English,  huh? Of course, having heard recordings of some of the other brain surgeons already graduating from their schools, the only difference will  be their particular patois.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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The great replacement meets idiocracy..


Public Schooling is quite old. ShiShi High School in China, which is still in operation, was founded 2150 years ago. Public schools existed before that going back at least 4000 years.

Homeschool was mostly for trades people who were going to pickup whatever trade their father was in. Farmer peasants learned how to farm.

If they didn’t need to know how to read and write it was never learned. Same goes for all other subjects. So few people work a skilled trade in their own business anymore that very few are home schooled to learn a useful trade. Mostly it is for other reasons.


The liberal government is doing their very best to hide all the bad decisions of the last four years but nothing can stay hidden forever.

Old tanker

So what else is new. “Social promotion” has been a standard item for more than a couple decades now. Can’t hurt the kids widdle feelers ya know by holding them back and requiring, actual performance at grade level for promotion.


Plus, ignorant peasants are FAR easier to rule over…